This is the discussion thread for two campaigns:

The Mead Hall (EverQuest RPG PBP)

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

Out of Character Discussion for the EverQuest RPG PBP.

The "Campaign Info" tab has information regarding character generation.

Belly up to the bar, imbibe your fill of whatever libation fancies your suit, it is going to be a bloody ride.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

I didn't expect this to start so suddenly. I can commit to at least one post/day, but don't expect walls of text since i'm italian and this isn't my only pbp.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

So, a traditiona mixture of combat,social and roleplay and 27 points buy.
Anyway will wait for the others to start discussing the char.
One thing thought isn't specified under "Campaugn info",the general tone;
are there mature themes or it is just a "you evil me smash"?
are evil alignment allowed (i'm not planning to play an evil char anyway)?

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

I appreciate questions like these since it helps to get everyone on the same page. Please keep them coming, because it invariably answers someone else's question as well.

Gandal wrote:
I didn't expect this to start so suddenly. I can commit to at least one post/day, but don't expect walls of text since i'm italian and this isn't my only pbp.

My intent was to get a platform for the game set as quickly as possible, so we can see who we have player-wise, and also ensure that we a solid foundation to spring forward from. We have a bit before the game goes live, so don't feel rushed.

Worry not, I award XP for a blend of roleplaying, effort and consistent posting, not for novellas.

Gandal wrote:

So, a traditiona mixture of combat,social and roleplay and 27 points buy.

Anyway will wait for the others to start discussing the char.
One thing thought isn't specified under "Campaugn info",the general tone;
are there mature themes or it is just a "you evil me smash"?
are evil alignment allowed (i'm not planning to play an evil char anyway)?

Exactly, allocating the 27 point buy with an expectation of a traditional mixture of combat, social and roleplaying will set you up for success.

It will be mature game both in terms of its content (we fade to grey on sex scenes...sorry) and you should expect layered plots, betrayal and a number of other fun rides for your character to buy into. Certainly it will start more, "It's weird, kill it!" as the party forms, but as that gets locked in I will be looking to challenge you more.

I have no issue with evil alignments with a caveat: party unity needs to be the focus of the character. This goes with all alignments and character concepts actually. If you make a troll that hates everyone and cannot play nice with anyone, expect to find yourself quickly back in character generation so you can find a concept that works with a group. Some verbal back and forth is fine, but it shouldn't be all encompassing, or so vicious that it makes the game less fun for the others.

EverQuest has a major challenge for DMs (lol nm DM, I'm going to call myself a "Guide") in that the player races have serious polarization issues with each other, and while the lore/flavour is wonderful, it's also restrictive. It would make life easier if everyone pulled back a bit on the zealotry of their race and were a bit more open minded.

Reporting in. I'll try to get a character up ASAP.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
GM Storycrafter wrote:
Reporting in. I'll try to get a character up ASAP.


<does a little dance>

Male Demihuman

Some of my class prefs, if it matters to anyone:

Enchanter, Bard, Druid

I'm willing to play cleric.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

If i'm asked, i prefer a melee or a magician,but could go for a female wood elf/half elf ranger (my preferred char from my period in EQ2).

Silver Crusade


I was thinking of Enchanter or Druid too. I'm not too familiar with the rules - played once with an Iksar Monk, and I wanted to do something different (and magical) this time.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

We are at 5 players now, as the trio from our long running Google Groups' campaign (Michael New/Revery is the first to post) has agreed to come over and delve into EverQuest.

I have two outstanding invites, for those that responded to my recruitment thread (LazarX and Fredrik), so I am chewing on either closing things up, or accepting a huge group as we wait for them to respond to my private message. This is stated simply so you understand where my head is at, but fear not for it will not slow the start of the game one iota either way.


<thoughtful repose>

<takes a pull of his plastic bubble pipe>

Once character concepts are locked in, sheets are generated (hopefully double checked by Revery, for accuracy, if I'm lucky....<swoon>) we'll delve into generalities about the sort of game the players would like to experience and I'll draw up the anchor and fill the sails with hot air.

p.s. Take maximum hit points at every level. This would be the case for starting gold as well, but that won't be the case once you read on.

p.p.s. You will start as unconscious slaves, waking confused and naked, on a boat minus gear/coin as a plot device to explain how potentially dissimilar races/classes can coexist in the same airspace without throwing haymakers until you can all grow close enough to accept the warmth of the being proximal to the closest distasteful glob of carbon....or something cheesy and snuggly like that.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

Naked slaves? This makes for a very interesting female char :)
I'm thinking high elf magician or wizard, or wood elf ranger.
This will leave us with no melee thought,so let's wait for the final decision of everyone.

