shane.morales |

I need a quick and easy way to make a regular Kobold into a CR 2 or 3 Kobold. I haven't ever really messed around with this sort of thing before so I'm not very sure how to go about doing something like this other than building class leveled kobolds (way too much work for my needs). Maybe some simple templates?
Any help is appreciated.

Atarlost |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I would think class levels would be pretty light work. The base Kobold is a level 1 warrior. Warrior adds nothing but BAB, saves, hitpoints, feats, and stat bumps. Warriors are a pretty simple class. The only hard part is feats. Just decide you'll use something simple like dodge and toughness. It should be quicker than reading the responses to this thread. Then you've got a CR2 and CR3 kobold you can reuse to your heart's content.

Arizhel |

HeroLabs says this is 3 CR.... MUAH HA HA HAH HAAA
Could add a dogslicer and scale mail, but that would be mean... So add a crossbow instead.
Tactics: Casts Bless before combat begins. Fires Crossbow, Light: +3 1d6 19-20/x2
then hides again at +12 (base +22 Stealth, minus 10 for Sniping (Feat) = +12)
If someone spots her, uses crossbow until they close then she uses Color Spray, if she can hit more than one target, otherwise Bane, then nothing but Color Spray. Once she has the party completely unconscious, or is out of spells and has at least one person unconscious, she draws her Spear: +3, 1d6 x3 for Coup de Grace.
Kobold Oracle Worm that Walks
Kobold, White Oracle 2
CE Small Vermin (augmented humanoid, reptilian)
Init +5; Senses blindsight, darkvision; Perception +17
AC 20, touch 18, flat-footed 15 (+5 Dex, +1 size, +2 natural)
hp 15 (2d8+6); fast healing 3
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +5
Defensive Abilities worm that walks traits; DR 15/-; Immune flanking, critical hits, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep
Weakness oracle's curses (blackened), light sensitivity
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Slam (Discorporate) +2 (1d6 plus grab/x2)
Special Attacks discorporate, grab, squirming embrace (1d6+0) (dc 14)
Oracle Spells Known (CL 2):
1 (5/day) Bane (DC 13), Bless, Color Spray (DC 13), Burning Hands (DC 13), Cure Light Wounds
0 (at will) Bleed (DC 12), Read Magic, Detect Magic, Guidance, Vigor
Str 10, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 15
Base Atk +1; CMB +0 (+8 Grappling); CMD 21
Feats Diehard, Kobold Sniper
Skills Diplomacy +7, Fly +12, Perception +17, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +22, Survival +7
Languages Common, Draconic, Undercommon
Other Gear 150 GP
Special Abilities
Awesome Display -2 (Su) Your Illusion (pattern) spells treat observers as 2 HD lower than their actual HD.
Blackened Your hands and forearms are shriveled and blackened. You take a –4 penalty on weapon attack rolls
Blindsight (30 feet) Sense things and creatures without seeing them.
Damage Reduction (15/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Diehard You are stable and can choose how to act when at -1 to -9 HP.
Discorporate (Su) A worm that walks can collapse into a shapeless swarm of worms
as a free action. All held, worn, and carried items fall and its Strength score drops to 1. The worm that walks functions as a true swarm while discorporated, with a reach of 0 feet (its space remains unchanged). While discorporated, the worm that walks loses all of its defensive abilities and gains all of the standard swarm traits. It loses its slam attacks and all special abilities and special attacks, but can make a swarm attack that deals damage equal to its engulf attack. A worm that walks can reform into its true form (including equipping all gear in reach) as a full-round action as long as it has at least 1 hit point.
Fast Healing 3 (Ex) You heal damage every round if you have > 1 HP.
Grab (Medium) (Ex) You can start a grapple as a free action if you hit with the designated weapon.
Immune to Flanking You are immune to flanking.
Immunity to Critical Hits You are immune to Critical Hits
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Immunity to Paralysis You are immune to paralysis.
Immunity to Poison You are immune to poison.
Immunity to Sleep You are immune to sleep effects.
Kobold Cryomania +1 to the save DC of all cold spells you cast.
Kobold Sniper You only take a -10 Stealth penalty when sniping.
Light Sensitivity (Ex) Dazzled as long as they remain in bright light.
Squirming Embrace (1d6+0) (DC 14) (Ex) If a worm that walks grapples a foe, as a swift action, it can cause a swarm of worms to squirm over the grappled creature. These worms deal automatic swarm damage with no attack roll needed (see the table below). If a creature takes damage from the
Worm that Walks Traits A worm that walks has no discernible anatomy, and is not subject to critical hits or flanking. Reducing a worm that walks to 0 hit points causes it to discorporate (see below)—a worm that walks at 0 hit points is staggered, and one at negative hit points is dying. Worms that walk are immune to any physical spell or effect that targets a specific number of creatures (including single-target spells such as disintegrate), with the exception of such spells and effects generated by the worm that walks itself, which treat the worm that walks as one single creature if it so chooses. Mind-affecting effects that target single creatures function normally against a worm that walks, since the creature's individual components share a hive mind. A worm that walks takes half again as much damage (+50%) from damaging area effects, such as fireball and splash weapons. Worms that walk are susceptible to high winds—treat a worm that walks as a Fine creature for the purposes of determining wind effects.

