The GM of my first session did not report my scenario or give me a chronicle sheet, and I went on to play another scenario as a new character

Pathfinder Society

3/5 5/5

So as the title indicates, the GM of my first session did not report my scenario or give me a chronicle sheet, and I went on to play another scenario as a new character, but I used the same character number thinking that the previous scenario would just not be counted.

He is now talking about chasing up on that unreported scenario. I've not received the chronicle sheet for that unreported scenario yet though.

How would this affect my character? Since he did not report that scenario or give me a chronicle sheet, I'd thought that I should just forget about that scenario and remake a new character, using the same number. I now have a couple of chronicle sheets for this character that are in order, and adding this old chronicle sheet to my character as he is now would mean that my character would have an older chronicle sheet applied to his character out of order. Would this make my character illegal?

Alternatively, would I be able to have the GM report that scenario as played with a separate character, since it was essentially a separate character?

The Exchange 2/5 Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

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FiddlersGreen wrote:
Alternatively, would I be able to have the GM report that scenario as played with a separate character, since it was essentially a separate character?

This is probably your best bet. Then get him to get that chronicle sheet to you and you will be completely legit.

5/5 5/55/55/5

You know, technically your different characters could just have been rebuilds, since it sounds like you were first level the entire time.

3/5 5/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
You know, technically your different characters could just have been rebuilds, since it sounds like you were first level the entire time.

The date of the events is the main problem that worries me.

Would the GM be considered 'lying' if he reported the scenario as played by 'new character PFS number xxxxx-3' instead of 'new character PFS number xxxxx-1'?

1/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

This sort of mix-up is not uncommon, and it is fairly easy to correct the mistake, for instance changing the character number on the chronicle and in the reported session.

If your GM is in doubt about what to do, i would suggest he contact his local Venture-Captain or Venture-Lieutenant. Link to VC/VL contact info

3/5 5/5

So the general opinion seems to be that I should just have that scenario reported as played by an altogether new character?

5/5 5/55/55/5

Sound like you'll have to. Unless the event took place after the 16, and you've racked up a lot of credit since then, you can't move the chronical sheet over. Also there could be problems with retroactively making yourself illegal to play in a tier. Time travel, paradox, and the next thing you know your character is your own elven grandpa.

Just keep it on ice as an alt. It'll come in handy someday.

Grand Lodge 5/5

I think your best option is to ask the GM to report that session using a new PC number for you (ie. -2, -3, etc.) And use that new number on the chronicle sheet.

Also, the next time you have a GM that does not give you a chronicle sheet (and it isn't a simple mistake that they correct in a few days) please tell your nearest Venture Officer so they can look into the situation.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 *

I know your pain. My first GM never reported my first. Four games, so my cleric is 2nd instead of 3rd. I gave up asking for the sheets and wrote it off as a lesson learned.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Kyra Mournstar wrote:
I know your pain. My first GM never reported my first. Four games, so my cleric is 2nd instead of 3rd. I gave up asking for the sheets and wrote it off as a lesson learned.

Did you get a paper chronicle signed by the GM for each of those scenarios? Because if the answer is yes, the paper chronicles are the official record of your character. That trumps any online reporting.

Grand Lodge 4/5

In the future, try not to let your GM walk away without giving you a Chronicle, even if it's a hand-written one. I had to do that once when there weren't enough printed Chronicles to go around -- I hand-copied everything off an official Chronicle and had my GM sign it. Later, I printed a copy off and copied everything over and had the GM sign it.

If you can't get the original GM to sign off on it, you should be able to get your next GM or a VO to sign the "real" copy for you after the fact.

Obviously, this should be a very rare occurrence, and if a GM is routinely showing up unprepared to run the scenarios, then you should have a conversation with the event organizer about this GM. It's not fair to the players for GMs to not have Chronicle sheets for them, and if it's a trend then the event organizer should work with the GM to resolve the issue.

If the offending GM is the event coordinator, then you should probably bump it up to your local VO to address, if you have one.

Event coordinators are also responsible for making sure reporting gets done in a timely manner. It only takes a couple of minutes to report a table, so there's not really any excuse not to get it done within a few days of an event (as demonstrated by Mike and Todd's excellent efforts post-Gen Con 2012). One of a VO's duties is to make sure that events are reported in a timely manner. Having good event coordinators makes this easy, but if a coordinator is not handling it then the VO needs to work with them to see what the problem is and try to find a resolution.

Sovereign Court 3/5

Yeah, but Jon, you seem to like writing forms out by hand...


Grand Lodge 4/5

armac wrote:

Yeah, but Jon, you seem to like writing forms out by hand...


Speaking of which... how's your hand doing? :)

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5 *

sveden wrote:
Kyra Mournstar wrote:
I know your pain. My first GM never reported my first. Four games, so my cleric is 2nd instead of 3rd. I gave up asking for the sheets and wrote it off as a lesson learned.
Did you get a paper chronicle signed by the GM for each of those scenarios? Because if the answer is yes, the paper chronicles are the official record of your character. That trumps any online reporting.

No. He didn't. And hasnt yet given us anything!

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Don Walker wrote:

I think your best option is to ask the GM to report that session using a new PC number for you (ie. -2, -3, etc.) And use that new number on the chronicle sheet.

Also, the next time you have a GM that does not give you a chronicle sheet (and it isn't a simple mistake that they correct in a few days) please tell your nearest Venture Officer so they can look into the situation.

Good advice!

And I'm sorry to hear that, Kyra. It sounds like you are taking a good attitude towards it, though. Good job!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/5

Don Walker wrote:

I think your best option is to ask the GM to report that session using a new PC number for you (ie. -2, -3, etc.) And use that new number on the chronicle sheet.

Also, the next time you have a GM that does not give you a chronicle sheet (and it isn't a simple mistake that they correct in a few days) please tell your nearest Venture Officer so they can look into the situation.

I'm aware of this situation and have advised both the player and GM accordingly. This was a start-up group and a simple, innocent mistake. All sorted.

3/5 5/5

Yep, everything's cool between us. I just wanted to make sure my characters remained legal. It was a first time for both him and me, so it was a learning experience all around. He's gone on to GM other games without trouble, and I will be GMing my first game in a couple of weeks, and I think we both learned from it.

We're also still mates who game together, so all is well. Well, as long as he keeps his snakes away from me...

Thanks for the response, Al!

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