Tudan (TOO-dan). Barbarian from Halas. My first and longest MMORPG character. Played him for about eight months in EQ 1 -- and actually roleplayed -- so there's a lot of sentimental attachment. I'll re-create him ASAP.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

I just wrote the EQRPG skills in the sheet on Myth-Weaver, and there is a problem: this game has far too many skills.
The room in the basic 3,5 sheet isn't enough; for now i just used 2 sheets so to write all skills and then see what char to roll (not that bad, more room to keep gear/money/spells)

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Gandal wrote:
Naked slaves? This makes for a very interesting female char :)

At some point the story gets fuzzy for all of you, either you were walking about minding your own business and you were set upon, or you were previously a slave and things get fuzzy in your transition from that experience to this one.

Start thinking of your character's background. If you have any questions about the lore feel free to ask me. The Player's Handbook has a chapter (think it starts at page 8) which gives you a bit of background to work off of. As has always been my norm, the ones that put time and effort into their background will get a bonus.

Fredrik wrote:
Tudan (TOO-dan). Barbarian from Halas. My first and longest MMORPG character. Played him for about eight months in EQ 1 -- and actually roleplayed -- so there's a lot of sentimental attachment. I'll re-create him ASAP.

Welcome aboard Fredrik, glad to have ya aboard.

Gandal wrote:

I just wrote the EQRPG skills in the sheet on Myth-Weaver, and there is a problem: this game has far too many skills.

The room in the basic 3,5 sheet isn't enough; for now i just used 2 sheets so to write all skills and then see what char to roll (not that bad, more room to keep gear/money/spells)

It is mainly bards that run into this trouble, with all of their perform and knowledge skills. In my experience if the other classes eliminate skills that they won't be able to use, or need, they have just enough room.

Hack off the dead weight (undead empathy) and let me know if you still don't have enough room.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

What's going on Xenh?

I was figuring on making the iskar Shadowknight. Okay, so it's going to be V being made under the 3.5 rules, lol.

Glad to be back in one of your games :)

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

..And good to met the new players that I don't know, lol.

I have been gaming with Xenh for a couple of years and I humbly offer a bit of advice.

Hold onto your brainz.

Male Demihuman
Fredrik wrote:
Tudan (TOO-dan). Barbarian from Halas. My first and longest MMORPG character. Played him for about eight months in EQ 1 -- and actually roleplayed -- so there's a lot of sentimental attachment. I'll re-create him ASAP.

I'm taking this to mean you're going with warrior.

OK, so far we have,

Barbarian Warrior
Unknown Enchanter or Druid

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Hi Tentacledone (I was cooking up some octopus, and was asked, Is that tentacle done? This must be where your name came from?).

Yes, hold onto your brain or brains!

What rules are we using? EQ, or EQ++?

As for me, I am willing to throw my oversized hat in and commit to an Erudite Enchanter (named Revery, of course).

He's here, but requires much work:

S%&*, he's gone! He's an empty shell of an Erudite! I swear I at least gave him some ilities and stuff. I will endeavor to fill up that link, probably tonight.

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 121d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38
Storycrafter wrote:
Fredrik wrote:
Tudan (TOO-dan). Barbarian from Halas. My first and longest MMORPG character. Played him for about eight months in EQ 1 -- and actually roleplayed -- so there's a lot of sentimental attachment. I'll re-create him ASAP.

I'm taking this to mean you're going with warrior.

OK, so far we have,

Barbarian Warrior
Unknown Enchanter or Druid

Depending on what we have for melee i'll go either high elf magician (if we have another apart from Tudan) or a wood elf ranger (if not)

Male Demihuman

I'm grabbing the cleric slot then. Character soon.

