Olwen's Shattered Star campaign

Campaign Journals

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Olwen wrote:
So what's the final death tally? Viv 1, Laslo 1, Draco 7, and Nasim 0?

Laslo 2, I think -- killed first by the shadows under Windsong Abbey, and later by Cadrilkasta's Prismatic Spray.

Yes, you're right, I had forgotten about the shadows. I'm still disappointed I never got to Nasim. ;)

Sovereign Court

Congratulations to the entire group for finishing the AP, and especially to Nasim for avoiding death altogether! Quite impressive indeed!

I started our Way of the Wicked campaign journal. I've only presented the PCs for the moment, but more will soon follow. We had the first session last week and it was particularly tense!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thank you, this campaign journal was very entertaining and educational. I just started running Shattered Star two weeks ago and the second session is in a few days. It's good to have a preview of how things can go.

It's too bad you decided to not use Xaivanshee and Ogonthunn. It would have been interesting to see how your group would have dealt with the two.

Glad you liked it, magnuskn. I hope you campaign goes well!

For those interested in this campaign journal, we just started Return of the Runelords. The journal for that campaign will be here in case you'd like to have a look.

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