Crazy build, give me some adice


I had an idea for an upcoming campaign. I am going to make a cleric 1, luring cavalier the rest of the way that uses firearms. I am not going with musketeer, because I want the mount. For one of my domains, I am going to take black powder inquisition because is gets me EWP firearms and gunsmithing feats. Mending from the first cleric level should keep me going after my gun misfires (I know it is a ten minute cast time, I will have a back up for when it does). What should I take for my second domain? I am going order of the star caviler which will give me a little progression on my channeling.

I am going to use a halfing, because I like them and because the bonuses fit well.

Rolled stats before racial bonuses are


I plan on taking point blank shot for my first feet and Rapid reload for my second, about the time I can afford to make a gun.

Any general advice? And again, what would a good second domain be. Assume good or neutral aliment.


Dark Archive

Can Clerics take Inquisitions?

Grand Lodge

Choose Cixyron as your god, you can be neutral.

Take the Guided Hand feat to use wisdom for attack rolls with Muskets.

Think about a small sized Qlippoth-Spawn Tiefling as your race.

Grand Lodge

What books are allowed?

What Races are allowed?

Seranov wrote:
Can Clerics take Inquisitions?

Here's something I found over at d20pfsrd "Inquisitions are like domains. Other classes that use domains can take inquisitions but inquisitions are typically weaker than the domains those classes can already choose because they do not grant domain spell slots or domain spells. For example, the Sun domain’s 1st-level granted power augments the effects of channel energy, but inquisitors don’t have the channel energy ability, so they gain no benefit from their domain selection until 8th level, when they get a second granted power."

"Inquisitions are intended for inquisitors, not for other classes that give access to domains. While a cleric or other domain-using class can select an inquisition in place of a domain (if appropriate to the character’s deity), inquisitions do not grant domain spell slots or domain spells, and therefore are much weaker choices for those classes. These other classes use the appropriate class level as their inquisitor level for the purpose of inquisition granted powers (clerics use their cleric level as their inquisitor level, and so on)."

Dark Archive

Huh, sounds reasonable.

Sorry, I don't really have anything to add, just didn't know if you could do that.

There's always one level in either Inquisitor, or Gunslinger. Any reason to avoid that?

Grand Lodge

If it is only a single level, then consider the Crusader archetype.

I would have suggested the Travel domain then. +10 to base speed off the bat, and an ability to allow you to ignore difficult terrain and not take penalties for moving through it. However, since you'll be using a mount quite a bit (I assume) then those are probably less useful.

Animal domain could be fun. Could talk with your mount or another animal for some info (depending on your DM) and you get Knowledge Nature.

Perhaps the Plants (Growth) domain would work well. Get to enlarge yourself for a round, 3+wisdom times a day.

In any case, anything that fits your character and has a 1st ability that you like would do well I'm sure.

Good luck.

why the one level of cleric?

Got it. Read the inquisitions section of UC they "MAY" have made provisions there for cleric, not sure though.

Core races. Core Rule book, APG, UM, UC, ARG, UE. So no quiploth tiefling. Cleric get me the black powder inquisition, the ability to cast mending as often as I like, and the abundant ammunition spell.

ARG Look up Grippli! Seriously, Dex/Wis. the two most important stats for a Gunslinger, and small sized for an additional +1 to hit. Sure you lose 1 die step on the pistol, but the small size also allows you to use a medium sized mount, which should be able to maneuver fine in dungeons.

core races.


Grand Lodge

Still would go with the Guided Hand route.

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