Attic whisperer |
Hello Pathfinder Brain trust!
In a few months our group is going to be starting Carrion Crown. I’m thinking of playing a Dhampir Inquisitor of Pharasma. While our party will likely have a Cleric or an Oracle capable of casting the necessary inflict (heal) spells (Along with the option of taking inflict as a known spell himself) I’m a bit concerned about the survivability of a character with special healing needs. I’m hoping for a melee capable character with a lesser emphasis on ranged combat, and thinking of taking the Heirloom Weapon Proficiency trait for a martial weapon option.
I like the Sin Eater Variant (Excellent flavor for those pesky vampiric urges) but am concerned that a lost domain (Pharasma: Souls=’s free ghost touch and immunity to level drain for his friends) may outweigh the fun of chewing on his slain enemies for some minor healing. Any Ideas for a survivable combat savvy Dhampir build? We are working with a 20 Point Buy character generation. Feat/Teamwork selection ideas greatly appreciated!
Thanks in Advance!
Abyssal Drake |
well, if you want melee, you would do better with another class. Inquisitors don't have much in the way of weapon proficiencies, excepting ranged ones. if you want melee, I would go Ranger. I also wouldn't worry too much about healing, just explain to your cleric (great RP opportunity) that you have special needs due to a blemish on your bloodline, and that he should take precautions, excepting you from channeling positive energy, preparing inflict wounds, and the like. Personally, were I you, I would stick with inquisitor, but take the Kinslayer archetype. With pharasma as your deity, you should have little difficulty finding a good flavor for your character. Should you still want to have some... sanguinary urges, take the fangs option from the Advance Race Guide, and the blood drinker feat. please note, however, that feeding on the unwilling living is an evil act. for more ideas in that regard, take a look at and Good luck, and I hope I helped!
Vazt |
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Inquisitors are great for the investigating and monster hunting of CC. What if you were striving for your own redemption from your heritage and were an inquisitor of Sarenrae? You get scimitar and with your dex could go dervish dance for decent melee capability. Maybe Toughness to increase survivability.
If the alternate bloodlines are allowed, maybe your moroi father was a great vampire warlord and you serve Gorum, quietly stirring up conflicts to lead to glorious battle. Or you view undead as the unvanquished, mockeries of the glorious deaths all warriors deserve, and you seek to put them down. Two-handed sword str build with persistence inquisition.
Maybe you are a different kind of hunter, an Order of the Cockatrice Huntmaster Cavalier with a huge black hound. Str and intimidate build to use your heritage to scare the crap out of people before a fight.
Necrovox |
Inquisitors are great for the investigating and monster hunting of CC. What if you were striving for your own redemption from your heritage and were an inquisitor of Sarenrae? You get scimitar and with your dex could go dervish dance for decent melee capability. Maybe Toughness to increase survivability.
If the alternate bloodlines are allowed, maybe your moroi father was a great vampire warlord and you serve Gorum, quietly stirring up conflicts to lead to glorious battle. Or you view undead as the unvanquished, mockeries of the glorious deaths all warriors deserve, and you seek to put them down. Two-handed sword str build with persistence inquisition.
Maybe you are a different kind of hunter, an Order of the Cockatrice Huntmaster Cavalier with a huge black hound. Str and intimidate build to use your heritage to scare the crap out of people before a fight.
Can gain access to the vampiric companion feat as well, right? And I was under the impression that Huntsmasters fell behind later game?
Aside from that question, the final idea was IMO sick. PropsNecrovox |
I believe the vampiric companion/familiar is only for true full vampires, am I wrong?
I scoured my Blood of Night PDF, and here is a copy paste of the primary section of the feat: