Monster Cohort Question

Rules Questions

One of my players wants a doppleganger for a cohort.
What level would it equate?
Must he take the standard attributes or does he get to make the ability scores himself (he wants to make the doppleganger a rogue (spy) - so he would put more into Cha and Dex).


Liberty's Edge

Is this a 'Leadership' feat question? If so it's fairly loose in what can be a cohort, any race/class combo.

As a GM you can deny whatever you want though. But I'd frown against allowing your player to build him from scratch to fit that perfect mold he wants filled. Though there's no rules against it that I can think of.

If the doppelganger is a rogue (or another PC class), then it gets +4, +4, +2, +2, +0, -2 to its ability scores, as per the normal rules for monsters with class levels.

As for the overlying question: You should put the doppelganger cohort at the same level you'd put it at if one of your PCs wanted to play one. If you wouldn't allow that, you shouldn't allow the cohort either.

Liberty's Edge

Also there is Advancing Monsters info Here which you can look over.

Yes its a Leadership question. I really like the idea of the player. Most other players just used this feat to gain an edge in combat ( yeah one more action pro round). He wants it as sort of leader in his absence and information stealer.

I just looked up the other monstrous cohorts Andi their level equivalent was higher han expected. they dont seem to use te same rules with regard to level equivalent. For example the hound archon has only 6HD but counts level 7. If I just used the npc monster rules HD would equal level.

again my question:
A doppelganger rogue 3 would be a Level 7 npc for Leadership? Would he assign ability scores like a pc ( point buy) and then get his racial bonus (+8, +2,+2,+2,+4,+2) or would you let hm stick to the standard ability scores?

Patrick Kropp wrote:
Would he assign ability scores like a pc ( point buy) and then get his racial bonus (+8, +2,+2,+2,+4,+2) or would you let hm stick to the standard ability scores?

Like I said above, as for any monster with class levels, the doppelganger would get +4, +4, +2, +2, +0, -2 added to its ability scores in any manner you choose (this is equivalent to a 15 point-buy).

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