Why record a first session death?

Pathfinder Society

I was wondering guys, when a new players tries out Pathfinder Society and plays a brand new character or pregenerated character, and that character dies in the first session, why bother recording it?

Page 21 of Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play version 4.2 states: "There is one exception to these rules: All Tier 1 scenarios and Tier 1–2 sanctioned modules are available for unlimited replay with a 1st-level character for credit."

Why fill the number slot with a dead character?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

We still want to record that the session happened and how many played. It is important to Paizo to know how much PFS is being played. Just because you get to replay doesn't mean you shouldn't report the session.

Couldn't we report the player as having played, but not tie it to a character?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

The system is not set up that way. It expects a player number and a character number.

More importantly, stop killing n00bs! :-D

Dark Archive 4/5

It needs to be tied to a character number for each player as thats how the reporting system works, and the character number would be the one you give the GM at the start of the session (the session history sheet he passes around)

Dark Archive 2/5

Also keep in mind that when a the person played scenario that has tier ranges 1-5 or 1-7, he cannot play in that scenario again.

Only the following scenarios & modules fulfill the requirements you listed in your orginal post.

First Steps series of scenarios
We Be Goblins module
Crypt of the Everburning Flame module
The Godsmouth Hersey module
Master of the Fallen Fortress module

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

Bob Jonquet wrote:

The system is not set up that way. It expects a player number and a character number.

More importantly, stop killing n00bs! :-D

Hey, not my fault that the party's barbarian ran into a trapped room "just to see what it does" and electrocuted himself!

...and then only 1/6 characters brought bludgeoning weapons to a fight against a skeletal champion and his soldiers, knowing in advance what they were up against...

...hey, of the 4 n00bs in the game, 2 lived to run away and tell the tale, so...I'm still ok, right Bob?

Note that the OP is talking about day 2 of 2 of my running the Crypt of the Everflame module.

Scarab Sages 4/5

CanisDirus wrote:
Hey, not my fault that the party's barbarian ran into a trapped room "just to see what it does" and electrocuted himself!

To give you some more context, the only other time I've played with that guy was on Quest for Perfection Part III. He was playing a fighter and rather than let the baddies try to climb the burning wall while the archer (myself) picked them off and then take down the ones who made it past, he instead decided that he should climb the burning wall and fight them on top of it. The climb (and concurrent AoOs) nearly killed him, leaving only a fighter, a wizard, and my wizard/archer. Needless to say, we failed the scenario. I survived by sniping from the rooftops for a few more rounds after everyone else died before the boss finally closed in on me. I was able to use PP to save that character at least.

What I'm trying to say is. . . there is a trend. I've only been playing PFS for a few months and even I question some of his decisions.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

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His name wasn't Leroy by any chance, was it?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Why would anyone (NPC or PC) climb a *burning* section of the wall? Was the entire village on fire?

Scarab Sages 4/5

Jonathan Cary wrote:
Why would anyone (NPC or PC) climb a *burning* section of the wall? Was the entire village on fire?

I. . . don't know. Both our fighters were half dead before the owlbear even got there. That's a tough scenario in the first place, but some of their decisions just made it even more frustrating. I guess they were level 1 and didn't care but I was level 3 and rightfully should have died but I think the GM recognized my frustration so let me spend 5 PP to save his body after the townspeople finished off the last 6 HP of the final boss.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I now have a burning need to run Quest for Perfection...

Sovereign Court

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I now have a burning need to run Quest for Perfection...

badapa-kssshh ... he's here all week folks. ;)

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