Empire Today Issue 2

Gamer Life General Discussion

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The Exchange

49. Great General Dies

The Parade of soldiers marched past the mourning crowds hauling the iron coffin of General Kail on the Great Wagon that had only ever been used to move the remains of Kings.
Sargent Hanid raised his sword in salute and his company of men followed.

DM Briefing: A Great General of many victories dies.

Source: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/world/americas/article3642104.ece

The Exchange

50. King requests foreign troops to put down rebel uprising

The five regiments of Gregor the Sixth's elite great-swords crossed the Border into the Kingdom of Haran. Field Commander Feren looked at the Haran Soldiers holding border crossing as they reluctantly saluted the foreign troops entering their Kingdom.
Feren leaned into have a word with his commander.
"Remain here with a Regiment. Some of these border guards look less than happy that we are crossing to the aid of their King." The Field commander adjusted himself in the Saddle as the Commander signaled for the Rear Regiment to halt.

DM Briefing: A despised King requests foreign troops to help put down a rebel uprising in face of certain loss.

Source: http://world.time.com/2012/12/27/c-african-republic-president-seeks-foreign -help/

The Exchange

51. Fog and Cold sweep provinces

Karan the woodsman watched as the blanket of frost and Fog washed over the Valley as a wall of cold. The Terrible chill returned him to the hut for a woolen cloak and his wife could only watch as he did something she had never do...complain about the weather.
"Strange, I've never seen weather like it this far south of the great vale."

DM Briefing: Fog and Cold wash over a Region that is normally warm and dry.

Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Intense-cold-foggy-weather-in-Punj ab-Haryana/articleshow/17780462.cms

The Exchange

52. Boat of the Dead drifts across sea

Han Le watched as the boat drifted into range of his fishing boat. The old timber boat carried markings of the Ju Wan Kingdom. He patted his companion.
"You might want to look at this." He-Lua looked up from the damaged net to where Han Le was looking.
"Are those corpses?" The bones of a corpse sitting higher in the boat than the rest became discernible to the fishermen.

DM Briefing: Fishermen discover a boat from a kingdom across the sea filled with the remains of the dead. Some are skeletal remains meaning they have been dead a long time.

Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2012/11/29/world/asia/japan-boat-bodies/index.html?i ref=obnetwork

The Exchange

53. Female Ninjas On the rise

"It is done." Hani let the Garotte slip from around the King's throat leaving the corpse of Maoud the Tyrant to lay on the floor like garbage. The Despot had surrounded himself with Assassins to his folly.
Kami of the Black claws bowed to her Mistress.
"As of now the Kingdom is ours."

DM Briefing: In a Kingdom where Women are second class citizens, increasing numbers of Women are becoming Ninjas in the employ of the Assassins Guild.

Source: http://www.lostateminor.com/2012/05/29/photographs-of-irans-female-ninjas-b y-caren-firouz/?utm_source=outbrn&utm_medium=images&utm_campaign=tr ial

The Exchange

54. A Kingdom finds itself on the verge of bankruptcy

"what do you mean the Servants have gone." Prince Hamid leaped to his feet. Baron Furad stood and smiled.
"You banished all the foreigners. All the Servants were foreigners. Now you must wash and polish your own Arse!" The Baron walked away laughing. The fool King had bankrupted the Kingdom employing foreign menials, and now he had banished them from the Kingdom. Baron Furad considered better of informing the King that his Salt Mines were now populated by an army of Golems who toiled endlessly.

DM Briefing: In a Kingdom whose citizens regard those who toil in physical work to be inferior the population of Foreign workers employed in such menial tasks now number over eight million causing the nation to slide toward bankruptcy with its leaders contemplating banishing all foreign labour.

