New campaiagn with the new semester.

Rise of the Runelords

I have decided that I will be running the anniversary edition of this starting in September, sometime. I won't be running it a a Pathfinder Society campaign, but I am thinking about sticking mainly to the Society Guidelines. Other than that, does anybody have any opinions on some of the published rules that may not be appropriate for the game? Like I don't feel Gunslingers are right for RofRL.

Liberty's Edge

If you have a large group, I'd forbid summoners because a lot of the early fights (most of the first two adventures) are in tight quarters and can get silly with oodles of fodder running around. This also makes cavaliers a bit of a challenge, though some have ran them with success.

Was thinking earlier I would forbid summoners, mainly because I hate the class. I will be limiting it to 6 players. And since I have players presently running psionics, I will need to tell them I won't allow them, either.

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