Mr. Damage |

Quick question, can I use Bull Rush related feats with this Bloodline Power? Couldn't find anything on this.
Avalanche (Su): At 9th level, whenever you hit a single target with a spell that deals damage, you may make a bull rush check as a swift action. Your CMB for this maneuver is equal to your sorcerer caster level + your Charisma bonus. You can make this maneuver even if the target is not in melee range, and you do not provoke an attack of opportunity for making this maneuver. If the target is in contact with earth, stone, or rock, you gain a +4 bonus on your CMB check.

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You can indeed use those feats. It's a bull rush and those feats aid bull rush.
However, I wouldn't recommend it; your feats are rare and precious, and spending 2-3 feats augmenting a "cute" bloodline power isn't the best way to spend them. However, if you should find a cheap magic item that boosts Bull Rush...