Character build help?

Skull & Shackles

I've been trying to work out options in my head for a couple of weeks, and I'm still not sure, so I'll hand it off to the fine people here.

About to start the S&S AP. I'm looking at doing catfolk, for beginners. What I want to do is a rogue-type, who uses dual weaponry, being a sword (most likely a rapier) and a pistol; looking at eventually becoming the captain of his own ship.

Ideally, I'd like to pick up the feat Sword and Pistol, so I can stab and shoot in close-combat (at some point, I know there's no way to get it at first level). The problem with that is there's a whole mess-load of feats to take to get it. I'd rather not sacrifice my rogue idea in favor of a feat machine (read: fighter) if at all possibru. Any ideas?

The first thing that comes to mind is the Buccaneer gunslinger. Charisma to grit will work well with the Catfolk charisma bonus, the gunslinger's abilities and 4+ skillpoints still give a "Rogueish" flavor, and they even get Sword and Pistol as a free bonus feat! There is the issue that, technically, it is "typically" a human-only archetype, there really isn't a lot of reason for that restriction. Besides, you can argue that "typically" doesn't mean "always," or just hope your GM is cool about such things.

If that isn't to your liking, realize that Sword and Pistol doesn't actually do very much. Mechanically, it is just universally worse than Point Blank Master, which you can get with a 4 level Fighter dip or 6 levels of Ranger. The Snap Shot line will also let you get some use out of your pistol, while saving feats on TWF. Remember that reloading a firearm with both hands full is not an easy task, so using Snap Shot to take attacks of opportunity at approaching enemies before drawing your rapier and battling them up close might work out better, while keeping your flavor.

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