shane.morales |

Arizhel: 8|
Holy wow... I don't know that I want to set that on my PCs just yet, but it's a way cool build. Perhaps later... this'll make an excellent NPC, perhaps as a reoccurring villian. Thanks for the effort.
Atarlost: Yeah, that's the sort of thing I was thinking. Simple stat bumps, a feat or two... guess I just need to hunker down and level up some kobolds and see what I can come up with.

Gluttony |

Low level worms that walk are just plain cruel. You can make a CR 1/2 one by sticking the template on a 1st level kobold adept, but it's definitely more than an unprepared low-level party will be able to handle (that DR. *shudders*). Also provokes the reaction of "What do you mean that was only worth 200 XP?!"
Anyways, I'll see if I can't make a few kobolds for you. Here's one off the top of my head, a pretty simple rogue. Use him in tight tunnels for hit-and-run tactics, a-la Tucker's Kobolds:
CR 2
XP 600
Kobold rogue 3
LE Small humanoid (reptilian) (Kobold: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, 183)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+3 armor +2 Dex +1 natural +1 size)
hp 19 (3d8 + 6)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2
Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense (+1)
Resist acid 5
Weaknesses light sensitivity
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk dagger +6 (1d3)
Ranged mwk dagger +6 (1d3)
Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Draconic Aspect (Black Dragon), Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics (3 ranks +3 class skill +2 Dex = +8)
Craft (Trapmaking) (3 ranks +3 class skill +1 Wis +2 racial mod = +9)
Disable Device (3 ranks +3 class skill +2 Dex = +8; +9 to disable traps)
Escape Artist (3 ranks +3 class skill +2 Dex = +8)
Perception (3 ranks +3 class skill +1 Wis +2 racial mod = +9)
Sleight of Hand (3 ranks +3 class skill +2 Dex = +8)
Stealth (3 ranks +3 class skill +4 size mod +2 Dex = +12)
Racial Modifiers +2 Craft (Trapmaking), +2 Perception, +2 Profession (Miner)
Languages Draconic
SQ trapfinding (+1), rogue talents (fast getaway)
Gear masterwork (small) dagger [x2], masterwork (small) studded leather armor, 1gp

John Templeton |

Here we have a kobold who has dedicated to using the very weapon that has slain many of his kind. He is a tunnel fighter who waits by his traps to strike with his 'unit' while the invaders are recovering. The thunderstone might be in said trap and if is in a place to watch the trap he will go ahead and start chewing the coal before the enemies set up the trap so he can use the breath attack as he comes in. After starting a fight he would use his hunter's companion's ability.
Unnamed Hero CR 2
XP 600
Kobold Ranger (Skirmisher) 4
LN Small Humanoid (reptilian)
Init +2; Senses darkvision; Perception +10
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +2 Dex, +1 size, +1 natural)
hp 27 (4d10+4)
Fort +5 (+4 vs. suffocation or hot or cold environments), Ref +6, Will +2
Weakness light sensitivity
Speed 30 ft.
Melee (M) Fire-Forged Steel Bastard sword +6 (1d10+1/19-20/x2)
Special Attacks favored enemy (humans +2)
Str 12, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Cleave, Endurance, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard sword), Weapon Focus (Bastard sword)
Skills Acrobatics +1, Bluff -1 (+1 vs. humans), Climb +0, Craft (traps) +7, Escape Artist +1, Fly +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7 (+9 vs. humans), Knowledge (nature) +7 (+9 vs. humans), Perception +10 (+12 vs. humans, +12 while in underground terrain), Ride +1, Sense Motive +1 (+3 vs. humans), Stealth +12 (+14 while in underground terrain), Survival +8 (+10 vs. humans, +10 while in underground terrain, +10 to track), Swim +0 (+4 vs. exhaustion)
Languages Draconic
SQ combat styles (two-handed weapon), designate up to 2 targets with hunting companions., favored terrain (underground +2), fire-forged steel, hunter's bonds (companions), track, wild empathy
Combat Gear Potion of cure light wounds, Alchemical coal, blinding cinders, Thunderstone; Other Gear +1 Chain shirt, Fire-Forged Steel Bastard sword, Artisan's tools, masterworkCraft (traps), Cave whistle, Ranger's kit, 25 PP, 1 GP
Special Abilities
Cleave If you hit a foe, attack an adjacent target at the same attack bonus but take -2 AC.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Designate up to 2 targets with Hunting Companions. Add +1/4 to the number of opponents the ranger may select when using hunter's bond to grant a bonus to allies. All selected creatures must be of the same type.
Endurance +4 to a variety of skill checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Favored Enemy (Humans +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs Favored Enemy (Humans).
Favored Terrain (Underground +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs Favored Terrain (Underground).
Fire-Forged Steel Dwarves stumbled across the secret of crafting fire-forged steel in an effort to make forge-friendly tools. It didn’t take them long to adapt its unique properties to arms and armor. Fire-forged steel channels heat in one direction to protect its wea
Hunting Companions (1 rounds) (Ex) Grant half favored enemy bonus to allies within 30' as move action.
Light Sensitivity (Ex) Dazzled as long as they remain in bright light.
Track +2 +2 to survival checks to track.
Wild Empathy +3 (Ex) Improve the atttitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.

