Live NASA TV Mars landing tonight

Off-Topic Discussions

Sovereign Court

If you like science, exploration, especially if you have kids, you might want to wake them later and check this out. New rover Curiosity lands on Mars in less than two hours. Tonight!!!

Live coverage thru NASAtv...pretty cool...

Time Bandit wrote:

Linkified for you

Cool I'll check it out.

Sovereign Court

Thanks for the Linkification!

My bachelor's thesis is on spectroscopy of exoplanets, specifically looking for organics, sulfurs, and ozone.

This is relevant to my interests.

Somehow I hope it will fail, but I wouldn't mind if it succeeds if ESA gets to Mars first with manned landing :)

That is more important than any probe or rover on surface.

That thing has a minigun on it, just incase, right?

Sovereign Court

lol I hope so.

This is awesome coverage.

Dont miss it...

'fraid I'll be seeing this a lot:

Server error
The webpage at is currently unavailable. It may be overloaded or down for maintenance.

Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.

HTTP Error 503 (Service Unavailable): The server is currently unable to handle the request. This code indicates this is a temporary condition, and the server will be up again after a delay.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

I'm watching!

Sovereign Court

Cool! Almost showtime! Peanuts? Who knew??

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

I keep hearing "harpy tones" instead of "heartbeat tones".


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

And Curiosity has landed! Yay!

I'm watching through here.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Curiosity has landed Safe touchdown confirmed!

Very cool! :)

Sovereign Court

Wooohoo! 256x256 thumbnails and that's a lot of stress off of a lot of people's minds I'm sure.

Mars, for one, welcomes its new Rover Overlord.

Sovereign Court


Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This was the first TV we've ever let the baby watch and he was enthralled. I'm really excited.


the first time TV? He would have been enthralled even if it were teletubbies, a wrestling show, or an Uwe Boll movie XD

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ryu Kaijitsu wrote:
... or an Uwe Boll movie XD

The child has got to have some sort of taste.

Sovereign Court

An interesting kickstarter project...

the SkyCube=a satellite you can help launch


Sovereign Court

Image of Curiosity -

You can see the parachute!


Curiosity landing, parachute visible

Crimson Jester wrote:
Ryu Kaijitsu wrote:
... or an Uwe Boll movie XD
The child has got to have some sort of taste.

I just say its FLASHING LIGHTS! and talking! and other sounds!

anyway, congrats for landing there safely, but sorry to have the opinion that I hope the people poking Mars with a flag first won't be from the US again, I would rather see the United Nations flag on it, the EU flag, or even the peace sign

The moon landing was due to cold war important for US and the world to have a flag of their own there, in our modern era the most diplomatic and humanity unifying effect would probably be gained through the UN flag, otherwise it could cause some heavy diplomatic turmoils that could end badly, I actually cheer greatly for the EU to get there first and place an UN flag, would be a bit helpful to promote friendship peace and unity this way. May be even a better idea to land with an international team to begin with.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Actually Ryu, I think the US is very open to an international effort, if for no other reason, than to share the cost.

The real question however is whether Washington will actually follow up rhethoric with cash.

Sovereign Court

In April 2004, NASA solicited proposals for specific instruments and investigations to be carried by Mars Science Laboratory. The agency selected eight of the proposals later that year and also reached agreements with Russia and Spain for carrying instruments those nations will provide.
Spain’s Ministry of Education and Science is providing the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station to measure atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, winds, plus ultraviolet radiation levels. The principal investigator is Javier Gómez-Elvira of the Center for Astrobiology, Madrid, an international partner of the NASA Astrobiology Institute.
Russia’s Federal Space Agency is providing the Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons instrument to measure subsurface hydrogen up to one meter (three feet) below the surface. Detections of hydrogen may indicate the presence of water in the form of ice or bound in minerals. Igor Mitrofanov of the Space Research Institute, Moscow, is the principal investigator.

Time Bandit wrote:

Spain’s Ministry of Education and Science is providing the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station to measure atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, winds, plus ultraviolet radiation levels. The principal investigator is Javier Gómez-Elvira of the Center for Astrobiology, Madrid, an international partner of the NASA Astrobiology Institute.

Russia’s Federal Space Agency is providing the Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons instrument to measure subsurface hydrogen up to one meter (three feet) below the surface. Detections of hydrogen may indicate the presence of water in the form of ice or bound in minerals. Igor Mitrofanov of the Space Research Institute, Moscow, is the principal investigator.

true, but that doesn't answer the question what flag will make a hole in the martian ground first :)

Sovereign Court

Mounted on the arm, the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer for Mars Science Laboratory will determine the relative abundances of different elements in rocks and soils. Dr. Ralf Gellert of the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, is principal investigator for this instrument, which will be provided by the Canadian Space Agency.

Time Bandit wrote:
Mounted on the arm, the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer for Mars Science Laboratory will determine the relative abundances of different elements in rocks and soils. Dr. Ralf Gellert of the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, is principal investigator for this instrument, which will be provided by the Canadian Space Agency.

That will be helpful to find the proper soil for sticking a flag in it, let's send Doctor Rodney McKay to do the act (heck seriously, send Hewlett up there for this!)


Lantern Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gary Teter wrote:

This was the first TV we've ever let the baby watch and he was enthralled. I'm really excited.


It could also be that you were playing "MARS LANDING" with him and making lots of funny spacecraft noises, flying him through the air, etc.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

5 people marked this as a favorite.

True. Also, I don't care what human nation is landing a several thousand-pound robot on mars with parachutes, rockets and sky cranes, I'm going to watch it and root for humanity, and hold my infant son up to the screen so he can get all excited about something that's greater than any one nation—WE HAVE A ROBOT ON ANOTHER PLANET TODAY!!

I guess I would be the same, the Soviets are gone so I won't get pissed over that, and the chance that C.China gets there first is close to zero too :)

for all I care it can be Iran or Russia or etc otherwise

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

This might be my favorite picture so far.

That is a cool shot.

I still like the second shot it sent after it landed, the one where the camera was pointing behind the rover, and you could see the rover's shadow on the ground.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gary Teter wrote:
This might be my favorite picture so far.

Second day out, and they already got the car dirty!

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