Carrion Hill question SPOILER ALERT

GM Discussion

The Exchange 5/5

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I'm reading over this - getting to ready to run the second setting and I have some questions on the encounter at the Vats.

Keeper Myre area B2):

1) Keeper Myre has the spell black tentacles with the note (CMB 15), but when I calculate the CMB it should have I only get 12. CL 7 plus 4 for strength + 1 for size. What's up with this? Mis-print, Mis-calculation, or am I just missing something else?

2) Area B2 says that any character in the mud/water take 1d6 fire damage per round from the heated mud - yet the zombies appear not to suffer this. Why not?

3) again area B2 - "The air in here is foul - a creature must make a DC 15 Fort save each round to avoid being sickened for as long as it remains in area B2 and B3. These toxic funes are a poison effect, and simple tactics such as covering the mouth and nose with a cloth grant a +4 bonus on the save." Should the sickened condition only last one round? Like the Nauseated condition says... otherwise why would it say make a Fort save each round?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

1 - The CMB 15 appears to be a mistake. I ran it using 12 when I ran it. (EDIT: The 15 would be correct if you were using the 3.5 version of that spell)

2 - I can't seem to find the line giving the zombies immunity to this. I could've sworn I saw it before though.

3 - The duration is until you leave that area. You have to keep making the save until become sickened because you have to keep breathing the same air. Once you are sickened, you no longer need to make the save.

Silver Crusade 5/5

1: The CMB is a mistake. Use the 12

2: Thematically speaking it's because the players are being boiled. Zombies don't care about being boiled. They're dead.

3: It's until they leave the building, or can sufficiently air it out (gust of wind, decanter of endless air, air crystals)

The Exchange 5/5

#1 thanks!

#2 is a small amount of problem. I worry that the players are going to figure the zombies have some sort of fire resistance, and not attack with fire, when they could.

#3 It's not likely to be much of a problem as several of the PCs normally use potions of Air Bubble... except they miss the save and then pull the Air Bubble and I say, "Sorry, you have to leave the room before it goes away." I was also wondering about Keeper Myre. He's sickened once from drink... if he get's another sickened doesn't that make him Nauseated? and he's sleeping in the room!

The Exchange 5/5

Ok, next two questions:

Keeper Crove & Orderlies:

4) Keeper Crove is listed with Dimensional steps (90 feet/day), but this is the Conjuration School 8th level ability - and he is only a 3rd level Conjurer (thus the 90 feet - 30 foot/level). A Conjurer gets this at 8th level, and he's a 3/3/3 Conjurer/Cleric/Mystic Theurge. Even if we count the MT levels as Conjurer, he would only be a 6th level Conjurer. How does he get this ability? (needed for his tactics).

5) the Orderlies - have Improved trip, without having Combat Expertise or an Int- 13. (in fact, they have an Int of 6, less than half the required Int.) - Do I treat them as a "special monster", and just ignore the pre-req.? or remove the Imp. Trip?

To answer 5, I'd say run them as they are. They essentially are special monsters, being thralls under Crove that have taken severe brain damage from his lobotomies. As for Improved Trip, it makes sense for the enemy. That's how most monsters get their bonus feats-- it makes sense for the creature, but it can't afford it.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

They used to have 13 int, then they took a lobotomy to the head

The Exchange 5/5

LOL... ok Iammars, but if you loose the pre-req. for a feat, you loose the feat (until you get the prerequisite back. But that sounds good... they just have to many feats then.

Oh! and thanks everyone. I'm running this in less than an hour, so we'll see how it goes.

And it's a GREAT MOD! very well written...

The Exchange 5/5

This went GREAT!

the players looked the Madhouse over from the outside and decided to enter thru a wall. With the use of an Adamantine Greatsword it was short work they to chop thru into... Keeper Croves upstairs office. Peeking out each door, they searched the Lounge and the Private Lib... and not to go into the rest of the house. They found Keeper Croves stairs down and proceeded to the basement.