John Templeton |

This Lv 3 Warrior is advance version of the kobold in the bestiary with the giant template added to it. I know it says CR 1 but he is more like CR 3/4 given that his equipment is not really right for his level, I think.
I made this as more of a run in surprise in mining caves to keep players on their toys.
Unnamed Hero CR 1
XP 400
Kobold Warrior 3
LE Medium Humanoid (reptilian)
Init +0; Senses darkvision; Perception +7
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+2 armor, +4 natural)
hp 20 (3d10+6)
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0
Weakness light sensitivity
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Masterwork Heavy pick +4 (1d6+4/x4)
Str 13, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats Power Attack -1/+2, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Craft (traps) +6, Perception +7, Profession (miner) +7
Languages Draconic
Other Gear Masterwork Leather armor, Masterwork Heavy pick, You have no money!
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Light Sensitivity (Ex) Dazzled as long as they remain in bright light.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.

Gluttony |

And here's another from me. This time just a very simple warrior, pretty much an expansion on the bestiary one. You can use his alchemical equipment for some interesting hit-and-run tactics (and oil of grease is great for squeezing through narrow tunnels that the PCs can't follow him through, or for improving one's escape artist checks) but when it boils down to a fight, this is the kobold that goes to the front, taking full attacks to get the most out of his spear:
CR 3
XP 800
Kobold warrior 6
LE Small humanoid (reptilian) (Kobold: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, 183)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8
AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+7 armor +2 Dex +1 natural +1 size)
hp 45 (6d10 + 12)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2
Weaknesses light sensitivity
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 spear +10/+5 (1d6+2)
Ranged +1 spear +11 (1d6+2)
Str 12, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +6; CMB +6; CMD 18
Feats Weapon Focus (Spear), Toughness, Improved Initiative
Skills Perception (6 ranks +2 racial mod = +8)
Stealth (6 ranks +3 class skill +2 Dex +4 size mod -4 ACP = +11)
Racial Modifiers +2 Craft (Trapmaking), +2 Perception, +2 Profession (Miner)
Languages Draconic
Gear +1 (small) spear, +1 (small) chainmail, oil of grease (CL 1st), potion of cure light wounds (CL 1st), alchemist’s fire [x5], flask of acid [x5], tribal talisman (worth 20gp), 1pp, 8 gp, 74sp, 260cp

Arizhel |

White Half-Dragon Advanced Barbarian Kobold of Doom, aka the Delivery Boy CR 3 (Shown Raging)
XP 800
Kobold, White Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 2
CN Small Dragon ((humanoid), reptilian)
Init +3; Senses darkvision, low-light vision; Perception +9
AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 21 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 size, +7 natural)
hp 25 (2d12+12)
Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +4
DR 1/-, 2/lethal; Immune cold, paralysis, sleep
Weakness light sensitivity
Speed 30 ft., flight (80 feet, average)
Melee Bite (Half-Dragon) +3 (1d4+4/x2) and
. . Claw x2 (Beast Totem, Lesser) +3 x2 (1d4+4/x2) and
. . Claw x2 (Half-Dragon) +3 x2 (1d3+4/x2) and
. . Greatsword +8 (1d10+12/19-20/x2)
Special Attacks breath weapon (1/day) (dc 16), rage (10 rounds/day), rage powers (beast totem, lesser)
Morale The Barbarian of Doom is a pacifist icecream delivery boy. He is in love with the worm tht walks, and is often found with a bag containing her icy cold desert of choice. Although he is not one to persue combat, he is more than capable should the need arise. Barbarian takes pride in never getting ice cream headache like his paramour is prone to.
Barbarian is not a fan of weapons, prefering to rip the enemies apart by hand. Just in case the need does arise, he keeps a spare greatsword on his back.
Str 22, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 17
Base Atk +2; CMB +7; CMD 18
Feats Power Attack -1/+2
Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +7, Escape Artist -1, Fly +1, Handle Animal +7, Intimidate +8, Perception +9, Ride +3, Stealth +8, Survival +7, Swim +7
Languages Common, Draconic, Gnome, Undercommon
SQ fast movement +10, kobold cryomania
Other Gear Scale mail, Greatsword, -100 GP
Breath Weapon (1/day) (DC 16) (Su) - 0/1
Rage (10 rounds/day) (Ex) - 0/10
Special Abilities
Beast Totem, Lesser (Su) Gain 2 d6 claw attacks while raging
Breath Weapon (1/day) (DC 16) (Su) 1/day, Breath Weapon deals 1d6 Cold damage, DC 16.
Damage Reduction (1/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks.
Damage Reduction (2/lethal) You have Damage Reduction against non-lethal damage
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Flight (80 feet, Average) You can fly!
Immunity to Cold You are immune to cold damage.
Immunity to Paralysis You are immune to paralysis.
Immunity to Sleep You are immune to sleep effects.
Kobold Cryomania +1 to the save DC of all cold spells you cast.
Light Sensitivity (Ex) Dazzled as long as they remain in bright light.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Rage (10 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.

