Dwarven Foehammer - Earthbreaker and Dwarven Longhammer

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge 1/5

6 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Staff response: no reply required.

I asked a question about using an Earthbreaker or Dwarven Longhammer with a Dwarven Foehammer in the rules forum: http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz6b0e?Dwarven-Foehammer-Earthbreaker-and-Dwarven

It seems for PFS that these hammers are not hammers as far as the Foehammer class is concerned. Is this something that is likely to change?

I am wondering if I should put the character on ice until it is changed, or whether I should switch to the boring old warhammer?

Silver Crusade 2/5

Good question, so I went ahead and flagged it as an FAQ candidate.


Also flagged. Since every weapon should be in at least one group, it makes sense that they would be hammers, but as there is no official grouping with them...


- Gauss

Grand Lodge 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Earthbreaker is listed in Ultimate Equipment, page 47. It is listed as being part of the hammer fighter group. But Dwarven Longhammers still aren't in any weapon group

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Oh, that's great. Thanks Melissa.

I was going to wait for the pdf to get the UE book.

I think the longhammer should be in there too, but I will gladly settle for being able to use an Earthbreaker.

Thanks all!

Previous to Ultimate Equipment, I had asked James Jacobs about this:

http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz2u4o&page=393?Ask-James-Jacobs-ALL-your-Que stions-Here#19622

Based on his response, I would refer to the "common sense" guideline on page 5 of the new Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. Obviously, Earthbreakers are classified as a hammer per Ultimate Equipment. A dwarven longhammer, being both a two handed weapon and having reach should be classified as a polearm much like a lucerne hammer.

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