Pony (MLP:FIM) race


Hello everyone! I'm new to the forums (though I've been lurking around for awhile) and relatively new to Pathfinder as well~

I've been planning on running a 'Ponyfinder' game for some Brony friends of mine. Naturally, I started looking around for homebrewed Pony races, but couldn't find much to my liking and decided to create my own, using the Advanced Race Guide. 3-4 months later, and I had finished the race. Originally I was going to post it here, but, deciding that it wasn't quite up to standards, posted it on two Pbp forums asking for advice, so what you're seeing now is slightly less rough than what I had originally came up with. I'd love to hear thoughts on this -almost- finished product and am willing to take advice on the mechanics.



Overview: n/a

Physical Description: n/a

Society: n/a

Relations: n/a

Alignment and Religion: n/a

Adventurers: n/a

Names: n/a

Pony Ages
Adult, 5 years; Middle Aged, 10 years; Old, 15 years; Venerable, 20 years.
Maximum Age: +1d6.
Random Starting Age: Intuitive (+1d2 years) (Barbarians, Rogues, Oracles, and Sorcerers), Self-Trained (+1d3 years) (Cavaliers, Bards, Fighters, Gunslingers, Paladins, Rangers, Summoners, and Witches), Trained (+1d6 years) (Alchemists, Clerics, Druids, Inquisitors, Magi, Monks, and Wizards).

Pony Height, Length and Weight
Base Height: 2 ft. 6 in. (Hoof to Head)
Base Length: 4 ft. 3 in. (Muzzle to Haunch)
Height and Length Modifier: +2d4 in.
Base Weight: 55 lbs.
Weight Modifier: +2d4 lbs.

Base Height: 2 ft. 4 in. (Hoof to Head)
Base Length: 4 ft. 1 in. (Muzzle to Haunch)
Height and Length Modifier: +2d4 in.
Base Weight: 50 lbs.
Weight Modifier: +2d4 lbs.

Standard Racial Traits

  • Ability Score Racial Traits: Ponies characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
  • Size: Ponies are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on their combat maneuver checks and to Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
  • Type: Ponies are Outsiders with the Native subtype and ties to Equestria
  • Base Speed: Ponies have a base speed of 40 feet.
  • Languages: Ponies begin play speaking Equestrian. Ponies with high intelligence scores do not gain bonus languages.

Feat and Skill Racial Traits

  • Bonus Feat: Ponies select one extra feat at 1st level.
  • Heart of the Fields: Ponies are used to hard labor. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their character level to any one Craft or Profession skill, and once per day they may ignore an effect that would cause them to become fatigued or exhausted.

Senses Racial Traits

  • Darkvision: Ponies can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
  • Low-Light Vision: Ponies can see twice as far in conditions of dim light.

Other Racial Traits

  • Equestrian: Ponies can only wear armor that can be made into barding and use the table for a medium mount but at a half weight reduction.
  • Herbivore: Ponies cannot eat or digest meat and thus cannot eat standard travel rations (as it's mostly salted/dried meat). However, they can eat things such as flowers and grass. When making a Survival check to get along in the wild (or in an urban enviroment), Ponies can choose to 'lower their standards' and halve the DC, eating grass and whatever flora they can find. Ponies that succeed this check are treated as having eaten a ration of wandermeal.
  • Peaceful Nature: Unlike other Outsiders and Native Outsiders Ponies lack the natural proficiency with weapons and armor.
  • Quadruped: Ponies gain a +4 bonus to CMD. They are capable of performing any action that can be done one-handed without difficulty (by using their mouths). However, any action that requires the use of two hands proves impossible (including but not limited to; wielding two-handed weaponry and certain ranged weapons). Ponies with the Horned alternate racial trait can bypass this restriction so long as they can use their ability.

Alternate Racial Traits
The following alternate racial traits may be selected in place of one or more of the standard racial traits above.

  • Child of the Night Some ponies have eyes and ears that make them more suited to the dark and quiet night rather than the bright and busy day. These ponies gain darkvision with a range of 90 feet and blindsense with a range of 30 feet, but are automatically dazzled in bright light and take a –2 penalty on saving throws against effects with the light descriptor. This racial trait replaces the Darkvision and Low-Light Vision traits.

