Class for high dex, int and cha?


Silver Crusade

I'm playing a Azata blooded Aasimar who's a fey creature
My highest stats are
Dex- 24
Int- 19
Cha- 18

I am having trouble picking a class

Sorcerer, bard, wizard, rogue.

Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

I'm playing a Azata blooded Aasimar who's a fey creature

My highest stats are
Dex- 24
Int- 19
Cha- 18

I am having trouble picking a class

I can't exactly tell you what class you would enjoy playing, which is the most important part about picking a class, but I can tell you what classes those stats are good for...

We got Rogues (crazy Dex for high Armor and to Hit with Finesse weapons, plus nice Cha bonuses for some skills, and high Int for more Skills). Bard could also use these stats nicely.

A Dex-based Magus would KILL to have these stats.

Melee Sorcerers or Wizards would also like this set-up.

There are probably more that I didn't mention that would also qualify, but these are the most common ones that I know of.

Sovereign Court



Rogue, wizard, sorcerer. All use one of these stats, rogue makes good use of two of them, wizard or sorcerer could make great use of ray spells.

Swashbuckler-type fighter. Single-hand archetype, dip two levels of master-of-many-styles for Crane Style and Crane Wing, then go duelist. Use dazzling display to wow them.

Archer paladin. Arrows can carry smitey goodness as well as swords.

Any class with one of those stats as its primary will work. Almost anyone benefits from high dex. Like Darksol said, pick something you enjoy playing.

Arcane Trickster. Rock those rays.

Sovereign Court

Kensei Magus. Your AC and bonus to hit will be off the charts.

I have to make another pitch for Bard. I'd kill to play a bard with anything even close to those stats

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

That'd make a heck of an Archer-Din, if you can put up with a code.

Dawnflower Dervish Bard.

Uses dex for to hit and damage; uses cha for...bard stuff...

Int is less necessary but still nice w/ all your class skills. I guess you could go DD Bard into Duelist PrC to get better use out of Int, but you'd be gimping yourself badly by doing that over staying in bard...

Ray-City meng. Flavor-wise, Arcane trickster would be fun.

Single class? Sorc for sheezie. Just blast like crazy since you simply can't miss. Use the extra skill ranks to boost stealth/soh, diplomacy/bluff/intimidate, or knowledge.

Shadow Lodge

Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
A Dex-based Magus would KILL to have these stats.

This. For this build, Dervish Dance is your (level 3) feat.

Illeist wrote:
Kensei Magus. Your AC and bonus to hit will be off the charts.

Solid option, especially since armour heavier than padded will limit your Dex to AC. You'd get yourself an AC of 18 at first level without any protective gear, and then apply Mage Armour for a 22. And that goes up by 1 each level until you reach the limit of your Int modifier (which you will of course be boosting).

StreamOfTheSky wrote:
Dawnflower Dervish Bard.

Also this. Get Dervish Dance for free (at level 1!) and nice Cha-based spellcasting for buffs, healing, and utility.

I don't think the Duelist adds a lot to either build, and it adds even less to a straight caster.

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