igorwolfgang |

combined with this
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/metamagic-feats/empower-spell-metamagic---fin al
if you usually do 10d6 like a fire ball, and intensified made it 15d6 would empower make it 22d6? or 20d6? how do they stack, like which effect takes place first
also i assume maximize will max the end result of damage what ever it is.

Heaven's Agent |

The number of damage dice you roll is not a variable numeric effect. As such Empower Spell does not increase them. You would roll 15d6, then multiply the result by 1.5 to obtain the total damage inflicted by the spell. Such a fireball would be cast as a 6th-level spell.
If you were to maximize this combination, your fireball would inflict 15 x 6 x 1.5 = 135 points of damage. It would be cast as a 9th-level spell.