Source: http://www.saudigazette.com.sa/index.cfm?method=home.regcon&contentid=2 0121228147365

The Exchange

55. Tyrant to Travel Abroad

"Hakim! Hakim Hakim!" The Gathered crowds lauded their Overlord.
Hakim the Vile boarded his Private Barge as the populace cheered. For the first time ever, they actually meant it. He would make them pay when he returned from his visit to the Kingdom of Ha-man-rapta.

DM Briefing: A Tyrant decides to holiday abroad. Rebels decide now would be the time to assassinate him.

Source: http://www.herald.co.zw/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&i d=61507:president-in-far-east-on-annual-leave&catid=38:local-news&I temid=131#.UN2X_uSR8w8

The Exchange

56. Wagon caught on Border Battlements

"Janik, look at that!" The Two guardsmen patrolling this section of the Border wall could only stand bemused at the Old wooden Wagon that had become impaled on spikes atop the Wall - the intention obviously to ride the Wagon over the wall using portable ramps on both sides.
Harlan looked at the horses hooves that led away from the abandoned Wagon.
"They have obviously continued on their way into the Kingdom on Horseback." The old Tracker noted the depth of the tracks. Each Horse had Two riders.

DM Briefing: Border Guards patrolling the Wall that keeps the people of the Southern lands out of their Kingdom find a Wagon perched precariously on top of the Wall having become stuck on Spikes. They had attempted to cross the Border. The Owners and their Horses are long gone but have obviously crossed the border.

Source: http://www.themercury.com.au/article/2012/11/02/365236_weird-news.html

The Exchange

57. Volcano erupts in mountains

"The King has sent word. All the Villages in the region must evacuate before they are destroyed by the Fire Mountain." The Soldier seemed determined to evacuate the old Farmer.
"What and have my Farm looted while I am gone? Never." THe Old farmer was just as determined to risk death.

DM Briefing: When a Volcano errupts in Mountains in a Kingdom the King orders the many villages in the region to flee to safety.

Source: http://www.argentinaindependent.com/currentaffairs/newsfromlatinamerica/ecu ador-orange-alert-as-tungurahua-volcano-erupts/

The Exchange

58. Elves build Inn in the Forest Canopy for Travelers

Harlan looked out over the Forest Canopy from his residence at the other Huts protruding from the Forest Canopy - each linked by a maze of walkways through the upper trees.
He had heard of elves living in trees but he had never conceived of anything like this.

DM Briefing: Elves build a Tree house in the Canopy of a Forest where Travelers may stay.

Source: http://www.bangkokpost.com/multimedia/vdo/326964/bangkok-tree-house-goes-gr een

The Exchange

59. Whalers Sail South

Kail watched from the Helm as the flotilla of whaling ships strained under the winds in their Journey South.
"A Whaling We will go...To hunt in frozen waters, for the Bloody Beast below...A Whaling we will go." The whispered words seemed to catch the ear of the Ship's Captain who looked in his direction - his eyes narrow slits at the superstitious man before him.

DM Briefing: A Fleet of Whaling Ships heads into the Southern Oceans in search of Whales.

Source: http://tools.ntnews.com.au/stories/53920156.php

The Exchange

60. Wizard Crafts Gargantoid

"By the Immortals! Its bigger than an Ogre!" Hans looked at the machine with envy. The Old Wizard leaning against the apparatus had crafted a true war machine.
"Oh Yes...I battled half a dozen Ogres in it up in Narrow Pass." Hans was struck with Realization.
"The Iron Giant! That was you at Narrow Pass?" The old Wizard Smiled that he was famous.

DM Briefing: A Wizard constructs a thirteen feet tall Metal Construct that can be ridden in.

Source: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/weird-news/theres-an-app-for-that-iphone- powered-armoured-1462670

yellowdingo wrote:

60. Wizard Crafts Gargantoid

"By the Immortals! Its bigger than an Ogre!" Hans looked at the machine with envy. The Old Wizard leaning against the apparatus had crafted a true war machine.
"Oh Yes...I battled half a dozen Ogres in it up in Narrow Pass." Hans was struck with Realization.
"The Iron Giant! That was you at Narrow Pass?" The old Wizard Smiled that he was famous.