I would have thought someone had read the mod, except at this point the turned away from Keep Crove (who they would have surprised) and plowed into the lunatics chained in the main hall....

From there it went it's merry way, and though I did ALMOST kill several of them, they pulled it off, and a good time was had by all.

The Exchange 5/5

Just a question on loot.

There is a partial charged wand of suggestion that the players can find (mine found it when I was running this), but the wand does not appear on the chronicle. What's up? was it an oversight when they created the Chronicle? I ask because it's not actually on an NPC, it's just in a room that the PCs can search and ... why is it even there?

The Exchange 5/5

OK, thread Necro (works esp. well on this thread)

Got another game of this coming up, but it looks like a player just leveled her PC out (7th level), can she run a Pre-Gen?

Can she use one of the Pre-Gens in the Mod? (the 4th levels) or is she limited to the Iconics (and 4th level)... I'd hate to limit her to a 4th level when there are 4 5th levels in the Mod...


Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

We bumped into this as well. We played it with a 6-person party and the GM decided to play the erroneous Black Tentacles and Dimension Steps as written - "I don't really know why he has that, but it's printed here so I'm using it" - which was fine with us because it made the difficulty of the adventure just about right for us. But we did wonder at those odd numbers.

3/5 *

Running this soon.

1) Nosig, did you end up removing dimensional steps, or keeping them? I plan to run with the CMB 12 tentacles, but the lack of dimensional steps would be a bigger change.

2) Also, Keeper Myre's spellbook says that it contains his prepped spells plus 2d4 more spells of my choosing from levels 1-4. This is for PFS, do I really choose? Should it be random? Or should the book only contain what he has prepped?

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I wanted some advice on missed loot and chronicle rewards. See I've been gm'ing this for a couple of hours, 8 or so, and the end is nigh. The players have ended the lives of two keepers and are looking through the latest dungeon before they head to the last keeper and the final confrontation. They've been quite thorough but just managed to miss a library full of spells, including some high level scrolls. Do I deduct the cost of these things from the final booty or just cross them from loot found?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

Muser wrote:
I wanted some advice on missed loot and chronicle rewards. See I've been gm'ing this for a couple of hours, 8 or so, and the end is nigh. The players have ended the lives of two keepers and are looking through the latest dungeon before they head to the last keeper and the final confrontation. They've been quite thorough but just managed to miss a library full of spells, including some high level scrolls. Do I deduct the cost of these things from the final booty or just cross them from loot found?

I wouldn't go to the trouble of deducting the value of the loot from the chronicle, but crossing them off is appropriate.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

It's a lot of loot, but okay. My follow-up question would have been how to count the correct amount of deduction, so it all works out! Saves me the headache. Thanks.

The Exchange 5/5

again - OK, thread Necro (works esp. well on this thread)!

has anyone else noticed that Croves tac-tics say...

"...when he hears the disturbance, he casts clairaudience/clairvoyance to observe the events in area D23, then prepares his tactics..."

... and that the casting time for clairaudience/clairvoyance is 10 minutes...

so, anyone know a spell (or gimmick) to let him check out D23 to see if the Monster is there (and discover the PCs) faster than the 10 minutes it takes to cast the listed spell?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I took a look and don't see any obvious substitutes. I think he's gonna just need to hope the PCs don't kick in his door for 10 minutes.

The Exchange 5/5

well - the 10 minute delay is worse than no casting of the spell.

when he "hears the disturbance" - he is expecting to be in combat with the monster is a minute or two and starting to cast the clairvoyance will put him in the middle of the casting with none of his prep spells cast when the combat occurs...

My wife gave me an answer though...

wife's suggestion:
Just give Crove a jar of "Homunculus Clay" - an Alchemical Tool from Ultimate Equipment and in one round he produces a temporary homunculus that he can send off to check out the disturbance...

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