Troll Player Race

Homebrew and House Rules

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So, in my attempts to play with the new Advanced Races Guide's Race Maker rules, I decided to try to make a tough one and make a template for Trolls. Of course, looking at it, it seems like it could be a little potent for a player race, but I wanted to get people's opinions before I move on with it.

Troll Player Race v 1.0 (As made in the Advanced Races Guide)
Power Level: Monstrous
Type: Monstrous Humanoid
Size: Large
Base Speed: Normal
Ability Mod: Specialized
Language: Standard
Defensive Racial Traits: Natural Armor
Special Abilities: Advanced Constitution/Strength, Fast Healing (Sans Fire/Acid), Claws, Scent
Total RP: 30 (or 32)

(I left the point values off to avoid any possible forum posting violations. I don't post here often enough to remember them, so better safe than sorry.)

I based this template off looking at the basic Troll monster. There was nothing regarding applying weaknesses like the troll Regen has, so I made up a 2 point flaw to tack onto it.

This is v 1.0, so I expect I'll need to rewrite/mod this soon.

Opinions? Suggestions? Trolling? :D


Well, first you'd need to get it cleared w/ your GM, then you get to go and start trolling about the world. LOOOOL

You should be fine with the points, all Paizo crunch is available online for free on the srd.

It looks interesting, but I'm also interested in what class and what background you're thinking of. Details like skill bonuses or minor abilities or penalties really make a race shine.

Well, I like playing odd combinations rather than min/max my abilities and such. My thoughts were of a Troll Cleric of Sarenrae (or Shelyn) given that 1) the Players are currently in Kaer Maga 2) the group needs a dedicated healer (Of which I have no troubles playing) and 3) It seemed like an odd combination of Race/Class/Religion

Fast healing, imho, makes trolls unsuitable as PCs. It just breaks the games crunch (except, maybe, at higher levels [12+?]). Non-intelligent opponents won't be able to deal with the troll (unless they just happen to have acid or fire attacks).

Parenthetically, I find it somewhat irritating that no one has accused you of being a power gamer (I would not make such an accusation myself); when I posted stats for bugbears as a race that was the immediate reaction (and trolls are much more powerful than bugbears).

Hey! You powergamer GeekBob, you!
(There, now you can feel better Whale_Cancer)

One think to keep in mind about fast healing: it's not the same as regeneration. Regeneration means you can't die while it's active, whereas fast healing just means you get better more rapidly (but don't automatically regain body parts or the like).

The second thing is to consider that trolls have terrible mental stats.

This link shows the official troll stats (GeekBob, it's totally legal and legit: Paizo entirely approves of d20PFSRD, and anything posted there can be posted on these forums), and that 6 INT, 9 WIS, and 6 CHA doesn't just happen by accident. I don't know that there's actually flaw in the ARG that can imitate that, but I'm mentioning those two things because with fast healing, you just hit the guy until he's dead: solvable.

So, currently, you're not playing a troll: you're playing, at best, something closer to a half-troll. Seriously: that's pretty much the creature you've created (in 3.0 or 3.5 it was a template that resulted in a creature almost exactly like what you posted). Now feel free to call it a troll! I'm not saying you're game is bad, or you're doing it wrong, I'm just pointing out how this would have looked in history, and using that to show some alternate interpretations.

Still, if you're going with a fast-healing race instead of a regenerating one (and I don't think the ARG has regeneration), my first suggestion is that you come up with a reason why your guy has fast healing instead of regeneration use that as an interesting character hook.

Anyway, I'll try and think about this more later for you, but that's my first thoughts on the subject. (And it's a really cool character idea, by the way.)

I would say maybe drop some of the abilities to lower the RP and say he is a Troll-kin. Such as one from a 3.x 3PP source book. They supposedly are descendants of half-trolls or evolved from trolls. They would have had something along the lines of the Advanced Stat adjustments focusing on their Physical stats. Had claws and scent ability and had Natural armor and fast healing and Level Adjustment: 1 though that no longer is in use.
Also there is an Elemental Vulnerability Advanced Trait under Weaknesses. While it doesn't actually negate fast healing it would balance out fast healing.
From what I remember they would look along the lines of a RP: 17-20.