DM Briefing: A Wizard constructs a thirteen feet tall Metal Construct that can be ridden in.

Source: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/weird-news/theres-an-app-for-that-iphone- powered-armoured-1462670


The Exchange

61. Imperial Tomb a deathtrap

Dogar Sag was carried deeper into the necropolis by his servants. Past the ten thousand terracotta golems that awaited the end of the world when he would arise to lead them in the final battle and beyond the iron door into the Emperor's Citadel. They passed through the maze seeking the treasure filled crypt where the teeth of ul-gar, lord of the underworld were held and past the hoard of wealth that had been alien to their lives reached the marble bier on which they placed the remains of their god-king.
"Ahdjma Hudal! Ahdjma Hudal!" The High Priest spoke the words and then pulled the lever...the great mercury engine that would forever cause the traps to function with all their lethal power began to flow.
"What have you done?" Jamal the Bearer looked at the priest.
"You have killed us all!" The Priest Smiled.
"As it should be - you are a servant of the Emperor - now serve him in the afterlife." A dark shadow dropped from the Ceiling into the Chamber - it was twice the size of a Man and moved twice as fast tearing its victims limbs from their sockets. The Priest slipped out the secret postern door behind a huge white marble throne and departed the chaos.

DM Briefing: Explorers discover an Imperial Tomb hidden beneath a necropolis filled with ten thousand ceramic Golems.

Source: http://gizmodo.com/5971822/archaeologists-think-hidden-imperial-tomb-may-be -too-deadly-to-explore

The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:

60. Wizard Crafts Gargantoid

"By the Immortals! Its bigger than an Ogre!" Hans looked at the machine with envy. The Old Wizard leaning against the apparatus had crafted a true war machine.
"Oh Yes...I battled half a dozen Ogres in it up in Narrow Pass." Hans was struck with Realization.
"The Iron Giant! That was you at Narrow Pass?" The old Wizard Smiled that he was famous.

DM Briefing: A Wizard constructs a thirteen feet tall Metal Construct that can be ridden in.

Source: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/weird-news/theres-an-app-for-that-iphone- powered-armoured-1462670

HOLY S$%!!!!!

My only Advice: Never down 8 Pepsi in a single night and try and do all your Adventure Ideas.

The Exchange

62. New Imperial Warships useless for War

Fleet Admiral Gregori examined the Vessel that occupied the entire ship yard of Vorloi Shipyards. It was certainly impressive in that it was twice the size of any Ship he had ever sailed on in his life time. Admiral Gregori shook his head.
"Yes, you are right. They wouldn't take the load of supplies, crew, and Weapons needed in Wartime." Heads would roll.

DM Briefing: Because the Empire allowed Private ship builders to build its new Warships at a furious cost thanks to corruption, they are of an inferior quality compared to Ships built thirty years earlier.

Source: http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/news/uk_news/Defence/article1184906.ece

The Exchange

63. Fifteen Thousand Barrels of Maple Syrup Stolen

"Sugar Syrup? You want us to steal fifteen thousand barrels each with four hundred gallon barrels of Sugar Syrup? I thought we were getting something of real value." Kaern The Looter shook his head at the fool who couldn't see the value in it.
"They are worth a gold piece each..." That was fifteen thousand gold pieces worth and the end of their robbery. Rojin raised his loaded Crossbow.
"That's forty two bulk-Wagons a day for a year." The crossbow fired.

DM Briefing: 15,000 400 gallon barrels of Maple Syrup are stolen from Merchant Guild Storehouses of the Republic of Haas who maintain a stranglehold on the Syrup supply. Each Barrel is worth one Gold Piece.

