I didnt write this, but it sounds about right

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages

http://prestonpoulter.com/2011/04/06/a-rewrite-of-the-replaying-section-of- the-pathfinder-society-guide/

I agree with this guy and wish paizo would be as blunt as this guy

Grand Lodge 4/5

Vixeryz wrote:


I agree with this guy and wish paizo would be as blunt as this guy


Grand Lodge 4/5

I don't find the current reading confusing, but obviously others do. I understand there is an upcoming revision to the guide. Hopefully this is addressed.

A rewrite of the "replaying" section of the pathfinder society guide.

The Exchange 2/5 Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

That article is from April of 2011. I'm too lazy to check, but wasn't this changed sometime since then? Maybe even twice?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Indeed it has been, looking at the current guide.

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