Rogue Elf

aerendhil's page

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those items should be unlootable, or, auto-"threaded" erh, sewn.

@ Mr Dancey :
Is Chaotic Good a viable alignment ?
How would one reach it ?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If women toons are allowed to have A-cup breast size, I want male toons to have Z-cup belly size.
That's gender equality ;p

I can accept non-consensual PvP.
What I dislike is not be able to defend myself.
If someone choses to attack me on his term, for whatever reason, that's perfectly fine. But I want a chance to strike back. not later, but now.
If I lose because I'm ill-equiped, inexperienced in duels, or I stumble on my keyboard, that's ok. If I lose because you put me in a situation where I mechanicaly cannot win, there's no reason to play.
Will I face this kind of situation in PFO ?

(The only open pvp I tried was in Aion. Being ganked by a bus while I was alone farming crystals actually made me stop playing the game)

Ryan Dancey wrote:

I'd like you all to try harder. The question is "how do we make the presence of unique opponents that produce exceptional loot maximize human interaction"?

1) The loot must benefit to everyone. It could be a settlement award or a long term buff or some rare ingredients, that everyone can get a share of.

2) everyone is required or at least usefull, to fell the beast.
scouts/diviner(arcane casters) need to track it
sages(anyone with high lore) need to find its weaknesses
some trap must be set

imo it requires lots of scripting. the "unique opponent" has to have specific actions that need to be completed, from different teams, at specific times and so on.

Favored Enemies : most played player races.
And then I'll go bounty hunting ^o^

I have 2 questions about large scale battles :

- Will the game evolve in some kind of RTS where only generals play a significant role ?

- What about scouting ? It would be nice if rangers and rogues could play a role as scout and gather intel on enemy forces before the battle occurs (big fan of rangers here ^o^)

Hello everyone,

I just discovered the pathfinder project, and I must say it looks very interresting !
One of my interest in MMOs (and videogames in general) is discovery.
Fighting, crafting, economic war, it's all good. But I love to enter a new world and discover it's geography.

We know dunjons will have random location on map.
what you could add :
Once an explorer found a dunjon entrance, he could create an objet named "map to dunjon xxxx", then go back to town, and sell this map.
Actually, since dunjon is considered a resource, this mechanic could be implemented for other resources too, likes mines, or good soil for agriculture or whatever have you.
What I really would like to see is explorer being a viable occupation.

Also, dunjons should have a random or semi-random layout. It adds more interest, and it's in line with the sandbox aspect of the game.