Melee buffer


This is my alternative take on a buffer. He is a melee fighter type that will most likely be able to hold his own in combat. He will never have the versatility of a bard or a cleric, but hopefully he'll bring something else to the table.

Maybe most importantly, the bonuses he brings are either untyped or luck bonuses - whcih makes him a great addition to having a bard or a cleric, I think (I'm not quite sure how many luck bonuses are out there...).

Also, he's the rogues best friend as he provides great benefits for AC and to-hit - exactly what a rogue needs. He doesn't really shine untill quite late in the game (lvl 7 and again at lvl 9) - but he'll be a welcome addition to any party already from lvl 3, I would think.

Character Build:

NG Male Human Cavalier Honorguard of the Dragon 4 / Monk Master of Many Styles of the Sacred Mountain 2 / Fighter Lore Warden 4

Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10

Traits: Adopted: Helpful (Halflings of Golarion), Reactive

1st - Cavalier lvl 1 - Challenge 1/day (Sworn Defense), Mount, Order (Dragon), Tactician (Escape Route, 1/day, 3 rounds)
Feats: Racial Heritage: Halfling*, Catious Fighter (Halfling), Escape Route*
Aid Another: +4

2nd - Monk lvl 1 - Unarmed Strike* (1d6), Stunning Fist*, AC & CMD Bonus (+1), Fuse Style, Bonus Feat
Feats: Unarmed Strike* (1d6), Stunning Fist*, Crane Style*

3rd - Monk lvl 2 - Bonus Feat, Iron Monk (+1 natural AC, Toughness*)
Feats: Blundering Defense (Halfling), Toughness*, Crane Wing*
Skills: Acrobatics (3 ranks)

4th - Cavalier lvl 2 - Order Ability (Aid Allies: +5)
Str: +1
Aid Another: +5

5th - Cavalier lvl 3 - Intercept (+6 AC)
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Bodyguard*

6th - Fighter lvl 1 - Scholastic, Bonus Feat
Feats: Dodge

7th - Fighter lvl 2 - Expertise, Bonus Feat
Feats: Gang Up, Swift Aid*, Combat Expertise*

8th - Fighter lvl 3 - Combat Mastery (+2 CMB/CMD)
Str: +1

9th - Fighter lvl 4 - Bonus Feat
Feats: Crane Riposte, Team Up*

10th - ? (Cavalier lvl 4 - Challenge 2/day)

From lvl 3, any ally adjacent to him recieves a +3 luck bonus to AC.

From lvl 4, he'll provide a +5 bonus when he Aids Another character (fx. with skill checks out of combat).

From lvl 5, he'll be able to "intercept" incoming attacks on he's allies 3 times per round (as AoO's), giving them a +6 untyped bonus to AC (in addition to the +3 luck bonus he is already providing)! This should negate a lot of attacks.

From level 7, he'll be able to Aid Another as as Swift Action, providing either a +5 bonus to AC or a +4 bonus to hit.

From level 9, he'll be able to Aid Another as as Move Action, providing either a +6 bonus to AC or a +5 bonus to hit.

For added goodness, give him a weapon with the menacing property and he'll provide a further +2 bonus to allies that flank the creature he threatens.

Just for fun, let him use a shield and let him attack unarmed.

A loose estimate should then give him AC of about 35 (10 base + 11 armor + 1 dex + 4 shield + 7 dodge + 1 natural + 1 deflection) - Magic Items used: Full plate +2, Heavy steel shield +2, Ring of protection +1.

Bumping this, as I have to look into it again later tonight.

Two things:

Why not just play a halfling (unless you want to play a human for some reason), and you'll be able to use the mount a lot more places. Actually you can stay mounted most of the time.

What purpose do the monk levels serve exactly? You really won't have enough monk levels to feed the class abilities. Something like Stunning Fist is close to useless for dedicated monks, you will get far less use out of it.

What do you get out of Lore Warden exactly?

For your stated purpose I'd stay straight Cavalier, unless you need the feats for something in particular. If you need feats, another archetype like Rough Rider or Dragooon might be better.

Of course I like the mount for a Cavalier, and if you go halfling you will be able to use it a lot more.

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