3.5 Thor Build...Challenge for the Great People of Paizo Forums


Ok, so I'm going to be joining a 3.5 campaign soon, and I wanted to play a very Thor-like character. My DM may let me have the Hammer of Thunderbolts, I just need to come up with a build that would complement Thor. One of my ideas was to play a Paladin of Thor, and attempt to go for a comicbook version of Thor for the character, but I'm not entirely sure. Has anyone tried something like this at all? Either way, all suggestions are welcome!

You could try the Mighty Godling from The Genius Guide to the Godling by Super Genius Games, if you're DM allows it.

My DM banned anything that is Pathfinder exclusive, so I doubt he'd allow the godling :/ But I do love the idea of it. I was thinking about using a knight, or a Paladin, but i dunno. Either one would require a prestige class or two...

I would use knight it fits better with Thor's persona or cross class the knight and paladin.

A friend of mine said to try out the duskblade. Does that make sense at all?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Two possible choices (both 32 Point Buy):

Human Barbarian 2/Cleric (Strength and Weather domains) 8/Stormlord (adapted to hammers instead of javelins/spears) 10
16 Str (+2 race), 12 Dex, 14 Con, 8 Int, 21 Wis (+5 advancements), 14 Cha
Feats: Divine Might, Endurance, Extra Rage, Great Fortitude, Monkey Grip, Power Attack, Practiced Spellcaster, Weapon Focus (Warhammer)

This character is focused on self-buffing ("CoDzilla") and supernatural effects (spells). BAB tops out at +15; can cast 9th-level spells.

Human Ranger 6/Master Thrower 5/"Thunderhammer of Thor" (adaptation of Shining Blade of Heironeous) 9
23 Str (+2 race, +5 advancements), 14 Dex, 14 Con, 8 Int, 14 Wis, 12 Cha
Skills: max out cross-class ranks in Knowledge (Religion) to qualify for "Thunderhammer" PrC
Feats: Endurance, Favored Power Attack, Giantbane, Improved Shield Bash, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting*, Monkey Grip, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Snatch Arrows, Two-Weapon Fighting*, Track, Weapon Focus (Warhammer)
*-Combat Style; only in light or no armor (mithral breastplate counts as light)
Favored Enemies: +4 Giants, +2 whatever
Thrown Weapon Tricks: Deadeye Shot, Trip Shot, Weak Spot
"Thunderhammer" adaptations: Shock Blade becomes Giant Slayer (bludgeoning weapon becomes bane vs. giants), Holy Blade becomes Storm Hammer (shocking burst), Brilliant Blade becomes Thunderhammer (distance plus returning plus thundering plus throwing)

This character is much more combat-focused, especially against giants and other large foes. BAB tops out at +20; can cast 2nd-level ranger spells.

@Dragonchess Player:
Where do you get the +2 racial bonuses for the humans in your build? I thought humans didn't get any modifiers to their ability scores in 3.5

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Risen Demon wrote:

@Dragonchess Player:

Where do you get the +2 racial bonuses for the humans in your build? I thought humans didn't get any modifiers to their ability scores in 3.5

Whoops! My mistake. After 3 years with Pathfinder, it's a bit of a habit.

Change the barbarian/cleric/stormlord to 16 Str, 20 Wis, 12 Cha and the ranger/master thrower/"thunderhammer of Thor" to 21 Str.

I'd go with Warblade, they even have a move called "Lightning Throw", and it's pretty powerful.

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