Limp Lash + Sorcerer's Robe + Laughing Touch

Rules Questions

Limp Lash
Fey Bloodline
Sorcerer's Robe isn't up on the SRD yet since it's from Ultimate Equipment. Here's the text.

This dapper robe enables a sorcerer to add the effects of her
1st-level bloodline power to spells she casts. As a swift action
before casting a spell, the wearer expends one use of her
1st-level bloodline power and selects one target of the spell
to be affected by that bloodline power. If the spell allows a
saving throw, a successful save against the spell means the
bloodline power deals half damage (if it normally deals hit
point damage) or is negated (if it does not). The robe can be
used up to three times per day.

The way I think these things interact is to immediately nauseate (effectively) a creature for 1 round and sap their physical stats by 1d6, then next round sap again before giving the creature a chance to act. This happens after hitting with a ranged touch attack and has no save. Do I have any of this wrong?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Nope. Looks legit.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Looks right to me. You're using a ranged touch attack with the Limp Lash spell to deliver the effects of Laughing Touch, and even though the laughing only lasts one round, the penalties to physical ability scores keep going.

Isn't a creature immune to laughing touch for 24 hours after being affected once? So it would work once on each opponent.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

So what happens if your target (currently whipped and Laughing Touched) uses its move action to move to a location that is greater than 20 feet away from you?

There isn't a break DC for the whip. Can the creature not move then? Or does the creature move and the spell effect simply end?

Memento Mortis wrote:

So what happens if your target (currently whipped and Laughing Touched) uses its move action to move to a location that is greater than 20 feet away from you?

There isn't a break DC for the whip. Can the creature not move then? Or does the creature move and the spell effect simply end?

I think Limp Lash needs a rewrite or something, because it says:

"You create a dark whip-shaped field of energy that wraps around an enemy’s neck, leaving everything except his head paralyzed until you let go of the whip or it is destroyed."

That's the first line. Then later on, it talks about paralyzing the target if their physical attributes hit 1. But, aren't they already paralyzed? It's tricky.

Regardless of how you read it, though (you're clearly reading it that the first line is meaningless flavor text and the paralysis is just from their attributes hitting 1), I think it's clear that the target can't move past the range of the spell without dealing damage to the lash and destroying it.

Sorry to resurrect this, but in a similar vein, is Magic Missile + Laughing Touch a viable option? It would seem to be a no save, lose your standard action situation...

Jiraiya22 wrote:

then next round sap again before giving the creature a chance to act.

Why is this? Don't spell effects go on your initiative? I don't think a spell normally affects a creature twice before it has a chance to act.

Your initiative: cast spell affect creature


creature's initiative it acts or

next round:

creatures initiative it acts .. then

your initiative spell affects creature again.

Do I misunderstand something basic?

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