Greater Trip AoO, prone or not?

Rules Questions

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I feel like we're getting distracted but... Huh? How does tripping someone provoke for your teammates? Are you assuming everyone has paired opportunists?

That's what greater trip does, cause someone you trip to provoke AoOs. Not just from the tripper, but in general.

Holy ballsack. You're right.

That just makes me even more sure that my interpretation must be right because of how nuts that would be.

Still though... even with my interpretation in order to prevent that scenario you would either need the definition of success to not be changed (ie can't be successful unless you make them prone) or you need to say that being immune to prone (and already being prone is being immune to prone, you can't have the condition applied repetitiously) prevents someone from even attempting to trip you.

Based on the rules that Kazaan has already cited I don't see how we're going to get out of this through simple interpretation... I think the wording is just busted. I could be wrong though.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Forseti wrote:
That's what greater trip does, cause someone you trip to provoke AoOs. Not just from the tripper, but in general.

OMG! You're right! That just made my day!

My trip fighter is even MORE awesome than I thought.

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