Repositioning Strike

Rules Questions

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Why in the world is this the only "strike" feat that has a requirement of a different "Improved" feat than the strike functions as? The pre-reqs say "improved Trip." Does this seem wrong to anyone else?

The Exchange

well, there's no reposition feat, and trip is an offbalancing attack, I can only guess that was the rationale.

The Advanced players guide would like a word with you Zerombr

I would assume its an oversight from 2 guys working on 2 different things that should have been used together.

Actually I'm going to FAQ this since the SRD and d20pfrsd disagree the Srd has Imp trip listed while d20 has Imp Reposition so I'm not sure who is wrong.

Though I will point out that whatever the book says is at least until fixed what PFS would require.

Yeah, usually the short and long descriptions would disagree if there was a copy/paste error, but they both said Improved Trip. That doesn't mean it wasn't a copy/paste error, but I will talk to my DM and likely house rule that it should be Improved Reposition until there is a clear FAQ/errata on it.

The Exchange

ah my bad, I must've misread the question then.

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