Free PDFs?

Website Feedback

I have a question.

Is there an easy way to search the webstores for PDFs with a price of "free"? Say, for example, that one wanted to round up a bunch of free PDFs with which to do a series of reviews for said products. Or if one simply wanted to "sample" the various 3pp producers out there, to get an idea as to the quality of work each 3pp offers before spending any cash on the paid stuff.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Simple. See the search box on the left under the three logos ? Put "PDF" in the search box, change the dropdown that defaults to "Everything" to "Product" and click the search button. When the results come back, filter by price = "Free".

Ah! Thanks very much. I was just searching "products" for the word "free." I did not realize there was a price filter. Much obliged.

Sovereign Court

Whoa, that's a LOT of free stuff there!

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Or, in the Shop panel in the left column, click on Downloads. When the page comes up, look in the "F" section for Free Downloads.

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