Source: http://business.time.com/2012/12/24/why-does-canada-have-a-maple-syrup-cart el/

The Exchange

64. King's Spy found dead in Sack

"Hey Janko! This ones doesn't feel like Potatoes!" Haran the Labourer felt the odd shape of whatever was inside.
"What does it Feel Like?" Janko was always ready with a humorous retort.
"No Really...it feels...like an animal..." Haran dropped the sack.
"That Ain't no Animal. I swear its a bloody man in there." Janko walked over to take a look.

DM Briefing: The Corpse of a Spy is found in a Sack.

Source: http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/12/28/dead-british-spy-probably-locked-himsel f-into-duffel-bag/?iid=obinsite

The Exchange

65. Comet Heralds Doom in the Coming Year

Karlea wiped the great lens to be sure and returned to his seat to examine the reflection in the pool below the monstrous apparatus that observed the heavens.
There it was...A comet in the New Year. He made notes on its projected path and began the calculations on the precise time of its arrival.

DM Briefing: Astronomer Royal spots a Comet that will herald doom in the Coming year.

Source: http://science.time.com/2012/12/20/coming-in-2013-the-comet-of-the-century/

The Exchange

66. Blue Diamond from Mine

"Where did you find it?" Conan the Brigand stared at the gem between his fingers. He wanted some. He wanted a handful. He wanted two large Sacks.
"The Jungle Kingdoms. It comes from a Mine in the Kingdom of Hu-Pek-Ran." Harbar relayed all he knew to the big man who had just spent the evening pouring ales down his throat to loosen his tongue.

DM Briefing: Very Rare Blue diamonds are discovered in a Mine in a Tropical Jungle choked Kingdom. Blue Diamonds are worth four times more than ordinary diamonds.

Source: http://www.peleddiamonds.com/blog/9-46-carat-rare-blue-diamond-found/

The Exchange

67. Trade opens a Border

Kal the Merchant drove his wagon through the Border post - the Guards waving him through rather than turning him away.
"Keep moving!" The Border-guard was determined to keep a steady flow of Wagons heading into the Principality.

DM Briefing: The Kingdom of Jun-Kar-rei opens its Borders with an adjacent Principality shipping tons of Building stone and timbers to the ruined principality.

Source: http://world.time.com/2012/12/29/egypt-transfers-tons-of-building-materials -to-gaza/

The Exchange

68. Arson as Merchant House Cloth Factory Burns

Kelan of the City watch could only look on as the fire erupted through the roof of the Hasnwool Loomery. He turned to his second.
"Anyone in there?" The Guard turned to face him. Apparently they work the looms continuously so there are a number of loom workers still inside." Kelan watched as a single worker emerged covered in flames...

DM Briefing: A Large Factory producing Cloth and mass produced clothing owned by a Merchant House burns to the ground killing fourteen workers.

Source: http://world.time.com/2012/12/04/arson-fire-in-clothing-factory-in-china-ki lls-14/

The Exchange

69. Arms deal worth millions of gold pieces

Ambassador Baaltreu smiled as the Chancellor of Jenkai signed the document.
"It is agreed then. The arms shipment will be yours within months..."

DM Briefing: The Republic of Haas sells a major shipment of Arms worth 2,400,000gp to the Republic of Jenkai. The deal includes Dirigibles which will allow Jenkai to control it's skies.

Source: http://world.time.com/2012/12/24/russia-india-sign-weapons-deals-worth-bill ions/

The Exchange

70. Cultists slaughter Village

"Kill them!" The high Priest screamed the words and his followers descended on the Village of Har-mus in a bloody rage slaughtering men, women and children...

DM Briefing: Religious Cultists invade an Isolated village and slaughter the Residents. This is one of many Such massacres across the Kingdom of Dokara.

Source: http://world.time.com/2012/12/29/at-least-15-killed-in-sect-attack-in-north -nigeria/

The Exchange

71. The Great Winter

Kail pulled the door to his Shanty inward. What every had plunged the hut into a wretched cold had also blocked his door. To his surprise he was confronted by a wall of well compacted snow-ice.
"By the immortals - the livestock." He grabbed up his spade and began digging at the Snow and ice in a desperate bid to find the surface.