Barbarian Warrior
Unknown Enchanter or Druid
Erudite Enchanter
High Elf Magician or Wood Elf Ranger
Human Cleric

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

So, should I not bother with equipment and/or spells, since I would have no spellbook? Or would I have some spells prepared?

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Tentacledone wrote:
What's going on Xenh?

/high 7

(pushes tentacles to go post something in the gameplay thread and to dot the game so he registers as a player)

Tentacledone wrote:
Hold onto your brainz.

It is like a bear attack, just accept the beating and hope that you are still functioning when I am done using you as my chew toy. My therapist advises me to dole out 11 beatings a week, but I've always been an overachiever.

Revery wrote:
What rules are we using? EQ, or EQ++?

Standard EverQuest RPG is the system we're running in without modification thus far. The Player's Handbook looks like this: LINK

Revery wrote:

He's here, but requires much work:


As soon as you have a Myth-Weavers sheet started and saved, please post it so I can start a character list in the "Campaign Info" tab (Revery has already been added as an example of what I am muttering about).

Revery wrote:
So, should I not bother with equipment and/or spells, since I would have no spellbook? Or would I have some spells prepared?

Equipment = No.

Spellbook = No.
Spells = Yes.

At the start of play pure casters get a spellbook containing the text and diagrams that permit them to cast 4 spells (bards have 2 songs in their songbooks and hybrids get their first spell at level 5).

You can have up to 8 spells prepared at one time (more "slots" are open after you take the mystic capacity feat) and it is assumed that each caster has prepared all the spells they know.

Regaining mana is as simple as resting and meditating, so you do not need your spellbook for now.

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Right, I just figured this out: once I have prepared a spell, I can keep casting it as long as I can get mana, even without a book. So cool, I've got that done, and my equipment list is complete (easiest ever), and so is the rest of the character. Let me know if I'm missing s@%% <-- (watch as the robot censors me) - this is only my second EQ character and my first wimp caster.

So, once Revery escapes, is he going to have to wait around for weeks or months until everyone else does?

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Revery wrote:
Right, I just figured this out: once I have prepared a spell, I can keep casting it as long as I can get mana, even without a book. So cool, I've got that done, and my equipment list is complete (easiest ever), and so is the rest of the character. Let me know if I'm missing s+~& <-- (watch as the robot censors me) - this is only my second EQ character and my first wimp caster.

Character looks fine to me at first blush. It just needs a solid background.


Revery wrote:
So, once Revery escapes, is he going to have to wait around for weeks or months until everyone else does?

"Escape"? Not sure what that word means, sorry.

BTW you'd be lucky to get out of anything but a brightly lit room with how poor your nightvision is.

<train to zone>

As an aside...

This won't be a miniatures game with grid maps of little tiny you avatars. I find that to steal the immersive environment that we're all working really hard to create. Will this lead to confusion at times? Yup. Hopefully you will agree that the payoff will mitigate the loss. What will we use instead? Imagination, and paying attention to my descriptions.

As with everything, if you have a question, ask away. If you require clarification my door is always open.

With that in mind as well I'd love if we could keep most of the OOC chatter/comments to the discussion thread as opposed to the game thread. It's a roleplaying game, and my goal is that someone could read it like a novel (with strange comments in brackets that one can ignore if they choose) and remain fully immersed.

Liberty's Edge

OK, chiming in from Florida where I am a-conferencing... Experiencing long-distance nutkicks are NOT fun...

I concur with TentacledOne - hold onto your brainz, but I would add cover your nuts.

I am willing to run the skill monkey - bard or rogue.

Here is my concept:

Maruusk, Vah Shir of the Panther Clan, has done something to offend the Spirits and the Ancestors. That must be what an ancestor has decided, which is why I am in this stinking hole with this others... It must be Uncle Purrsk - he always hated me...

Groaning, Maruusk rolls over, feeling the raw deck scrape him in places where he HAD been wearing clothing...

"By the Ancestors, where am I, and who are you people?"

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.
Xenh wrote:

Character looks fine to me at first blush. It just needs a solid background.


Any indication where we're from, as in a general area?

Here is Maruusk, Vah Shir rogue

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

So now we have :
Vah Shir rogue
Human cleric
Barbarian warrior
Erudite enchanter
still unknown maybe druid ?

