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So . . . played Basic & 1e way back when and jumped into 4e a couple of years ago, about to make the switch to PF.
First question: is there a GM forum here? If so, seems I can't find it.
Second: About to launch RotRL and I'm stoked. As we are new to this rule system I'm inclined to limit source materials to Core. However, one of my players really wants to play a Magus. I'm all about empowering players to be awesome and maximize their fun, but I'm concerned about opening up access to too much material right off the bat.

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My group has a strict "If no one owns the book, you can't use it" rule... In addition, basically anything NOT in the Core book is usable at DM discretion only and must be OK'd for the game. This could mean your PC has to research/study/train to get a benefit or they may just be flat out allowed, or it may just be prohibited. Depends, case-by-case.

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My group has a strict "If no one owns the book, you can't use it" rule... In addition, basically anything NOT in the Core book is usable at DM discretion only and must be OK'd for the game. This could mean your PC has to research/study/train to get a benefit or they may just be flat out allowed, or it may just be prohibited. Depends, case-by-case.
Thanks for the reply. I was thinking about the "someone in the group owns the book or it's out" approach, but the material is easily accessed online.
To clarify, I have no problem saying "no - we're sticking with Core." My questions is more, as a new group, SHOULD I say we're sticking with Core?

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There's not a specifically "GMs only" forum here, sorry.
If you're the GM, allow what you're comfortable with. I will note that the magus gives lots of people problems because people often aren't as well-versed in the rules for touch spells as they think they are, and therefore misinterpret the magus a lot. If you're new to the system, there could be headaches. On the other hand, if you enjoy learning and you're fairly "rules-savvy" in general (i.e., that's the way you think, as opposed to more of a conceptual/abstract thinker), it'll sharpen you up quick, so it could be good. "Know thyself". ;)
If you decide to stay away from the magus, talk to the player who wants to use it and see what it is they're really after - it's possible they might be able to create their vision with core classes. If they want someone with buff spells and a sword, a cleric or bard could do it (potentially better!) or if they want to alternate between blasting and stabbing, a fighter/wizard/Eldritch Knight could be the way to go.
Just don't be afraid to say "maybe next time". :)