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So I'm thinking of starting a pbp since my gaming group and I have grown apart and I don't have time to devote to a structured weekly schedule. For the pbp campaign I have in mind I want to mess with spell lists a bit and here are my thoughts:
• You can cast any spell on your spell list as normal.
• You may cast any spell on any other spell list that has the same maximum level as you, ie. wizards clerics and druids or rangers and paladins or bards magi and summoners.
• Casting a spell of another class always takes 1 spell slot higher than the highest level another class casts it at. For example if there was a spell that wizards have on their list at 5 and clerics at 6, Druids could cast it as an 8th(with appropriate dc for an 8th level spell).
• Casting a spell of another class requires an appropriate knowledge check with a dc = 20 + spell level * 2 or lose the slot.
• All spells not on your list have a "wild" magic chance, that is reduced by the result of the check(this will be a dm behind the scenes type thing(that is still being worked out) but even if successful there is a chance of the raw magic going haywire, and the worse you roll the more likely it will happen)
What do you guys think? Will this give too much power to spell casters?