Calling spells and xp

Rules Questions

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If someone casts a spell that calls a creature - like a druid calling an animal or a cleric calling an outsider - and then proceeds to kill that creature, does the party get xp for that? Our party druid can call animals that are higher cr than the apl, and could theoretically call animals all day just to farm xp and something about that just doesn't seem right. As dm, am I within my rights to say that doesn't work?

Actually, there's an even more entertaining answer to that.
It's an act most nature deities won't tolerate, I would assume. If they do it, you're within your rights to sent a god-given blight after them.

MeridiaCreative wrote:
If someone casts a spell that calls a creature - like a druid calling an animal or a cleric calling an outsider - and then proceeds to kill that creature, does the party get xp for that? Our party druid can call animals that are higher cr than the apl, and could theoretically call animals all day just to farm xp and something about that just doesn't seem right. As dm, am I within my rights to say that doesn't work?

A thing to keep in mind:

Players don't get Xp for killing things, they get Xp for overcoming a challenge. Regardless of the CR involved- if the PC's are orchestrating combats such that they are cheesing it out to have full reward at no risk they are, in fact, not learning anything. As such- they deserve, and should get, absolutely no experience.

So you are absolutely within your right to say that them summoning up something that they can easily curb-stomp isn't worth so much as 1 xp.
You are also within your rights to have the Druid's deity have a little one on one chat with them about abuse of powers. :)
There's just something not quite right about a druid calling animals to the slaughter that probably wouldn't sit right with said deity.
(same to be said for the cleric actually)


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