Rise of the Runelords *after* Jade Regent

Rise of the Runelords

Paizo Employee Developer

I just got my copy of the hardcover edition of the Rise of the Runelords AP (yay!), which I'll soon be running for my group as soon as we finish Jade Regent. I seem to remember that someone had said there would be information in the book about how to run the game for a group that has already played JR, with advice on how to handle the "reversed" timeline. But I can't find that post/reference and I can't find that information in the book. Did I just miss it? Is it hiding somewhere? :)

I'm sure I can figure it out even if the information is not available, but if there is any advice out there I'd love to hear it.


Liberty's Edge

I haven't gotten my copy of the Anniversary Edition yet, so I can't tell you if they mention a solution. But, probably the simplest solution would be to simply put another family in charge of the Glassworks. Change some names and the bastard son/father/daughter relationships could still be the same. Who is running the Glassworks in your game?

Paizo Employee Developer

Yeah, I figure that I'll just insert a new family tailored so as to be somehow related to one or two of the PCs. Some gnomes took over the glassworks in our Jade Regent game when everyone left town.

Thanks for the tips.

I'd be very interested to see how this goes. My party is about to do the same thing: play RofRL after Jade Regent. (Haven't started either yet.)

But in Ameiko's writeup, it says she lost her father and brother in a goblin attack at the festival. Sounds like they attack it every year.

Mike, what did you end up doing in your campaign?

Grand Lodge

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You can have Amaya (Ameiko's half-sister from Cheliax-- see Council of Thieves) have taken over the Rusty Dragon after Ameiko leaves. She can take the place of Ameiko, for the most part. Or, which is a little more likely, Amaya fills Ameiko's role in terms of Lonjiku's daughter, but Bethana can be the owner of the Rusty Dragon now... Amaya and Tsuto have a lot more in common, despite some very spoilerish details.

Anyway, if you want help, let me know... I can fill you in on the details.

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