Looking for Gravewalker Advice


I'm looking for advice on how to build out a Gravewalker. We'll start at level 1 and max out at level 15, using a 20 point buy for character creation and 2 traits. Everybody in the party will have Negative Energy Affinity. Some of the races are being reworked, but generally this is achieved by players trading 5 RP worth of racial traits for the Half Undead racial type from the ARG. I'd appreciate some advice on the following:

1) What Patron should I take? Note that due to the Gravewalker archetype I'll only get my leves 2, 8 and 10 spells.

2) Which race would you use? Elf is a powerful choice, but with this archetype it wouldn't be a bad idea to boost up Dex and Chr as well as Int.

3) Would it a good idea to go the route of Spell Focus: Necromancy and just focus on that? The idea is appealing as I'll be able to pick spells for debuffing, dealing damage and healing the party.

4) Is there any way I could boost my CL by 3, so as to qualify for Split Major Hex at level 15? Orange Ioun stone gets me +1

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