About dungeons in a sandbox world

Pathfinder Online

Hello everyone,

I just discovered the pathfinder project, and I must say it looks very interresting !
One of my interest in MMOs (and videogames in general) is discovery.
Fighting, crafting, economic war, it's all good. But I love to enter a new world and discover it's geography.

We know dunjons will have random location on map.
what you could add :
Once an explorer found a dunjon entrance, he could create an objet named "map to dunjon xxxx", then go back to town, and sell this map.
Actually, since dunjon is considered a resource, this mechanic could be implemented for other resources too, likes mines, or good soil for agriculture or whatever have you.
What I really would like to see is explorer being a viable occupation.

Also, dunjons should have a random or semi-random layout. It adds more interest, and it's in line with the sandbox aspect of the game.

Goblin Squad Member

From the blog:


"Dungeon" is a catch-all term that refers to any enclosed space for adventuring. It need not be a constructed space; it could be a natural cavern or even a forest, jungle, or other terrain type. Typically, dungeons are designed so that they become progressively more challenging as they are explored, often culminating with a materially hard challenge at the end. A variety of obstacles must be overcome to reach the end content, such as monsters, traps, locks, illusions, hidden doors, puzzles, and complex interactive events involving the denizens of the area....

What we'd like to do with Pathfinder Online is combine an open world approach to design with this kind of theme park content. As you explore, you may discover a dungeon entrance. So long as you don't go inside, that entrance can be found by other explorers. Once a character enters the dungeon, though, that entrance becomes "locked" to that explorer; other characters won't be able to find that entrance. A character with access to an entrance can form a party and the party can enter the dungeon as a group.

If nobody finds the entrance, or none of the people who find it enter it, the entrance will be removed from the game world after a fairly short period of time, and it will respawn elsewhere. If the dungeon is entered, it will remain in the game world a longer period of time. If the final challenge is overcome, the dungeon will be removed after a short interval (giving you time to make several trips to and from the dungeon to haul out the loot within)....

Some dungeons are small areas that are randomly created by the game. There will always be a certain number of these in any given hex. That number will fluctuate based on conditions in the hex. As they are completed or abandoned, they'll be removed and respawned automatically. As you explore, you'll always have a chance to find something interesting.

Other dungeons are larger and more complex, and are generated as a result of the questing system. When a character receives a quest that involves a dungeon, that dungeon will be generated in the game world, but it will not be discoverable for anyone except the character with the matching quest. A party of characters, though, can share their quests so that more than one individual can search for the entrance. Generally speaking, the only characters who will find and adventure within these kinds of dungeons are those participating in a given quest. When the dungeon is abandoned or completed, it will automatically be removed by the game.

There's a third kind of dungeon, the largest and most challenging type. These are often designed to have several different entrances, each of which could be discovered by a different character, and shared by several parties. While exploring this kind of dungeon, you may very well encounter other characters! Fight, parlay, flee, or join forces—the results are up to you. Challenges in these dungeons may even require coordination between groups to complete—one party might have to fight through a room of undead to lower a magical barrier so that another party can access a different part of the dungeon...

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