Prophecies in APs

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

Does anyone know of any APs, or modules, that feature prophecies as an important part of the plot?

Silver Crusade Contributor

It depends on how you define "prophecy". The entire point of the Age of Lost Omens is that prophecies no longer come true, after all, so the old trope of "It was written that a Hero would come" is pretty much out.


As far back as AP #11, there are rumors that Iomedae forged a specific holy sword just so it would end up in a certain castle for heroes to find in a certain event. That's pretty prophetic - good thing she didn't write it down. ^_^

Jade Regent implies that the heroes were "destined" to find the relic that sets them on their path to Minkai.

The Mythic heroes of Wrath of the Righteous also have more than a hint of Destiny about them - it's a little much for coincidence that these 3-6 individuals with these specific histories ended up at the breaking of the wardstones.

That's all I've got off the top of my head. If anything else comes up, I'll pop in again. ^_^

Shattered Star has a cool one in book 3

Silver Crusade Contributor

captain yesterday wrote:
Shattered Star has a cool one in book 3

Aargh, missed that one. Although I'd say that it's blurring the lines... have you read Book 6? ^_^

Yes, yes I did, that's what makes it so cool:-)

Shattered Star is one of my favorites :-)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah... the fact that prophecies DON'T really work in the world is one of Golarion's defining characteristics. We do utilize them now and then in adventures, but usually in unusual ways (the Shattered Star one is a good example) or in a historical context (ancient prophecies that have long ago played out) or in a blatantly false manner where the prophecies simply don't function.

I believe it is curse of the Crimson Throne (or was it CoT) that uses the Harrow deck.

Not really prophecies so much as fortune telling with a Harrow Deck that tells the future...but it is intrinsic to the AP.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Got another one. Pathfinder Adventure Path #34: Blood for Blood (Book 4 of Kingmaker) features a sect of vengeful witches who called down a prophecy of doom upon their foes. Of course...

...since prophecy no longer comes true, the witches had to bust their butts actually engineering the prophesied event. Good times. ^_^

Thank you all for your help. I see the problem with the whole age of lost omens thing. I guess prophecies are a slippery issue in RPGs anyway, given the nature of players to completely ruin the GMs best laid plans...

I shall have a look at Shattered Star though, could be interesting. I also remember the Harrow part (it was CotCT) - that might be the sort of thing I'm looking for.

Also - Thank you James for replying. I don't want to sound grovel-y, but it's nice that Paizo people actually read and reply on these forums.

Kalindlara wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Shattered Star has a cool one in book 3
Aargh, missed that one. Although I'd say that it's blurring the lines... have you read Book 6? ^_^

I have run the entire Shattered Star, i know of the prophecy in book 3 (very good story hook) but how it's blurring the lines?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The ultimate Big Bad in Kingmaker is also motivated in part by a prophecy. Since the prophecy was laid down before the fall of Aroden, it spelled doom for the Big Bad at the time, but during the AP itself, the Big Bad isn't certain whether the prophecy is still valid.

Silver Crusade Contributor

leo1925 wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Shattered Star has a cool one in book 3
Aargh, missed that one. Although I'd say that it's blurring the lines... have you read Book 6? ^_^
I have run the entire Shattered Star, i know of the prophecy in book 3 (very good story hook) but how it's blurring the lines?

Shattered Star:
I wasn't sure whether a message from one's future self counted as prophecy... I guess the presentation of the message (via Augustaille - sp?) pushes it over into prophecy. It needs that little extra hit of cryptic that the troll augur gives it. ^_^

Kalindlara wrote:
leo1925 wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Shattered Star has a cool one in book 3
Aargh, missed that one. Although I'd say that it's blurring the lines... have you read Book 6? ^_^
I have run the entire Shattered Star, i know of the prophecy in book 3 (very good story hook) but how it's blurring the lines?
** spoiler omitted **


Shattered Star book 6 spoiler:
How does it come from one of the PCs?
How did i miss that?
It's the time glass artifact.
I really don't know how did i miss that, either i forgot it after i read it (when i was preparing for book 6) either i never read it.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Carrion Crown has one, or more like a forshadowed vision, it could be a prophacy, or perhaps just plot exposition.

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