Shizzle69 |

So I came up with this dungeon a while back. It was created by a gnome illusionist, and I will be running a group through it eventually, some of the ideas came from the boards here. I just wanted to repost it in this form and ask for any improvements or additions that you think might add to the fun!
Sorry if it isn't formatted to your liking. I just copy pasted from notepad so things might have gotten messed up.
The other thread for reference. Link
Trickster Dungeon
1:Greased Sprial Hallway Down into matress let them pick up serious speed.
2:Animated Door with fake trap tile in front: HP:70 Hard:20 AC:24 +10(2d6+14)
3:Treadmill Hallway 3 levers(1 faster, 1 slower, 1 stop) Also obstacles
Gel Cube x2, Magma Ooze, Slime Mold, Boxes, Coffin
4:Poltergeist room tar and feather, rotten fruits and veggies,origami animals,pillows
5:Mite charging Admission for the Black Tentacles Chair ride.
6:Wall of gears, levers, swords, scythes,ect pool of blood at base.+20 Pie in face
7:Slightly Open door with nasty bucket to fall on victim. +10 touch
8:Gelatinous Golem Room w/2 illusioury golems (all gummy Bears)
9:Fake Door(does not open)
10:Room with lever and 10 sec countdown Lever just resets countdown, get out by letting countdown get to 0.
11:Animate Objects Room
12:Cage trap Room
13:Fake Pit 40 ft long. animated Brick: HP:10 Hard:8 +3(1d4+3)
14:Quickling With Steal in room with places for it to chill after spring attack stealing
15:Door That casts mount every time you try to walk trough it
16:Room with many chains hanging from celing(materials) do different things.
17:Stairs up that if they don't walk up backwards warp them to the base
18:The double Death pit
19:Boss Fae Gnome Illusionist
Pixie w/levels following them around
Pugwampi Sorc Riding Faerie Dragon Same as Pixie
Random Sounds or Clues that Mean Nothing.
Chalk arrows that change.
Standard Monsters With Random Abilities
35 x 15 room
Candelabra: HP:10 Hard:5 AC:13 +3(1d4+1+1d6 burn)
Crystal Ball: HP:10 Hard:8 AC:14 +3(1d4+2)
2x Sword on wall: HP:30,30 Hard 10 AC:17 +7(1d8+5)
Desk:Mov:20 HP:70 Hard:5 AC:18 +10x2(3d6+10) Trample DC 22 (3d6+15) or attk opp at -4
Chair: HP:30 Hard:5 AC:15 +5x2(1d8+4)
Rug: HP:70 AC:18 reach 10ft +10x2(1d6+10) Grab +14 Constrict(1d6+10)
Metal renforced Bookshelf: HP:70 Hard:10 AC:20 +10(3d6+12)
6x books:Fly:30 HP:10,10,10,10,10,10 AC:13 +3(1d4) or ranged
Bust Stand: HP:50 Hard:8 AC:16 +6(1d12+5)
Haunted Bust:Fly 30 HP:30 Hard:5 AC:15 +5x2(1d6+6)
Door Knob out: HP:10 Hard:5 AC:13 reach 10ft +3(1d4)
60 x 50 room each 5x5 triggers a roll d10 and d12 to determine which square gets cage, or removes cage. Monsters all from d20pfsrd
L:lever 15 ft up
0:the Splatter Man's Body (animated as skeleton) Splater man in here too
1:Vreeg (necromancer controls all undead)
2:Merlokrep, the kobold king (+6 on total defense)
3:Goblin King
4:Deadwatcher Orc
5:Acrietia (+6 total def)
6:Rukus Graul
7:Gurtis Vortch
8:Hymmir Urath (+6 total def)
x Animated Cage: HP:50 AC:15 +6x2(1d8+6) Grab +10
Adamantine:Str check 30. Every fail it insults you(pansy,my grandmother could... ect.)
Bone:Drops tons of bones that Danse Macabre(find skeleton dance video)
Bronze:Bag of Copper (10g) once emptied turns inside out into tan bag of tricks
Darkwood: Trees Sprout throughout the room Reflex 20 or take 6d6+10(5 feather tokens)
Dragonhide:One link for each type of dragon. Summons Faeire Dragon/Pugwampi(play trix)
Gold: Bag of gold (1000g)
Platinum:Platinum Dragon materializes. (young Gold No breath weapon no weakness)
Cold Iron:A campfire with bacon and beans and biscuits in cast iron pans appears YUM!
Mithril:Mirror Copies of the Party. 1/2 HP
Nexavaran Steel: Gravity Temp Reverses Take 2d6x2 Ref avoids, Stunned Fort avoids, Dazed Will avoids, all DC 15
Obsidian: Obsidian Flow is cast forming into Obsidian Minotaur
Serpentstone:Smokes Slightly with a faint glow. Pull for snake swarm.
