Hoping to Trade a slot at Gen Con

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Hello all GenCon GMs

I am scheduled to run five slots at GenCon, Slots 5, 6, 8. 9, and 10. Unfortunately, unless I can switch out the game on Sunday (Slot 10) to another slot, I will be unable to attend. When I applied for the schedule, I did not realize I would be taking on a new full time job that starts that Sunday. I would very much like to attend the con, but if I cannot find someone to switch that slot with, I will be unable to attend.

My Slot 10 game is(0900-1400): #4-01: Rise of the Goblin Guild (1-5), if there is anyone interested, I'll trade out for anything, I just need to GM the five tables for the badge.

Thank you for reading

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Im running the same scenario in slot's 1 & 4, and would be willing to switch with you. Choose which you want.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

Jeff, you are my hero. I'll take the Slot 4 then, and you can have slot ten. Thank you so much for this. I'll get an email to Mike linking this so it should hopefully all work out.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

No prob, glad you got a new job.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

Yay paycheck!

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