Crime lord's 'go' bag


so if you were the head of an extensive criminal organisation, what would be in your bag of holding that you scooped up as you bolted out the door to make your emergency get away?

so far i've got the obvious, a bunch of cash in coin and gem form, and a stash of various potions - possibly a wand or two since the crime lord in question is a bard. probably a few changes of clothing.

presume extensive wealth, so at least 50k invested in the bag (not counting bag itself)

your thoughts appreciated :)

Silver Crusade

Cloak of the mountebank. He might want to wear a resistance cloak for everyday use and have the other cloak to make good his getaway.

The villain's escape kit Basically anything that might grant powers similar to those spells.

Figurines of wondrous power: Bronze Griffon, Obsidian steed, maybe the goats.

What level?

Necklace of Adaptation.

Bag of Holding.

A month's supplies.

Many dancing girls wearing their own necklaces of adaptation.

Climb into bag and surprise the snot out of the adventurers when they loot you.

...A portable hole and hat of disguise.

Lantern Lodge

A spell trigget item with sphere of force, 1 with wall of force, 1 with gate to the positive plane, 1 with gate to the negative plane, and 1 of teleport to x location. Quickly create a sphere of force dissected by a wall of force with the positive plane on 1 side and the negative plane on the other. Teleport out to the location set and watch from a safe distance eating popcorn and sipping on dwarven beer as u see magic equivalent of a nuke go off. That will teach them dam adventures to raid my cupcake factory. hmm i think i vergot some thing.....O no i did not finish my cupcake. *snivel* *looks in portable hole* OMG CUPCAKE!!! u are safe. YAY *omnomnomnom*

st00ji wrote:
...what would be in your bag of holding...
Conundrum wrote:
...A portable hole

So your escape plan is tearing a rift into the astral plane?

Abraham spalding wrote:
What level?

the crime lord is a 9th level bard.

Awesome, that actually helps a lot.

I would expect a weapon and some armor as well as the clothing mentioned above. I could easily see a crime lord bard having mundane equipment shrunk with the shrink item spell for him so his bag can hold more.

In this category I see rope, a healing kit, some alchemical items (both helpful and harmful), and the like.

Race matters some too -- a dwarf has no need for a light source or potion of darkvision, but an elf or human might.

Consider a means of underwater survival as most adventurers hate having to go through a dark unknown waterway to track someone down.

Brambleman wrote:
st00ji wrote:
...what would be in your bag of holding...
Conundrum wrote:
...A portable hole
So your escape plan is tearing a rift into the astral plane?


yes, potions of water breathing and freedom of movement are on the list. he is a human.

further to the bag of holding thing, how does one go about retrieving an item from it? that is, do you need to know whats in there, to find it?

so if my party get their hands on it (which they probably will) they may not be able to get all or any of his stuff out, since they dont know whats in there?

short of tipping it over, at any rate.

Handy Haversack let's you retrieve items as a move or free action instead of the sandard to retrieve a stored item.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

How about paperwork? False (or even his real) identification, blackmail information, travel papers, deeds and/or proof of ownership of properties in other cities, maps to (and keys for) your safehouses, etc....

A disguise kit (don't depend completely on that hat), appropriate clothing for your disguise, necessary toolkits (if you're pretending to be Bob the plumber you need a wrench), etc....

Survival gear. Rations for several days, camping equipment, etc....

if he can manage to get a contingency spell to set off of an appropriate trigger to cast misleed to give him time to get away. either that or a programmed image for the same effect

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Wand/Scroll of Teleportation (Bards have high CHA, so the UMD check should be trivial by level 9), up-to-date pictures of your various safe-houses so you can memorize what they look like, a primer on local customs for the place each safe-house is located in, some clothes to fit each region's latest styles, a Disguise Kit, some food, some cash (Preferably in 'universal' form, such as precious gems and gold ingots)... And some means of remotely activating all 50 (or more) Explosive Runes scattered around the base. Use the remote detonator, then the wand/scroll, and bask in the smug satisfaction that your enemies are now motes of ash strewn across the landscape.

Extra credit if there is a highly-escapable and highly-advertised (Phantom voice announcing the time until detonation, perhaps?) time limit before the runes detonate all at once.

Ultimate Equipment has a bunch of things that would be useful:

- Adventurer's Any-tool (cheap, extremely flexible) have a couple

- one or more magical means of transportation, preferably with flight (or planar shift) - an Obsidian Steed might be overkill but would get him literally anywhere fairly reliably (planar shift is a pretty decent way to get out of a jam, as is Ethereal Jaunt and overland flight is among the best ways to fly... this of course assume he has the right skills (but heck he is a Bard...)

- shrunk versions of his favorite instruments and/or scrolls of summon instrument(s)?

- untraceable wealth (gems, gold, currency perhaps)

- anti-scrying items (ring of non-detection?) getting away doesn't much matter if your enemies can scry for you and come right to you...

- ultimate contingency plan(s) might involve the right components for a future raise dead & restoration(s) - i.e. a few specifically valuable gems as well as some contingency to get his body to the right folks for being raised (this is possibly tricky)

- he is a crime boss perhaps a few "illegal" items which he can use to get going in a new city - not sure what his crime(s) of choice are but Pesh etc come to mind as options. Others might be forgery tools (for new IDs). Crime in a high magic world is possibly fairly complex - I'd imagine that at the higher levels you spend a lot energy looking for ways to counter scrying, to hide your identity and counter future investigations - so beyond a hat of disguise I'd imagine that physical means of disguise as well as magical means of transformation would be of interest - as well as tools to counter scrying (and equally tools for scrying).

DarkStar15 wrote:
Extra credit if there is a highly-escapable and highly-advertised (Phantom voice announcing the time until detonation, perhaps?) time limit before the runes detonate all at once.

plus it has to blow up when the voice says there are 27 seconds left until detonation. learn from the evil overlord list!

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In no particular order.

Wand or scrolls of Endure Elements.
He's rich, why suffer?

Scrolls with Hidden Shelter.
Cause this is the best hideout.

Anything that imparts Nondetection.
Because he is just a little paranoid at this point.

Gems and a couple of coins.
Portable money is best. Property deeds count here, so does blackmail materials.

Some method of disguise.
He's a bard and a crimelord so this is covered by spontaneous spells but mundane clothes go along way.

Food. Water.
All this other stuff is useless if you starve to death.

A backup weapon and armor.
Just in case he really left in a hurry.

A musical instrument or artistic materials. A good book.
He's a bard, he hates getting bored.

Expensive stuff that'd be nice to have.

A Folding Boat.
A Flying Carpet.
A Helm of Teleportation.
A Construct Guardian. Iron Cobra etc.
An Instant Fortress.
A big nasty monster that is either polymorphed into something like a marble ( small innocuous ) or shrunk and held in stasis. For Dispel Magic chaos.
A Necklace of Adaptation.
A Mirror of Mental Prowess.

ring of substance is a cheap solution to the "food & water" issue

Ring of Sustenance takes a week to "attune" itself. So if he wasn't wearing it already it's not a bypass for some basic food and water.

Muryland's Spoon is a cheap option, forgot about that one.

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