Silver: Bag of silver drops(100g)
Stone: Stone Call in room (2d6 and difficult terrain)
Deep Crystal:2x Crystal Oozes form next to the door. Not obvious.
Ice:Entire Floor in covered in ice dc 18 reflex for remainder/until obsidian trigger.
Iron: Iron Maiden golem Materializes
Steel:animated HP:30 Hard:10 AC:17 +7(2d4+6)
Weird Black:like the color from space. Party room streamers/baloons/confetti
Gnome Illusionist 12 Sorc(arcane)1
Traits:Trickster-+1 caster level for duration,range,area of illusion
BAB: 6+1(size)
AC: 10+1(dex)+1(size)
Ini: +1
+2 vs illusion
Fort:7 4+3
Refl:5 4+1
Will:13 10+3
Appraise:12 1+8+3
Bluff:21 13+5+3
Craft(trap):18 5+8+3+2(racial)
Diplomacy:18 13+5
Disable Device:9 7+1+1(racial)
Disguise:18 13+5 +10(hat)
Escape Artist:24 13+1+3+1(trait)+6(feat)
Fly:10 6+1+3
Know(all):14 8+2+1+3
Linguistics:18 7+8+3
Perception:18 13+3+2(racial) +4(familiar)
Profession:8 3+3+2
Sense Motive:16 13+3 +4(familiar)
Spellcraft:24 13+8+3
Stealth:18 13+1+3+1(trait)
UMD:21 13+5+3
Wiz:scribe Scroll
Sorc:Eschew Materials
1:Groundling(speak with burroing animals at will)
3:Effortless Trickery(concentrate on illusion as swift)
5:Spell Focus Illusion
Wiz:Threatening Illusion(metamagic +1 1 5ft square of illusion threatens)
7:Improved Familiar
9:Breadth of Experience(+2 know/prof make untrained)
Wiz:Disruptive Spell(metamagic+1 must make concentration=save dc + spell level)
11:Greater Spell Focus Illusion
13:Skill Focus(escape artist)
Master Tinker:proficient with anything self crafted
Gnome Magic:+1 to illusion DC, 1/day dancing light,ghost sound,presti,speak w animals
School:Illusion, Forbbiden:Necromancy, Enchantment
Extend Illusions:concentation illusions last 6 extra rounds after ceasing
Blinding Ray:standard 30ft ranged touch blind for 1 rnd 9/day
Invisibility Field:swift Greater Invisible 12 rnds/day
Arcane Bloodline arcana: when apply metamagic that ups level by 1+ up dc +1
Headband of Int+4 (UMD,Spellcraft)
Hat of Disguise +10 disguise
Varisian Tatoo(illusion):+1 caster level 3/day ghost sound
Sorc Spells: CL:1 Concentration +6
0th:Haunted Fey Aspect, Open/Close, Detect Magic, Acid Splash
1st:5/day Mage Armor, Reduce Person
Wiz Spells: CL:12 (14 illusion) Concentration +20
0th: Ghost Sound DC(21), Drench, Mage Hand, Mending
1st: Silent Image x2, Ventriloquism, Color Spray x2, Vanish x2 DC(22)
2nd: Haunting Mists, Threaten Silent Image x2 DC(23), Mirror Image,
Invisibility, Eagles Splendor, See Invisible
3rd: Major Image x2, Disruptive Haunting Mists, Vision of Hell
Loathsome Veil, Invisibility Sphere, DC(24) Mad Monkeys CMB:20 D:30
4th:Threatening Loathsome Veil, Rainbow Pattern, Wandering Star Motes DC(25)
Emergency Force Sphere, Black Tentacles, Ghost Wolf x2 DC(22)
5th:Persistant Image x2, Seeming x2 DC(26), Baleful Polymorph DC(23)
6th: Mislead x2 DC(27), Summon Monster VI, Ice Crystal Teleport DC(24)
Could Have Cast: Permanent Image, Programmed Image DC(27), Halucinatory TerainDC(25)
Planar Bound:Succubus, 2x Lantern Archon
Contingency:Dimension Door to safe room when HP = Negative
Senses blindsense 30 ft, darkvision 30 ft, detect law; Perception +18
AC 22 hp 34 fast healing 2 Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +9 SR:18
amorphous, freedom of movement; Immune acid; Resist electricity 10, sonic 10
fly 50 ft. (perfect)
Melee bite +12 (1), tail slap +12 (1 plus confusion DC 19 1 rnd)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +7)
At will—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 12), prestidigitation
3/day—blur (self only), obscuring mist
1/week—commune (CL 12th, 6 questions)
Str 7, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 17(+4 enhance)
Skills Acrobatics +9 (+5 jump), Bluff +18, Escape Artist +17, Fly +22,
Knowledge (arcana) +9, Perception +18, Stealth +25
SQ change shape (2 forms, both of which must be Tiny animals; beast shape II)
Pixie Ranger(skirmisher) 5
AC 22 hp 70 DR 10/cold iron; SR 20
Fort +6, Ref +13, Will +8
Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Ranged longbow +14 (1d6/×3) +1(att/dmg in 30ft)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th)