I'll go for a female high elf magician (both combat magic and summoning)

I like the idea of immersive environment and descriptive text only for the surrounding, but maps and icons often avoid confusion, and since it is a pbp they tend to reduce the nunmber of posts required to complete an action,but this is just my opinion.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

My char's sheet is almost done, only lacking an image.
For background will have to work on or ask the GM.
One question, for staring cash i took max gold, but as for everything else my elf has none right?
I guess Xenh will tell us when we can use that gold?

Quinaweniel,high elf magician

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Cellowyn wrote:
OK, chiming in from Florida where I am a-conferencing... Experiencing long-distance nutkicks are NOT fun...

/does an awkward booty dance

Gandal wrote:
I like the idea of immersive environment and descriptive text only for the surrounding, but maps and icons often avoid confusion, and since it is a pbp they tend to reduce the nunmber of posts required to complete an action,but this is just my opinion.

Mike New/Revery, fully in agreement with you, just yelled "sing it sister" and is now running around sharpening sticks and preparing to chain himself to my legs until I agree to his terms to become a map junky.


I have mellowed over the years, from my only in your head stance, and have been known to include the occasional map. I'll keep your request in mind :)

Revery wrote:
Any indication where we're from, as in a general area?

To make life simple:

- Tudan would be from Halas on the largest continent of Antonica
- Quinaweniel would be from Felwithe on the wild continent of Faydwer
- Maruusk would be from Shar Vahl on the moon Luclin
- Revery would be from Erudin on the small continent of Odus
- Kalin would be from Freeport on the largest continent of Antonica

It bodes well to have representatives of Odus, Antonica, Faydwer and Luclin.

Norrath Map: LINK

Just be vague about your homeland and stick to the description in the book. Should it need to be fleshed out in game I'll expand on it a bit, or fire you a private message with the details I'm hoping to include/leave out and let you embrace your writing muse.

You will each be considered very familiar with your city and just a half of a smidgeon of the surrounding lands.

Gandal wrote:
My char's sheet is almost done, only lacking an image.

Just so you're not freaked out when another player contacts you to talk about your character sheet, Mike New/Revery is my sheet checker, since he has a higher spot than I do and as a norm knows the rules about 41x better than I do.

That leaves me to live with my head in the clouds creating new ways to put your characters through a magical meat grinder.

Gandal wrote:
For background will have to work on or ask the GM.

Feel free to post any ideas you have for your background so I can take a look at it. As long as its not too epic, "After slaying all of the Crushbone Orcs singlehandedly", too influential, "As the prince of Kaladim I am able to do whatever I want when I go back", cetera I'm good with it.

You juuuust became a level 1 character with 1 experience point. So life before now has consisted of a great deal of training. Now is the time for the big deeds.

Gandal wrote:

One question, for staring cash i took max gold, but as for everything else my elf has none right?

I guess Xenh will tell us when we can use that gold?

Gold = gone.

Naked = you.

I might permit a bit of filthy fabric if you're good and eat all of your porridge.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

I use a system of roleplaying that revolves around players writing to the edge of, but no further than, the edge of the unknown.

If you approach the outside of a tavern you have a myriad of choices. Listen at the door, peek through windows, climb onto the roof, set it on fire, knock on the door, call someone out, enter to see what's inside....the list goes on and on.

Everything is an intention. You intend to go inside and order 5 drinks then look for a corner booth and companionship.

That's a huge difference between actively doing it.

Why does this matter? It's to avoid confusion. If the first player opens up the scene to include the footsome bar wench that he's hitting on, and the next guy goes in competition to them, then the DM drops by and explains that they had actually opened the door to a slaughter scene with everyone a rancid, bloated leaves one to wonder why you are travelling with necrophelliacs.

Tell me what you intend and I'll be there quickly with a description. I tend to post often/fast, so it's not like you'll be waiting long.


Such a fan of everyone picking a character name that starts with a different letter. My old brain almost went on strike with the last group having 4/5 players all with a name that started with a "T".

Revery (Erudite Enchanter]
Maruusk (Vah Shir Rogue)
Quinaweniel (High Elf Magician)

Awaiting Information:
Tudan (Barbarian Warrior)
Kalin (Human Cleric)
(Vah Shir)

I feel in such a warm and fuzzy mood that everyone chose goodly races. That opens up so many more opportunities for group interactions and releases a great deal of the "why did this collection of misfits agree to work together", that I will now send you a virtual snuggle.

<embrace that lasts far too long>
<camera pans down to reveal his patented Tobias cut off jean shorts>


I'm left to ponder why barbarians have a +5% exp cost. The slam feat is nice, but I don't see it being overly game breaking.

That leaves me to do group exp as well.

Go unity!

<embraces his inner kitten and seeks out a warm bit of sun to lay in>

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38
Xenh wrote:

p.s. Take maximum hit points at every level. This would be the case for starting gold as well, but that won't be the case once you read on.

You actually wrote this! (emphasis mine)

Xenh wrote:

Gold = gone.

Naked = you.
I might permit a bit of filthy fabric if you're good and eat all of your porridge.

Than this!

I have no problem beginning with a female char that awakes somewhere with unknown folks completely naked,she'll be terribly scared for sure, but i like extreme rp situations.
But the two sentences of yours are in total disagreement.

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Secret info about our DM:
I do not know the rules nearly as well as Xehn! He's a liar and a rascal! I'm just learning the EQ rules..... If we're talking about Pathfinder, that's another matter, but he knows those rules as well as I do....

Oh liar and rascal Xenh, where do you want us to write up a background. Here?

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Revery wrote:
Oh liar and rascal Xenh, where do you want us to write up a background. Here?

Both here and in some box on your character sheet. I'm not looking for connections between the characters in this (anyone that makes someone that knows someone else dies in character generation time and again until a stranger comes out lol), just looking to spark some group writing gasms of creativity that will in turn spark more creativity from me.

As of this second I have a few ideas for where we go from here, but it's evolving as you each are making choices about your characters. The all good crew took way some of my barriers, which opens things up a lot, so I appreciate that.

Gandal wrote:
But the two sentences of yours are in total disagreement.

Perhaps its the drugs I am on, but the sentences still look like they are in total synch and ready to sing a heartfelt duet, while swaying their hips together.

"This would be the case for starting gold, but..."

Sure your starting gold would be wonderful like your hit points, but sadly there is more to the story. Read on to learn what nefarious force has inserted itself into this situation ("but" like "if" is a powerful word). You then read on, as the rest of the sentence directs, and learn that you wake "on a boat minus gear/coin" since you have been taken as slaves.

In my head it makes sense lol, but that's not saying much. If in your head (read: reality) it's confusing, I hope it's been cleared up by some aspect of my babble.

No gear, no coin, no desserts, no prospects...nothing but awesome to look forward to, since it can only go up from here.

p.s. This bolding thing makes me wonder where bolding talking came from. I see it all over the boards. Wonder if it's meant to distinguish between thoughts in one's head and words that spill out of their mouths. Use whatever form you're most comfortable with.

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Modified a few skills to match background

Brontide Revery was born into a complex family situation in the modern city of Erudin. When he was just a baby his father left his mother, and Brontide says he grew up with several father figures, or none, depending on his mood in the telling.

Brontide excelled in scholastic endeavors, while he was average in most other ways. Around the time we was getting ready to enter the Tower of the Craft Keepers for advanced study, his mother sadly died, and he was left with just a younger sister and a stepfather. Her death and his new situation affected him greatly, and he withdrew into his studies for the rest of his preparations, and during his advanced studies at the Tower. He seldom visited or wrote home, and when his sister left for Paineel he simply shook his head and stopped writing altogether. The last he heard of her she had changed her field of study from Necromancy to something even worse in his mind: training to become a shadow knight.

He continued to do well in his studies, and his friends started calling him Professor Revery, as a joke. After the joke faded, he was just Revery to all his classmates, and he took up that rubric as a willing and welcome change, and to signify his new life as an Enchanter.

Aside from Enchantment, the students of the Tower were encouraged to learn a craft. Brontide selected a fairly common craft, Jewelry. Its beauty and the challenge in working it appealed to him, and the potential to apply magic to it made it even more attractive. Once satisfied he was on his way learning that craft, he began toying with metal shapes, learning to mold and sculpt them, to augment and enhance his jewelry.

