Character Registration Newbie Question - sorry in advance.

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Hey guys,

First off, really excited about joining up with the Organized play. I loved shared campaigns and Pathfinder is easily one of my favorite RPGS.

I am heading to Hal-Con (in Halifax Canada) this weekend. I saw that there was some society games being played, and I decided to make up a character and join in the fun.

I made up my character and submitted it through the registration form. How long does it normally take for him to show up in the database? I got a concept in mind that I'm pretty keen to play.

I followed the instructions to the letter, so I'm not sure if I missed anything.

Also - what is this I hear about "Online" play? Thanks in advance anyone with the time to help a newbie out.



If you mean you filled out the information here on the website, there's no further processing--you're done. The character is registered. (Most of that information is optional; all you really need is a PFS # and aliases created for each character so you can track their sessions.) You can confirm this by going to and looking at the character list at the bottom of the page.

Online play is not my thing, so I'll leave that to others.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Thanks Patrick,

Managed to figure out what I had done wrong by going back over the page. Everything is all set up now. Looking forward to getting a game under my belt.

Thanks again.


There is a fairly large play by post contingent on the boards .. I know there is a section for it as well as a off-site messageboard (link escapes me atm). Personally I've never participated in the pbp so I'm not sure of all the details about how to get in on a game.


There are two different forms of online play: play by post (which can be fun, but is, by its nature, rather slow), and "virtual table-top" play, which typically uses an online virtual gaming table program like Maptools or Fantasy Grounds (and which can be nearly as fast as a face-to-face game).

I'm fairly certain that the latter is being done for PFS (I've seen it for virtually ever other OP campaign out there over the years), but I'm not sure where such PFS games are organized.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

There's also chatroom roleplay, which is halfway between the two and kind of antiquated these days, but almost no one seems to do that anymore (see: my failure to generate interest in an IRC channel for PFS "soft" role-play with occasional recruitment for scenario-play).

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Mike Bramnik wrote:
There's also chatroom roleplay, which is halfway between the two and kind of antiquated these days, but almost no one seems to do that anymore (see: my failure to generate interest in an IRC channel for PFS "soft" role-play with occasional recruitment for scenario-play).

Mike, the Aussie group uses IRC for part opf their online game experience, along with Combat Assistant and Skype.

IRC subs in for the missing chat function in CA, which both MapTools and FG have. ::shrug:: YMMV.

I know I posted the links for both the Pathfinder Society Online COllective and the Fantasy Grounds PFS game announcement thread on the boards here recently, so if you click on my name and switch to the posts tab, it should be in one of my most recent posts.

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