Arizhel |

Keeper of the Sacred Spoon! CR 3
XP 800
Kobold, Red Paladin (Divine Hunter) 4
LG Small Humanoid (reptilian)
Init +3; Senses darkvision; Perception +4
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +1 size, +3 natural)
hp 24 (4d10+4)
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +8
Immune disease
Weakness light sensitivity
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Kobold tail weapon, razored +5 (1d6/19-20/x2)
Ranged Shortbow, Comp. (Str +0) +8 (1d4/x3)
Special Attacks smite evil (2/day)
Spell-Like Abilities Detect Evil (At will)
Paladin (Divine Hunter) Spells Prepared (CL 1):
1 (1/day) Ironbeard
Before Combat The keeper of the sacred spoon casts Ironbeard brefre combat. Be believes the effect makes him look more manly and intimidating.
During Combat The keeper stays well away from the party whenever possible, preferring to fight at range. 'Smite first, ask questions later' is his mantra. Whenever his health dips below 15, he lays hands on himself.
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +4; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Deadly Aim -2/+4, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Skills Fly +5, Handle Animal +9, Intimidate +6, Perception +4, Ride +10, Spellcraft +9, Stealth +14
Languages Common, Draconic, Undercommon
SQ aura of good, fearless, kobold pyromania, lay on hands (2d6) (4/day), mercies (mercy [fatigued]), paladin channel positive energy 2d6 (2/day) (dc 14, shared precision
Other Gear Leather armor, Arrow, pheromone (5), Arrow, splintercloud (10), Arrow, tangleshot (5), Arrow, trip (5), Kobold tail weapon, razored, Shortbow, Comp. (Str +0), You have no money!
Arrow, pheromone - 0/5
Arrow, splintercloud - 0/10
Arrow, tangleshot - 0/5
Arrow, trip - 0/5
Lay on Hands (2d6) (4/day) (Su) - 0/4
Paladin Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (2/day) (DC 14) (Su) - 0/2
Smite Evil (2/day) (Su) - 0/2
Treasure In addition to the most perfect spoon in existance (20gp value), the small kobold also wears a holy symbol to Shelyn decorated with all manner of bits of colorful shiny glass.
Special Abilities
Aura of Good (Ex) The paladin has an Aura of Good with power equal to her class level.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Deadly Aim -2/+4 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use Detect Evil at will (as the spell).
Fearless +2 bonus vs Fear saves.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Kobold Pyromania +2 to the save DC of all fire spells you cast.
Lay on Hands (2d6) (4/day) (Su) You can heal 2d6 damage, 4/day
Light Sensitivity (Ex) Dazzled as long as they remain in bright light.
Mercy (Fatigued) (Su) When you use your lay on hands ability, it also removes the fatigued condition.
Paladin Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (2/day) (DC 14) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead; an evil cleric can channel negative energy to injure the living and heal the undead.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into combat.
Shared Precision (Su) When hit foe with ranged attack, all allies in 10 ft gain Precise Shot vs that foe.
Smite Evil (2/day) (Su) +2 to hit, +4 to damage, +2 deflection bonus to AC when used.
Motivations & Goals Centuries ago, a human in the small town of York invented and created the holy relic known only as the 'spoon' this wondrous item is a true feat of the creator's alchemical brilliance. The spoon, legend says, self heats to just the right temperature to quickly and easilly carve through icecream, with out so much heat as to cause the surrounding treat to melt.
TOO LATE TO EDIT: Edit the Worm's alignment to NN, and the Barbarian, Worm, and Paladin are bosom buddies.