New GM Clarification Questions

GM Discussion

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

I am going to preface this with an apology that if anything I address here has been brought up in another posting, please accept my apologies (any references you can provide will be appreciated). I am trying to not only clarify some things for myself but to help the GM who has been mentoring me so both of us can be better at what we do in our games.

1.). Scenarios give 1 PP for completion and 1 PP for completion of the faction mission. Sanctioned modules give 4 PP for completion. XP is 1 per scenario and 3 per module.
(All based on standard advancement track and is halved for slow adv. track)

2.). Fame is the accumulated PP received over the career of the character and PP awarded is the spendable component.

3.) All items that the party found during the scenario/module and listed on the chronicle sheet are purchasable for 1/2 of what is listed on the chronicle sheet or is the price listed what the party has to pay for the item,

4.) items listed on the chronicle sheet that have successfully been found by the party. Are they considered as already having been sold to the Society or does any of the listed pricing need to be adjusted.

The objective to this posting is to insure that I am doing things correctly and to clear up conflicting information I have been receiving. Thank you in advance for all your help and I do apologize for anything mentioned here that has been previously addressed.


Blacktiger1969 wrote:

1.). Scenarios give 1 PP for completion and 1 PP for completion of the faction mission. Sanctioned modules give 4 PP for completion. XP is 1 per scenario and 3 per module.

(All based on standard advancement track and is halved for slow adv. track)

Generally, yes.

One notable exception is in old (years 0 and 1, and maybe year 2, I'm not sure) scenarios. Those give 2 Prestige Points, but both points are dependent on completing faction missions -- each faction has two missions within the scenario, and completing each of those two faction missions earns you one PP. You gain no PP for completing the main mission.

Blacktiger1969 wrote:
2.). Fame is the accumulated PP received over the career of the character and PP awarded is the spendable component.


Blacktiger1969 wrote:
3.) All items that the party found during the scenario/module and listed on the chronicle sheet are purchasable for 1/2 of what is listed on the chronicle sheet or is the price listed what the party has to pay for the item,

The price to purchase an item listed on a Chronicle is the full "retail" price. If the Chronicle lists an item as being worth 1500 gp, your PC needs to spend 1500 gp to take the item.

Blacktiger1969 wrote:
4.) items listed on the chronicle sheet that have successfully been found by the party. Are they considered as already having been sold to the Society or does any of the listed pricing need to be adjusted.

All items found by the PCs during the adventure are turned into ("sold to", if you prefer that term) the Society, and any prices listed on a Chronicle sheet reflect this.

Basically, unless your party completely botches an encounter, or doesn't even get to an encounter, there's generally no reason why they won't get the "maximum" gold listed on the Chronicle sheet for the tier / subtier at which the adventure was played. This means that, in the vast majority of cases, there will be no reason why you, as Judge, will need to go in and do any math or pricing of items. Award them the max gold, and be on your way.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

Thank you. Based on your answers it seems that I am not only understanding things better but the areas in which I have been receiving conflicting information are no longer in conflict. Thank you so much for your help and it looks like I will be passing on some valuable and clarifying information to my mentor.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Also, at the end of each encounter in the scenario text, it will list the gold piece reward for each PC.

You do not need to add each encounter's reward up to get the total gold reward, but if a group has to run away or completely skips the encounter then you should subtract that amount from the Max Gold award on the Chronicle sheet.

GMs are encouraged to allow creative solutions for getting around a listed encounter and the PCs should get that encounter's reward in that case as well.

Also, even if all the encounter rewards add up to more than the Max Gold listed on the Chronicle sheet, each PC can only get up to the Max Gold reward. Plus any Day Job gold or gold from a special boon or any special instructions in the scenario itself.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

Thank you for that information. The GM that was mentoring me and I just met and we cleared up a lot of what was brought to light here in the posting and I will have to show her this part as well since we are trying to share our findings so we both can be certain that we are running our PFS games correctly.

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