Windsong Abbey????

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Besides the blurbs that have been given in a few products is there anymore information out there for this site?

Thanks in advance.

The next Adventure Path (#64) takes place there.

Silver Crusade

chrids wrote:
The next Adventure Path (#64) takes place there.

Well, in its ruins (according to the blurb).

Which is a pity. A fully functioning abbey would fit much better into my current campaign . I have no interest in another giant infested dungeon

pauljathome wrote:
chrids wrote:
The next Adventure Path (#64) takes place there.

Well, in its ruins (according to the blurb).

Which is a pity. A fully functioning abbey would fit much better into my current campaign . I have no interest in another giant infested dungeon

I agree right now I was hoping for more, sounds like I get a chance to improvise! ;)

Paizo Employee Creative Director


There's enough information in Pathfinder #64 that you could present Windsong Abbey as "un-ruined." And the map, while it does have a few destroyed buildings, is still quite usable as an abbey map. And cleansing the abbey and getting it back up and running is in fact one of the side missions that the PCs can go on in this adventure.

Oh. And there's a LOT more than giants infesting Windsong. Giants are actually pretty minor as it worked out... most of the giants in this Adventure Path ended up in Part 5.

Excellent!! I have a pc who has a monk cohort coming from Windsong and we have just started part 3 of the Rise Anniversary Edition...

I have to admit that I saw the thread title, and immediately thought of that Victorian-era British soap opera on PBS, and was wondering why this thread wasn't on the TV board...

D'oh! That's Downton Abbey!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Haladir wrote:

I have to admit that I saw the thread title, and immediately thought of that Victorian-era British soap opera on PBS, and was wondering why this thread wasn't on the TV board...

D'oh! That's Downton Abbey!

It's not Victorian era. Victoria only just made it into the 20th century, and all of Downton Abbey takes place considerably later than that. Notable background events from the series include the sinking of the Titanic (1912) in the first episode, and the first World War (1914-1918).

Okay-- I've never actually watched the show. Not my cup of tea. I thought it was set in the 1890s.

Back to the OP-- in the Runelords timeline, everything points to Windsong Abbey as still in operation, although much diminished from its heyday before the Age of Lost Omens. I'm guessing that the destruction of the abbey that's hinted at for Beyond the Doomsday Door must have happened within the past two or three years.

Looking forward to the next installment of "Shattered Star!"


Haladir wrote:
Not my cup of tea.

I see what you did there.

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