[FROG GOD GAMES] Three New Adventures from the Frogs

Product Discussion

Pathfinder Lead Developer, Frog God Games

While everyone here in Froggieland is gearing up for the super-duper, amazing, mind-blowing* release of the Razor Coast Kickstarter,I wanted to drop a quick line and announce that we have just released three new adventures for both PF RPG and Swords & Wizardry version, lest they become lost in the great tsunami that Razor Coast will be. These are way cool, so don't miss out. Here's a quick preview to whet your appetites:

NS4: Blood on the Snow

The long-awaited fourth installment in the Northlands Saga series by the incomparable Kenneth Spencer:

The country of Estenfird is in flames. Wild men and beasts have descended in hordes from the mountains bringing fire and destruction into the forested lands below. The hirths of the North have been called forth to defense, but with the heavy snows of winter delaying travel will their arrival be in time to save this frontier realm? Even the heroic Protector of Estenfird, Hengrid Donarsdottir, is hard pressed and has called upon all heroes to come to their aid. It is time to don arms and armor and brave the winter’s wrath to come to the defense of Estenfird in its hour of need.

NS4: Blood on the Snow is an adventure for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Swords & Wizardy Complete Rules designed for a party of four to six characters of 8th to 10th level. Like all the Northlands Saga adventures, Blood on the Snow can be used on its own, as part of the saga, or as part of an ongoing campaign. It is designed for use with the Northlands setting available from Frog God Games but can easily dropped into any campaign the GM chooses.

As with the other adventures in the Northlands Saga, this is a true Viking adventure. So if you like war cries, big axes, and anachronistic helmets with giant horns on them you'll want to check this out. Here's a link.

Next up-

SNS3: Ice Tower of the Salka

Another of the Saturday Night Specials series, this adventure takes your players into the freezing wilderness. Sixty years ago, a mysterious flood of glacial ice utterly buried the tower stronghold of the Salka, a powerful and evil sorceress known throughout the land. Now, fissuring of the deep ice has revealed the rooftop of this lost tower. The secrets and treasurers of the Salka lie within, awaiting a band of powerful adventurers to explore the depths of her ice-entombed stronghold.

An adventure for PCs Level 8-12

Formats (separate purchase) Swords & Wizardry and Pathfinder

Authors: James C. Boney

Okay, so I haven't actually read this one yet, however, it came through the development desk of my counterpart Matt Finch who brought forth such classics as the Jungle Ruins of Madero-Shanti and The Spire of Iron and Crystal which are great examples of old-school dungeon crawl. Like those, I believe this one was written originally for S&W and converted to PF, so it is a true old-school classic in the making if his prior development projects are any indication. Linky.

And finally-

SNS4: The Mires of Mourning

Another of the Saturday Night Specials series. Adventurers are needed for a simple job: escort a catatonic prisoner of value to the Crown to a sanitarium where he can be safely held for treatment. What could be easier? But the sanitarium lies at the heart of the Creeping Mire, and it’s the rainy season. No patrols or contacts have been able to get through in weeks. What dangers await along the Swamp Road, and why don’t they want the prisoner to reach the sanitarium? And why does the sanitarium staff want the adventurers to place the prisoner in their care and leave as quickly as possible? What secrets are held within the mute man’s head that some would kill for…or worse?

The Mires of Mourning is a Frog God Games adventure for 4-6 characters of 6th level with versions for the Pathfinder and Swords & Wizardry roleplaying games. Set in the generic Frog God Games setting for easy portability into your favorite campaign world. Players must brave the treacherous Swamp Road through the Creeping Mire in order to reach the Mourninghaven Sanitorium. The dangers within that decrepit hospice may be more fearsome than the dreaded swamp itself.

Formats (separate purchase) Swords and Wizardry and Pathfinder

Authors: Greg A. Vaughan and Kevin Wright

This is my favorite of the three (okay, I might be just a touch biased), but it's a great little adventure. I ran playtests for it at both ReaperCon and North Texas RPG Con to excellent reviews from the players. So if you like a little mystery mixed in with your madhouse, dungeon/swamp slog, then this is definitely the purchase for you. As always, here's a link.

I hope these are of interest, and I look forward to hearing everyone's thoughts of them before all rational thought is blotted out by the behemoth of Razor Coast.

Stay froggie!

Your Humble Frogster, Greg

*Individual adjective results may vary.

Well I want to add those to my collection, are they going up on Paizo as Print/PDF bundles soon?

I see they're up on talesofthefroggod but at 25$ postage per 2 books I prefer to add them to my Paizo subs if possible

Dark Archive

Done and done.

Pathfinder Lead Developer, Frog God Games

mach1.9pants wrote:

Well I want to add those to my collection, are they going up on Paizo as Print/PDF bundles soon?

I see they're up on talesofthefroggod but at 25$ postage per 2 books I prefer to add them to my Paizo subs if possible

I hear you, mach1.9pants. I'm sure they will, but I don't know the exact time frame yet. We try to get everything for sale through Paizo as soon as we can.

Sweet as Greg, I can wait as long as the bundles are going to come up here.

The Mires of Mourning is an excellent adventure, I got the wonderful opportunity to run thru it with Greg at NTRPG Con in June. It was first time I have gotten to play Pathfinder at a Con. Great fun, I am looking forward to what Greg is going to have at NTRPG Con 2013.

Pathfinder Lead Developer, Frog God Games

Thanks, Zarathos! Glad you enjoyed it. I had a blast running it.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

I've really enjoyed the two adventures written by Scott Casper (Jungle Ruins of Madori Shanti and Castle Baldemar). He's got a good eye for puzzles and traps. Hoping to see more stuff by him and maybe Mr. Pett in future releases.

Pathfinder Lead Developer, Frog God Games

We've got stuff for Pett that should be announced in 2013. Don't know what we've got in line for Casper at this point.

Can you post in this thread when those are up as bundles on Paizo? So I don't miss them


Pathfinder Lead Developer, Frog God Games

I'll post when they let me know they're up.


Cheers :)

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