DM Briefing: A terrible Blizzard blankets a continent in a storm of ice and Snow.

Source: http://nation.time.com/2012/12/27/the-winter-storm-that-ruined-christmas-tr avel-new-photos-from-the-deluge/?iid=us-category-mostpop1

The Exchange

72. Wealthy Principality Donates three hundred thousand gold to border province.

Ambassador Huar Khan bowed before the Beggar Prince of Huan.
"Greetings lord Huan from the Prince of Jue. He bestows the gift of three hundred thousand gold coins on your people that you may be raised from the gutter." Servants carried the Chests forward to the feet of the Tyrant who had bankrupted his small border principality and opened them to reveal a veritable fortune in recently minted yellow metal coins.
The Tyrant of Huan began choking on his own vomit at the sight of the Wealth.

DM Briefing: The Wealthy Principality of Jue Provides an impoverised border state with 300,000gp to aid in raising it out of Poverty.

Source: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2131552,00.html

The Exchange

73. Navy discovers Refugee Ship on Reefs

Captain Arland put the Spyglass to his eye and looked at the distant vessel. It was crowded with people who looked more like Rural Peasants in rags than the crew of a Ship.
"All right First Mate...drop anchor and send out a life boat with a boarding crew to assess the situation. We cant take the S.S. Greywind any closer to the reefs than this."

DM Briefing: Naval Vessel discovers a Ship filled with thirty plus refugees trapped on the reefs.

Source: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/suspected-asylum-seeker-boat-in tercepted-near-ashmore-islands/story-e6frg6nf-1226545292598

The Exchange

74. Tsunami Bomb

"Deploy Weapon!" Admiral Herkulan's command became action as the massive device was dropped overboard off the coast of the Empire of Asrtul.
"Device deployed." They wouldn't have to wait long.
"Bearing one-two-zero. Get us clear of the anvil." The helmsman turned the ship away from the continent that was about to experience a mile high tidal wave.

DM Briefing: Island Kingdom builds a terrible magic weapon that can cause a tidal wave.

Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/entertainment/2012/12/30/21/00/book-reveals-secr ets-of-nz-archives

The Exchange

75. Merchant buys tunic woven from fine gold

"It is as you have said Master Thorval...a finely crafted piece of clothing." Merchant Karlea closed his eyes and simply basked in the moment.
"You truly are a Master Goldsmith." The old Dwarf harrumphed at the merchant's delay in paying up...

DM Briefing: A Dwarf craftsman sells a finely woven tunic made from eight pounds of gold to a Human Merchant for two hundred and eight gold pieces.

Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2012/12/31/09/30/indian-businessman-buys-s olid-gold-shirt

The Exchange

76. Church Archbishop Retires

Jenka the Light leaned back in the finely crafted Carriage that carried him away from Church to his estate and laughed. For the first time ever an Arch Bishop had escaped assassination.
He thought of the potential replacements who would now have to survive the chaos the church was in as they were eliminated one after the next.

DM Briefing: Arch Bishop of the Church of the Kingdom of Vanadia does something uncharacteristic - he resigns instead of being assassinated by the factions who would vie for his position as senior cleric of the church. This catches the potential replacements off guard.

Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2012/12/31/02/00/archbishop-prepares-to-le ave-office

The Exchange

77. Child Slaver ring broken

Commander Huan signaled his men to breach the door with the Ram and they did so in one go. The Soldiers poured into the Slaver stronghold and were instantly met with resistance.
"You are all under arrest!" Commander Huan wasn't going to let any of these bastards escape. They were fortunate he was even under instruction to take them alive.

DM Briefing: The Empire of Loasha breaks a Slaver Ring involved in the sale of Children. three hundred and fifty five members are arrested and eighty nine children discovered.

Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2012/12/25/02/01/china-busts-child-traffic king-rings

The Exchange

78. Gang raids Gem-cutters

"They are hold up inside...with a dozen hostages." Sargent Jenko pointed to the second floor of the heavy stone building. It was a fortress.
Captain Harlan breathed heavily and nodded. It would be a bloodbath.
"Any thought on how they got in?" The only door to the building looked unreachable.
"There are old tunnels when this was a Prison. I have men searching for a way in now." Sargent Jenko was a fountain of lore.

DM Briefing: A Gang raids a Gem Cutters taking hostages.

Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2012/12/31/05/00/robbers-hit-gem-cutting-p lant-in-brazil

The Exchange

79. Gang robs ferry out at sea

"Now!" Kordova pulled a scimitar from beneath his robes and was joined by a dozen other similarly armed passengers. The Passengers not there to rob screamed with panic. A number of crew engages with swords but were quickly dealt with by the daring bandits.

DM Briefing: A ship ferrying passengers between two Islands suddenly finds itself being robbed by a gang who were on board as passengers.

Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2012/11/30/20/01/eight-rob-200-passengers- on-png-ferry

The Exchange

80. Corpse found adrift on sailing boat

Portmaster Alvrekt turned away from the corpse - obviously the victim of murder and climbed down into the hold. It was filled with bales of Locoweed. Why would they kill the man and leave the Locoweed adrift at sea?

DM Briefing: A corpse is found on a drifting sail boat along with four hundred and forty pounds of Locoweed - a terrible narcotic that turns anyone consuming the substance aggressive and violent (Effect: +6 ML, Duration: 2 hours).

Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2012/11/27/20/00/body-found-on-tonga-drugs -yacht-identified

The Exchange

81. Ship sinks in uninhabited Archipelago

The Ship shattered on the Reef under the storm's pounding. The Captain of the ship lowered himself and the officers over the side in the only lifeboat and turned back to look at the remaining passengers.
"Abandon Ship." The words dripped from his wretched lips in a yell. The vessel suddenly Rolled and the great mast exploded, tearing the internal structure from the old ship hurling the abandoned passengers overboard into the sea.

DM Briefing: A ship sinks among uninhabited islands of an Archipelago leaving twenty-two dead and sixty-nine missing. This is an opportunity for PCs who traveled on the Ship to wash up on unexplored islands.

Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2012/12/29/08/01/22-die-69-missing-as-atla ntic-boat-sinks

The Exchange

82. Killers raid Church

Malkov the butcher led his band of killers through the doors of the Church. Immediately he cut down a young cleric who had been loitering near the door to wash feet of worshipers.
"Kill them all!" The Murderer screamed the words.
What followed was a slaughter that left no survivors.

DM Briefing: A band of armed killers raid a church killing worshipers.

Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2012/12/26/02/00/nigeria-gunmen-kill-six-a t-christmas-mass

The Exchange

83. Religious fanatics loot and destroy ancient necropolis

Zar-gar the High priest led his followers into the Necropolis on a task of vita importance. They had to loot and destroy every Tomb before the Armies of the Emperor arrived to stop them. Somewhere in here was the Sacred Holy Symbols of the twelve Saints.

DM Briefing: Religious fanatics, faced with their small province being occupied by Imperial Troops begin looting and destroying a necropolis filled with ancient tombs.

Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2012/12/24/05/00/islamists-destroy-more-ti mbuktu-mausoleums

The Exchange

84. Town Guard begin employing Wizards

Hansol waved the ax in the air and rushed the Guardsman. He was young, unarmed, and would likely turn and run.
The Young Guard raised a wand fired. A glowing magic missile jumped from the end of the wand into the ax-wielding madman.

DM Briefing: The Guardsmen of a town are recruiting Wizards and arming them with Magic Missile wands.

