Pliant Gloves -- "Liquid Form" Requirement?

Rules Questions

I've done some searching for the "liquid form" construction requirement for pliant gloves (Ultimate Equipment), but with no success. The only thing I can find which is called that is a spell-like ability of the Water Yai Oni. It seems unlikely that only a Water Yai Oni was intended to be able to meet this requirement.

The liquid form ability that the Water Yai Oni has is a variation of the "gaseous form" spell. Should the pliant gloves requirement referred to that instead (which is to say, is this an editing error)?


I think they meant to require Fluid Form:

Spell Text:

School transmutation [water]; Level alchemist 4, sorcerer/wizard 6

Casting Time 1 standard action
Components S, M (a mixture of oil and water)

Range personal
Targets you
Duration 1 minute/level

Paizo Peripheral

This content is from material published by Paizo Publishing, LLC, but is not part of the Pathfinder Core Rules.
When you cast this spell, your body takes on a slick, oily appearance. For the duration of this spell, your form can stretch and shift with ease and becomes slightly transparent, as if you were composed of liquid. This transparency is not enough to grant concealment. You gain DR 10/slashing and your reach increases by 10 feet. In addition, you can pass through small holes or narrow openings, even mere cracks, with anything you were carrying at the time the spell was cast (except other creatures). Finally, you can move through water with a swim speed of 60 feet and can breathe both water and air for the duration of this effect. You are treated as if you had the water subtype while this spell is in effect.

Thanks, O11O1! That makes a lot better sense.


O11O1 wrote:

I think they meant to require Fluid Form:

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