The Sword and Board Paladin


It seems to be barely covered in most Paladin Guides even though it makes the iconic knight in shining armor. But shields are ignored in most guides (cryptic addresses it best)since it doesn't maximize damage etc etc.

Besides cryptic's suggestion(TWF,Improved Shield Bash, and Doubleslice) what are the necessaries? What are other feats that help? I'm especially troubled by the mid-level feats when shield slam etc are higher level feats.

I'm also looking for character advice so I can go into more particulars if need be as far as concept etc.

Paladin can already swift action self-heal and has decent AC via full plate, so going for more damage is better. Unlike many other martial classes, other than smite evil you have very little class features to boost offense.

The other problem with sword and board is that by RAW, lay on hands may not work. Which is silly and stupid, but needs to be mentioned.

Anyway, to actually help with your request...
You'd want Shield Slam and Shield Master, and Bashing Finish is good, too. Definitely want a spiked heavy shield with the Bashing property. Since that would give you a -4 to hit (even after Shield Master, your "sword" half would still be eating that penalty), I would recommend main-handing the heavy shield and using a light weapon in the off-hand. Preferably something with an 18-20 crit threat range in order to trigger Bashing Finish more often, combined with keen or Imp. Crit. Kukri is a good option.

Dark Archive

If you wanted to get SUPER MAD, you could always go Thunder and Fang and play a Shoanti Paladin. ;)

Shadow Lodge

StreamOfTheSky wrote:
The other problem with sword and board is that by RAW, lay on hands may not work. Which is silly and stupid, but needs to be mentioned.

James Jacobs has supported LoH (and for that matter spellcasting) working if you are carrying a buckler or light shield rather than a heavy shield, exactly because to rule otherwise is silly and stupid.

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Post 2

Scarab Sages

I am playing a sword and board pally in a homebrew campaign.

He kills darn near everything in one round of combat if he gets a full round combat with smite.

I'm using a Longsword +1, and then a Small Steel Shield with Bashing, Throwing, Quick draw, and shield spikes on it.

With the feats Improved Shield Bash and Double Slice, I hit for 1d8 + bonuses, same as with my Long Sword, but I keep the AC bonus.

At level 7, with Power Attack on, and Smite active, I am essentially full round attacking for:

Mainhand +13 1d8+16 (sword)
Offhand +13 1d8+14 (shield)
Mainhand +8 1d8+16 (sword)

And that is sexy as hell. It goes up of course if my enemy is an evil outsider/dragon/undead.

That is also before buffage from the cleric, cavalier and bard in the group.

I also took the Paladin Oath of Vengeance, so I trade my Channels for extra smites. I can Smite effectively 8 times a day, if I give up all my Channels. With a Ranger, Bard and Cleric in the party, I do not intend to really do much healing and so far haven't missed it.

Anyone that thinks Sword and Board Paladins dont work, they are seriously wrong.

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