During his education, he made a few good friends who had similar interests to his. One of these, Marsus Ementhal, planned on leaving Odus for Antonica. Brontide first thought it was a crazy idea, but as time went on he came to accept it and even embrace it. He encouraged Marsus to go, and to write often to share his experiences. Brontide would stay and continue his study of magic, and perhaps apprentice with a Craft Keeper jeweler to earn his own way in the world.

Quick question: where are we, or do we not know yet?

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Maruusk wrote:
Quick question: where are we, or do we not know yet?

You know not as of yet. You do know you'll wake to recognize how bad a day you're having : )

"I am Maruusk Blackclaw," says a black furred Vah Shir as he rests in the shadows in a corner of the cell.

His proud voice continues, "Listen and I will tell you my story. I am here because I was, well, restless. That is basically how this <waves pointed claw at the cell> all came to be. I was restless, and well, played some pranks that got out of hand. As a result, the Spirits have decided to teach me a lesson, and send me to Norrath. I arrived without incident, thinking that this new place would give me all the chance for new experiences that I would need. I was just getting my bearing wherever the transport dropped me - I really didn't care, I just needed to leave - according to the Spirits of course, the guards didn't really matter in the grand scheme of things..."

He sakes his head - chagrin and embarrassment evident in his inhuman features - and continues, "Anyway, I digress... I was just getting my bearings, and had purchased a drink from a local tavern or some such place, and we enjoying the warm feelings, when I felt dizzy. The human that gave me the drink - I think his name was Drek - laughed, and said something about taking his friend (me) home to sleep it off. I tried to protest, but whatever he gave me robbed me of intelligent speech, and I made his story all the more plausible as I tried to ask for help. He laughed, they laughed and I tried in vain to escape. Then, he walked me around the corner, and dumped me in a cart or something. He looked over the side at me, I'll not forget his scarred visage, and laughed. He said something, but I was fading out. I remember he called me a ... slave."

At the mention of that word, the catfolk's hackles raise and anger burns in his yellow eyes. "Vah Shir are NOT slaves to any race..." He looks about the cell you share, "I guess this disproves that statement..." His ears go flat to his skull and he says, "What is your sad tale?"

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

here the myth-weaver link with a super barebones Rajeek

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

Actually, to make Xenh's life a little easier, I renamed him so that no one has a name with the same starting letter. Has been an issue in the passed, lol

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

sigh, it might help if I included the link.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

What the pcs hear or see? I understand they don't know where they are, but what the surroundings? Are there any noises? If so, what they sound like? Are they in a closed room or one with opened walls or ceilings (a cage perhaps)? Are they free to move or chained? Something to tell us what to write in the intro please.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Gandal wrote:
What the pcs hear or see? I understand they don't know where they are, but what the surroundings? Are there any noises? If so, what they sound like? Are they in a closed room or one with opened walls or ceilings (a cage perhaps)? Are they free to move or chained? Something to tell us what to write in the intro please.

Not sure honestly because it is evolving as the players make decisions.

Once character sheets are finished then we'll talk about what sorts of things everyone wants (not saying those ideas will go live, but they just might be foundational).

Don't worry too much about what comes after you wake, since you haven't woken yet. My first post will tag everyone as you all wake up on the boat. Right now all you have to describe is the inside of your eyelids, or the content of your dreams :)

Yay! My Player's Handbook arrived! One week, not bad for Amazon Marketplace. Working on my character sheet now.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38
Xenh wrote:

Don't worry too much about what comes after you wake, since you haven't woken yet. My first post will tag everyone as you all wake up on the boat. Right now all you have to describe is the inside of your eyelids, or the content of your dreams :)

Someone already posted their char's waking,so i was thinking i had to.

Well doesn't matter, since i still have no fu****g idea of what to write for her background :(
Still working on her pic (yes, i do that) but not sure how to include it in the sheet,will probably just link it somewhere else.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Fredrik wrote:
Yay! My Player's Handbook arrived! One week, not bad for Amazon Marketplace. Working on my character sheet now.

Grats! I love it when mono-breasted delivery companies are efficient.

<eyes Kalin>
<pokes with dull stick a few times>

Gandal wrote:

Someone already posted their char's waking,so i was thinking i had to.