Constant—detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law
1/day—dancing lights, detect thoughts (DC 16), dispel magic, entangle (DC 15),
lesser confusion (DC 15), permanent image DC 20, shield
Str 7, Dex 21, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 18
Feats Dodge, PB shot, Weapon Focus,
Skills Acrobatics +17, Bluff +16, Escape Artist +17, Fly +23, Knowledge (nature) +15,
Perception +15, Sense Motive +15, Stealth +21, Use Magic Device +16
Favored Enemy:Human +4, Xeph +2 (bluff,Know,Perc,Sense,Survival,Attack,Damage)
Favored Terrain: Underground +2 (init, Perc, Stealth, survival, leave no trail)
Ranger Tricks:5/day move twice speed on move action no stealth penalty
Invisibility (Su) A pixie remains invisible even when it attacks. This ability
is constant, but the pixie can suppress or resume it as a free action.
Special Arrows (Su) free action 18/day
Charm: The target must succeed on a DC 16 Will charm monster spell for 10 minutes.
Memory Loss: The target must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or be affected by a modify
memory spell (this effect can only eliminate the previous 5 minutes of memory)
Sleep: The target must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or fall asleep for 5 minutes.
SPOT: HP:38 AC:16 Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.; Attack bite +7 (1d6+1);
Ability Scores Str 13, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 7; F:4 R:4 W:1
Skills: +17 Stealth +10 when still, LLV, Feats:SF(stealth), Stealthy, Weapon FInesse
Pugwampi Sorcerer 7
Init +5; Senses darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 15 hp 50 DR 2/cold iron; SR 14
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +10
Melee touch +7
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7st; concentration +8)
At will—prestidigitation, speak with animals
1/day—shatter (DC 11)
4/day-Laughing Touch
7rnd/day-Improved Invisibility
Str 3, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 13
Feats Improved Initiative, ToughnessB, Weapon FinesseB, Dodge
Skills Disable Device +10, Perception +14 (+10 listening), Ride +11, Stealth +26;
A pugwampi radiates an aura of unluck to a radius of 20 feet. Any character who
gains any sort of luck bonus (such as that granted by a luckstone or divine favor)
is immune to the pugwampi unluck aura.
0th: Detect Magic,Resistance,Drench,Breeze,Ghost Sound,Scoop,Open/Close
1st:7/day Entangle, Grease DC12, Mage Armor, Mount, Silent Image, Snapdragon Fireworks
2nd:6/day Hideous Laughter DC 15, Glitterdust DC 13, Invisibility, Arcane Lock
3rd:4/day Deep Slumber DC 16, Explosive Runes, Mad Monkeys CMB:+9
Quickling Lore Warden 5
Init +7; Senses low-light vision; Perception +14
AC 20 hp 80 DR 5/cold iron
Fort +7, Ref +12, Will +7
Speed 120 ft.
Melee Fists +15 1+1d6 SA or steal/disarm CMB:+21 CMD:26
Str 8, Dex 24, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 14
Feats Dodge, MobilityB, Spring AttackB, Weapon Finesse, Combat Expertise, Imp Steal
Greater Steal, Imp Disarm, Greater Disarm, Weap Focus, Imp Unarmed Strike
Skills Acrobatics +19 (+55 jump), Bluff +14, Craft (traps) +11, Escape Artist +22,
Perception +14, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +23, Survival +4, Use Magic Device +9
CMB:+7(bab)+7(dex)+4(feats)+2(lore ward)+1(WF)+1(Weap Training)-1(size)
A quickling is invisible when motionless. It loses this invisibility and remains
visible for 1 round in any round in which it takes an action other than a free action.
Supernatural Speed (Su)
A quickling moves with incredible speed.the quickling’s shape blurs and shimmers with
speed, granting it concealment (20% miss chance). In addition, this ability grants
the quickling evasion and uncanny dodge (as the rogue abilities of the same names).
Slow Susceptibility (Ex)
A quickling that succumbs to a slow effect loses its supernatural speed ability and
is sickened as long as the effect persists. This sickened condition persists for 1
round after the slow effect ends.