Caravan rules in Serpent's Skull

Jade Regent

I'm considering repurposing JR's caravan rules to use as an expedition in the Serpent's Skull adventure, Racing to Ruin.

In effect, I'll ditch the wagon aspect (or maybe replace them with units like mule trains or porters) and focus more on the caravan roles such as cook or guard. The idea is that, during the months-long trek across the jungle in that adventure, the NPC management, "day jobs", unrest/morale and resource management will give the players something to do beside "we walk for another day."

However, I've no experience with Jade Regent. Aside from the rules as provided in the Player's Guide, is there additional content in the AP volumes which makes the caravan's presence more enjoyable? In other words, should I plan on adding caravan-themed encounters to justify all the traits like defense and mobility?

Any insights from JR players on the best way to use the caravan rules in an expedition type setting?

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