Well doesn't matter, since i still have no fu****g idea of what to write for her background :(

Oh I hadn't noticed that. It's an edge of the unknown thing, if you find yourself shaping the scene without me setting you up I tend to just ignore it (like a married husband ignoring his nattering wife).

Background wise I think it comes down primarily to a "what's my motivation here?" to work out who you are and why you're doing the thing you're doing. You're obviously skilled at nearly everything, but fairly weak, what was that like growing up? Was it foundational in your decision to become an adventurer? Why magician? How close are you to Tunare? You're part of the Ruby Palace (Felwithian Magician's Guild) what's membership like there? There's a description of the city on page 15 that might give you some ideas.

Gandal wrote:
Still working on her pic (yes, i do that) but not sure how to include it in the sheet,will probably just link it somewhere else.

I host most of my pics on Photobucket after resizing them to the 125x193 pixels that Myth-Weavers asks for.

If you want me to host it for you I'm game.

Silver Crusade


Looking at the character sheets, only three (including mine) are mostly filled out.

Quinaweniel: Looks mostly done. I don't see training points anywhere. Everyone gets 5 at first level. On my sheet, I put it under Additional Information, like this:


Current training points: 5

Training points used:

With the intention that when I use them, I'll make a note indicating how they were used so I can add them up at any time...

For skills, the CC means cross-class, i.e. not class skills. I know it's backwards, but it's how the sheets work and how they add up the skill ranks at the bottom. So most of what you've selected need to be reversed (but check them, because I found at least one that is wrong, or rather, right where the others are wrong - appraise is not a class skill]). Even taking that into account, I count 38 skill ranks used where you should have 32, I think.

The sheet needs some character description, personality, and background, I think.

Maruusk: Training points?

Skill points: Why 28? It looks to me like you should have 24...
Also, how many ranks in Common do you have?

The sheet needs some character description, personality, and background, I think.

For languages, I suggest putting the language in the skills list only if you have ranks in it. And then under languages, put the language and the rank in brackets next to it, thusly: Common (4), similar to what Davide has done.

(I'm not sure about this, because Revery has 5 ranks but a total bonus of +12 in Common - what is the total bonus good for? In the description, it talks more about Ranks than actual Language skill checks.)

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38
Xenh wrote:

Background wise I think it comes down primarily to a "what's my motivation here?" to work out who you are and why you're doing the thing you're doing. You're obviously skilled at nearly everything, but fairly weak, what was that like growing up? Was it foundational in your decision to become an adventurer? Why magician? How close are you to Tunare? You're part of the Ruby Palace (Felwithian Magician's Guild) what's membership like there? There's a description of the city on page 15 that might give you some ideas.

I have the Forest of Faydark campaign book, and Felwithe is described in deep there,already thought of looking there for inspiration.

Forgot about training points, will add them right now (edit:done,they are under Mana Pool,in the "other notes" window bottom of the sheet).

Male Demihuman

For the record, I wasn't "waking". I was being "formed" from the ether. It's a follow on to my first post. I'm waiting for the GM to set the scene before "waking".

<Character Link>

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38
Michael New wrote:

Quinaweniel: Looks mostly done. I don't see training points anywhere. Everyone gets 5 at first level. On my sheet, I put it under Additional Information, like this:

Current training points: 5

Training points used:

With the intention that when I use them, I'll make a note indicating how they were used so I can add them up at any time...

For skills, the CC means cross-class, i.e. not class skills. I know it's backwards, but it's how the sheets work and how they add up the skill ranks at the bottom. So most of what you've selected need to be reversed (but check them, because I found at least one that is wrong, or rather, right where the others are wrong - appraise is not a class skill]). Even taking that into account, I count 38 skill ranks used where you should have 32, I think.

The sheet needs some character description, personality, and background, I think.

Yes, Appraise checked was a mistake,corrected.

Everytime i check i spent 32 skill points,and that should be fine.Think i will try something else to remember which skills are class skills, like writing a "C" after the skill name.
For description and personality have to work on that, but i usually rely more on pics that descriptive text,and for personality i simply look at alignment modified by mental stat (Int-Wis-Cha).
Remember also english isn't my fist lang.

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