  • Crystalline Heart Some Ponies hail from the mythical Crystal Empire, wielding strange and new powers that all of Equestria has yet to see. These Ponies have reflective, crystalline skin that grants them a +2 racial bonus to AC against rays. Once per day, they can deflect a single ray attack targeted at them as if they were using the Deflect Arrows feat. They can also, once per day, cause a touched piece of crystal or gem to grow into an object weighing up to 10 pounds, such as a sword, crowbar, or light shield. This object remains in this form for 10 minutes or until broken or destroyed, at which point it shrinks back to its original size and shape. Finally, as a 1/day Supernatural Ability, they can will the earth to rumble and shift, transforming a 10-foot-radius patch of earth, unworked stone, or sand into an area of crystals acting as difficult terrain centered on a square it can touch. This lasts for a number of minutes equal to the user's level, after which the ground returns to normal. This trait replaces the Heart of the Fields and Bonus Feat traits.

  • Dragon Descendant Dragon blood courses through a select few, as the result of some dragon and pony union or dragon blessing (or curse) hundreds of years ago. These ponies gain a natural armor bonus of 1 and a spell resistance equal to 6 + their character level, they may not willingly lower their spell resistance. This trait replaces the Heart of the Fields trait.

  • Fleet-Winged As Winged, except the pony gains a Fly speed of 50' and maneuverability of Average. This racial trait replaces the Heart of the Fields and Bonus Feat traits.

  • Heart of the Wilderness Some ponies have a closer bond to nature than others. They gain a racial bonus equal to half their character level to the Handle Animal skill, and once per day may communicate with any plant or animal (lasts for the entire conversation). This trait replaces the Heart of the Fields trait.

  • Horned Some ponies are born with a spiral horn in the center of their forehead that allow them to use magic to manipulate objects. These ponies are treated as having two incorporeal (invisible, magical) 'arms' that emit from the tip of their horn (Treated as off-hands. Reach, 5 feet). This trait replaces the Heart of the Fields trait.

  • Mule Some ponies are just more stubborn than others. At 1st level gain Great Fortitude and Iron Will as bonus feats. This trait replaces the Bonus Feat trait.

  • Ties to the Griffon Lands Some Ponies are born in the harsh eastern lands, constantly on the alert for predators. These Ponies receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments; Improved Initiative as a bonus feat, and a +1 bonus to their CMD. This trait replaces the Heart of the Fields and Bonus feat traits.

  • Water Child There are legends of ponies that live in water rather than on dry land, with fins instead of legs. These ponies treat all land as difficult terrain but gain a swim speed of 40 feet, the amphibious racial trait (can breathe air and water), and fast healing 2 for 1 round anytime they submerge completely within a body of natural salt water, fresh water, or brackish water (Stagnant, poisoned, or trapped water (such as water within an artificial pit or a bag of holding) does not activate this ability), healing up to 2 hit points per level per day. This trait replaces the Bonus Feat and Heart of the Field traits.

  • Winged Ponies are often born with wings that allow them to soar effortlessly through the sky, but they end up spending most of their time learning how to fly. Ponies with this racial trait can choose to treat clouds as solid objects as an Swift Action, they also gain a set of beautiful butterfly, dragon, insectine, or feathered wings that give them a Fly speed of 30' and maneuverability of Clumsy. These abilities are considered Magical and do not function in a Anti-Magic field or similar area. This racial trait replaces the Bonus Feat trait.

Racial Subtypes
You can combine various alternate racial traits to create subraces or variant races, such as the following.

  • Unicorn Pony: Replace the Heart of the Fields trait with Horned.
  • Earth Pony: Do not replace any racial traits.
  • Pegasus Pony: Replace the Heart of the Fields and Bonus Feat traits with Winged (feathered) or Fleet-Winged (feathered).
  • Moon Pony: Replace the Bonus Feat, Heart of the Fields, Darkvision, and Low-Light Vision with Child of the Night, Dragon Descendant, and Winged (dragon).
  • Sea Pony: Replace the Heart of the Fields and Bonus Feat traits with Water Child.
  • Flutter Pony: Replace the Bonus Feat and Heart of the Field traits with Winged (butterfly) and Heart of the Wilderness.
  • Alicorn Pony: Replace the Heart of the Fields, and Bonus Feat traits with Horned, and Winged (feathered).
  • Donkey Pony: Replace the Bonus Feat trait with Mule..
  • Zebra Pony: Replace the Heart of the Fields and Bonus Feat traits with Ties to the Griffon Land.
  • Crystal Pony: Replace the Heart of the Fields and Bonus Feat traits with Crystalline Heart

Bumping the thread~

Good luck with this. I seem to recall several efforts at making "Ponyfinder", with some Pony-suitable subdomains showing up in the Blood of Angels book from Paizo about the aasimar.

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