Miniatures and Pawns


Ok, I love my miniatures. I love my pawns. But I realized last night I dislike both mixed on the table. I am unsure why it bugs me to have both at the same time. But it was clearly bugging me.

Anyone else feel this way and if so, why?

Grand Lodge

Yeah. One way or the other is best. I have pawns and used them. But my preference is miniatures. But I have been collecting them for way too many years to mention. However Pawns are great for those new to the hobby or on a budget. Minis are expensive.

The size of the pawns in comparison to the miniatures look off. The Pawns look good from certain angles. Minis look good from any angle.

Just my two coppers!


Thanks for the input Mazra.

You bring up a good thought. maybe it is the 2D vs 3D being mixed that hits me. Not sure.

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There's also the storage issue of miniatures, paper minis, and cardboard pawns are great for transport and storage!

Also if you're good in photoshop you can mod your paper minis. like making goblin rangers in goblin dogs.

Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:
There's also the storage issue of miniatures, paper minis, and cardboard pawns are great for transport and storage!

Storage is not an issue for me but I do understand it could be for others.

Like I said though, I like both of my collections and what I am trying to understand was my reaction to having both on the table at the same time. I did not think about mixing them but when I did it bugged me for some reason.

Do you mix Pawns and miniatures on the table and if so, do you care?


I think it depends on the useage. I feel all PCs should be one or the other, and all NPCs should be one or the other, but I would rather not have half pawns and half minis for NPCs or half pawns and half minis for PCs


I'm a beggar, so I can't be a chooser. :) I'm buying me some pawns with next month's paycheck, though!

I prefer the token/mini on the table to as closely represent the monster or PC it's supposed to be as much as possible. Because im picky I do often mix minis with tokens, I have only a handful of minis but many thousands of tokens (bless photoshop) so its more often than not JUST tokens.

Grand Lodge

I also don't like mixing pawns and mini's the exception being a huge or gargantuan monster. Having a mini in these cases can add to the intimidating or awesome presence of the creature!

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