Rise of the RuneLords

Rise of the Runelords

Question: Which players guide for Rise of the Runelords is the Official Canon?

Liberty's Edge

The new one is technically the official canon. But, there is some relevant information in the old one that apparently is not included in the new one, so you might still want to check out the old.

I figured the New one was the most official, but the descriptions of the Varisian Nomads is very different. Is this addressed in the Varisian book?

Much like PF rules override 3.5 books, if you ser any 3.5 Golarion flavor text that's contradicted by a later PFRPG book, consider the newer material to replace the old. There's some stuff in the original RotRL gazetteers that have been updated by later material. Some of the new feats from the original Players Guide aren't well-balanced--the Traits system hadn't been fleshed out yet.

So the Varisian Nomads are more Cossack-like than Gyspy ? Correct?

Well, I've been running them pretty much like Gypsies...

See the "Varisians" article in Inner Sea World Guide too.

I finally got the Pathfinder Companion for Varisia. It explained the difference between strictly ethnic Varisian Nomads (Gypsy) and Valashu Horse Lords. I can work with that. Thanks all for your assistance.

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