@Whale_Cancer:.count your blessings on another forum with a Pathfinder focused category I posted my V1.0 Dragonkin race and explained I was inspired by the history of 4e's dragonborn that I wanted a race with a similar background for my campaign world. And I got cussed out for being a 4e lover and that I should stop playing Pathfinder. And when I responded nicely saying this was just based on their background and was just an idea. Me and anyone supporting me was permanently banned from the site as a whole.

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
A story that makes me lose faith in humanity

wow...just wow

toastwolf wrote:
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
A story that makes me lose faith in humanity
wow...just wow


@GeekBob I have figured it up to be about a 13(17) point build if you made it medium. 20(24) points if you make it large. The numbers in the parentheses are without the Elemental Vulnerability trait taken twice.

This includes:

Advanced Stats
Bite/Gore/Slam(all same cost)
Fast Healing

Elemental Vulnerability (Acid)
Elemental Vulnerability (Fire)

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*ahem* Um....sorry....

As for the stats, I like what you listed Azaelas. I tried to get an idea of what to start with by looking at the base Troll stats. Hence the enhanced physical stats. And I like the idea of elemental Weakness. Didn't think about that one.

And yeah Tacticslion. FH doesn't really fit a troll per se. But, Fast Healing was about the best I could get since Regen is not on the list. Just seemed appropriate.

So, taking into account the suggestions made here:

Troll (or Troll-kin) Player Race v 2.0
Power Level: Advanced
Type: Monstrous Humanoid (3 RP)
Size: Medium (0 RP)
Base Speed: Normal (0 RP)
Ability Mod: Advanced (4 RP)
Language: Standard (0 RP)

Defensive Racial Traits: Natural Armor (2 RP), Fast Healing (6 RP)
Offensive Racial Traits: Bite (1 RP), Claws (2 RP)
Sense Racial Traits: Scent (4 RP)
Weakness Racial Traits: Elemental Weakness: Fire (-2 RP), Elemental Weakness: Acid (-2 RP)

Total RP Cost: 16 (23 if one adds Large instead of Medium for the Size)

Definitely an improvement over v1. Thoughts?

And thanks Tacticslion. I love the idea of playing things that make people go 'Wha?'. My last character(s) in the campaign I'm in was Tinker and Clunk; Tinker, a Goblin Summoner/Cleric of Torag whose summoned minion greatly resembled a War Forged (Clunk). I played him as a bit of an intellectual Pathfinder Society wanna-be, chalking his ability to speak clearly up to a chance encounter before PC-hood with a magical tome.

That looks great... I can't believe I forgot to add-in the Monstrous Humanoid traits... opps... and to think this is my 19th race I have made...
How does this look:

Strong, Hardy, surprisingly nimble and pious but tend to be a bit gruff.
Tough skinned and fast healing. Armed with savage claws and fangs. Also able to track their targets by smell. Unfortunately they are susceptible to Fire & Acid. Smaller than their ancestral predecessors but no less savage.
Power Level: Advanced
Type: Monstrous Humanoid (3 RP)
Size: Medium (0 RP)
Base Speed: Normal (0 RP)
Ability Mod: Advanced (4 RP) [+2STR, +2DEX, +2CON, +4WIS, -2CHA]
Language: Standard (0 RP)

Defensive Racial Traits:
-Natural Armor (2 RP)
-Fast Healing (6 RP)
Offensive Racial Traits:
-Bite (1 RP)
-Claws (2 RP)
Sense Racial Traits:
-Scent (4 RP)
-Darkvision 60ft: (- RP)
Weakness Racial Traits:
-Elemental Weakness: Fire (-2 RP)
-Elemental Weakness: Acid (-2 RP)

Total RP Cost: 16

Personally I strongly recommend against large for a player race. It can cause way to many problems in game play.

GeekBob wrote:

And thanks Tacticslion. I love the idea of playing things that make people go 'Wha?'. My last character(s) in the campaign I'm in was Tinker and Clunk; Tinker, a Goblin Summoner/Cleric of Torag whose summoned minion greatly resembled a War Forged (Clunk). I played him as a bit of an intellectual Pathfinder Society wanna-be, chalking his ability to speak clearly up to a chance encounter before PC-hood with a magical tome.

Why isn't my first thought was Rachet and Clank... I think me and you would get along perfectly...

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