Source: http://tools.ntnews.com.au/stories/53927632.php

The Exchange

85. Riot in Village

"Malkav!" Genar pulled his sword!.
"Malkav! Show yourself you coward!" Malkav emerged into the street followed by his six sons - all bearing clubs.
"Put the weapon away Genar and go home. The matter is over!" The old man though he could talk this down. Genar punched Malkav in the face with the hilt of his sword and immediately engaged in battle with his sons.
"By the Hells it is you old Dog!" A number of Malkav's cousins appeared as Genar was downed by one of Malkav's sons.

DM Briefing: A hundred villagers riot as a family dispute escalates into street violence.

Source: http://www.ntnews.com.au/article/2012/12/31/316313_ntnews.html

The Exchange

86. Dead man's Pass claims lives

"Aiieee!" The scream came as the Wagon ahead slipped over an edge dragged forward to the death of its passengers into a ravine filled with rocks and ice by its already falling team of horses. Karlos struggled to hold his own wagon on the narrow pass as the edge gave. He could only jump clear as the wagon went over.

DM Briefing: five travelers are killed and dozens injured in an Accident in the Notorious Dead Man's Pass as they cross the Mountains into another Kingdom.

Source: http://tools.ntnews.com.au/stories/53926957.php

The Exchange

87. Dead homeless man heir to fortune

Karlea the Priest examined the Peasants corpse.
"He might do for my studies...turn him over." The servants roughly turned the corpse of the old man they had found in an alley in a poor part of town. Karlea looked the body over and paused on a blemish on the skin that reminded him of something.
"It cant be!" Karlea rubbed at the mark thinking it would wipe away. it didn't. It was definitely a Birth Mark - one that was common to all members of a Family were well known.
"By the Gods, he's a lost heir of the House of Jaran."

DM Briefing: A Dead Homeless man is revealed to be the long lost heir to a fortune. The Inheritance is worth some two hundred and fifty thousand gold pieces.

Source: http://tools.ntnews.com.au/stories/53925982.php

The Exchange

88. Captain of the Guard detained

Mei leaned across Captain Yang and stroked his muscled body.
"Tell me you love me!" He whispered the words to her pleasure. Kei leaned across Captain Yang Stroking his muscles.
"What about me?" Mei's Twin sister didn't enjoy being left out.
"I love you both equally." A Loud knocking at the door. Yang raised a finger to Mei's lips as the Knocking grew louder and more insistent.
"Let me just see who that is my lovelies..."

DM Briefing: Captain of the Guard in the City of Kuan is detained for corruption after he is found with Twin Sisters as his Mistresses. The Patriarch of the City State is coming down hard on Corruption.

Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2012/12/11/05/30/police-chief-kept-twin-mi stresses

The Exchange

89. Pleasure Barge Seized

Guild assessor Harol walked through the barge. Every room seemed to indulge a different vice, every chamber home to some abused and shackled slave.
If only the world knew that this was how the wealthiest merchants indulged their fantasies.
"Right. Remove and dispose of the Slaves. We cant have any of them talking about what went on here." Harol turned for the gold encrusted railing of a staircase that would return to the upper deck.

DM Briefing: The hundred thousand gold piece Pleasure Barge of a wealthy merchant recently deceased is seized for unpaid debts.

Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2012/12/24/11/41/steve-jobs-yacht-impounde d

The Exchange

90. Refugees dumped on Islands off coast of empire

"Right! Lets get this Traegan Scum offloaded and we can be on our way." Captain Brunhold had no love of the endless tide of Refugees seeking out refuge in the Empire.
Guardsmen pushed the foreigners up on deck and over the edge into the water forcing them to swim for the land. Crossbowmen open-fired on Natives pushing canoes out into the water to attack the ship that had again come to abandon unwanted strangers on their island.

DM Briefing: Troops are deployed to disperse the objecting natives while Refugees and Criminals are offloaded on an Island a thousand miles from an Empire they were expecting to travel to.

Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2012/11/21/15/01/manus-residents-surprised -by-transfers

The Exchange

91. King's Minister of State falls ill

Jakaro stroked his beard.
"It is only a matter of time before Lady Yama dies. I want to be ready to Take the reigns of the Ministry for Myself." Jakaro thought of the Ruthless old Woman who had seduced him as a Young Ministry Official and a single tear of regret rolled down his cheek.

DM Briefing: Lady Yama, the Elderly First Minister to Emperor Hoarmu Falls critically ill after a fall and is no longer able to function in government. The other ministers begin to plot to take the Minister's position.

SOurce: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2012/12/31/13/00/hillary-clinton-hospitali sed-with-clot

The Exchange

92. Elderly Couple moved to make way for Kings Road

"Aiieee!" The Elderly woman screamed as she was dragged from her home. her husband was already being held by Mercenaries employed by the powerful Merchant building the Road through their land.

DM Briefing: A Stone Paved Road is laid across the land of poor farmers right to the Door of a House. Though they initially hold out, the occupants are soon forced from their home, the building demolished, and the Road continues on toward a distant town. The Road being built by a powerful merchant over the land of the poor seems inevitable.

Source; http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2012/12/03/08/00/chinese-couple-move-out-o f-their-highway-home

The Exchange

93. King decides to Tax the Rich

Magistrate Herulan stood before the Ministers assembly and declared that there the decision by the King to Tax the Wealthy was illegal. The Gathered crowd clapped warily...all present knowing the King would get what he wants or they would be forced to depose him.

DM Briefing: King Deriug of Hepmonlund declares that he intends to Tax the Rich (anyone with more than a Million Gold coin to rub together) at the colossal rate of seventy five percent. it is immediately declared illegal by the Senior Magistrate.

Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2012/12/30/12/00/french-panel-overturns-ta x-hike-on-rich

The Exchange

94. Family man hangs his family then self

Investigator Jomdoh kicked the door to the house in and entered. The children he found hanging by their necks from ropes in the Kitchen from a Low Beam, their Mother from a Rope dangling from a high beam in the Grand Hall, and the Husband and Father from a Tree branch overlooking Sea at the top of the Cliffs out back.
"All right, cut the bodies down and bury them..." he signaled to his men.
"Kalvo, Find some shovels." The heavyset man who struggled to get through the Small Kitchen Door nodded and headed back into the house to search for a Shovel.

DM Briefing: Galan Kren murders his wife and children and then hangs himself in their quite house by the Sea. Unfortunately some Dark God has been whispering in his head to drive him to murder.

Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2012/12/18/14/00/french-family-killed

The Exchange

95. Rebels seize control of a Town

Gregori raised the flag of the Rebellion over the Fort that dominated the Town of Shambala. A Cheer rose from the Courtyard below and he nodded in agreement - It was a well earned victory.
"Brothers! Today we have seized the Jewel of the Northlands! And now we will Take the Capital and Hang the King!" A Cheer again Rose from the Rebel fighters below.

DM Briefing: Rebels attempting to overthrow the Kingdom of Hurk manage to seize control of the Town of Bethlava.

Source: http://world.time.com/2012/12/25/syrian-rebels-make-more-gains-in-north/

The Exchange

96. A Memorial of Stature

"Kei-jung the Perfect," Kai read the words on the plaque beneath the statue of the giantess.
" Aged thirty nine. Slayer of fifteen Bandits who sought to plunder her village." Kai shook his head. If there was one thing he despised it was an unrealistic edifice. People simply didn't grow to that height.

DM Briefing: Kei-jung, Tallest Woman in the world at Seven feet - seven inches dies of sickness sweeping her village aged thirty-nine. The Locals build a statue of the Woman whose height - though it is great is entirely life sized.

Source: http://world.time.com/2012/12/05/worlds-tallest-woman-dies-in-china-at-age- 39/

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