What's a good name for a Dwarven stone quarry company?

Homebrew and House Rules

In my homebrew adventure the party is headed to Tashtanshire; a tiny human settlement made prosperous by a dwarven mercenary company. The company squatted in the village and occupied it during a war several decades ago and at the end of the war they never left. Then they found rich granite and limestone deposits and started a prosperous quarry.

So...what do I call the company? In Darkmoon Vale there's the Lumber Consortium. I don't want to call mine the Stone Company.

Pick the name of the head honcho of the dwarvish mercs say Thoragon Leadbelly, and then it can be Thoragon's Mine or Mining Corps. or the Leadbelly mines or the Leadbelly Excavation Crew.

Darkslate Quarriers.

Halsturn Darkslate, Pres. (third generation).

The Darkslate family are deeply traditional in the Dwarven sense; hard work, build a strong foundation, and the future will take care of itself. Although their grandfather (Akton Darkslate) was dishonored, and forced to shave his beard, the son (Makon Darkslate) later redeemed it by proving the original accuser was a liar without honor. However, all their ties to the families and traditions of the Five Kings mountains were long severed, and the Darkslate family has made a good name for themselves in the sunlit world.

So...Jawbreaker Mining Company?

Hardhead rock breaking, led by Angus McHardhead, a dwarven monk that uses his forehead instead of a pickax

Edit: bonus points if he tries to pick fights for people calling him thickheaded rather than hardheaded

Mark Hoover wrote:
So...Jawbreaker Mining Company?

Sure it works or you could have the name simply be a coincidentally appropriate holdover from their mercenary days. Say the Jawbreaker Wrecking Crew? Or if you don't like the company bit you don't even have to add it on I mean it could just be called Jawbreaker Mining, back in the day they didn't need to tag on corporation or company to every business entity.

Stoneforger & Sons Quarrymen LLC

Big Open Hole Topless Mining Company- It is a quarry after all.

Well, you could be incredibly (dwarfishly) straightforward, and call them The Mines. Or you could add a randomly appropriate-sounding surname - Stonefist, Stonehammer, Ironblood, Ironveins, Hardarse, Hardhammer, Stronginthearm (yep, that one's stolen from Pratchett). Or you could name them the Mines of _____ (wherever you happen to be...Moria, for example). Mercenaries might be partial to a clan name - Goldfist Clan Quarry - or an intimidating one - Granite Grave Co. That last might be true enough, also, as the lime could be used to make a strong base...as in, mafia-strong...in which to dissolve bodies. 'Granite & Lime Gravestone Company' could have a lot of possible plays.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hardluck Hardrock Mining Company.

"We have the hard-luck to crack the hard stone."

The -name of the town- Granite and Lime Enquarrium

"Bedrock Quarry & Gravel Company", natch.

Use an acronym based name like Tashtanshire Wholesome Earthen Products (for TWEP, or Terminate With Extreme Prejudice).


It is a synonym for quarry.

Sturdy Stone

Pick and Beard Stone Quarry

Iron Boar Mining Company (Boar, a play on the word "bore" meaning to dig through, but using boar since they tend to be associated with some dwarven cavalry.)


The Digs Stonehunter Quarry or maybe the Acme mining Co.

They were a mercenary company before they became miners. What was the name of their merc group? For example, Seal Team Six* might simply set up the Team Six Quarry.

*Yes, not a mercenary group, I know.

I actually didn't know WHAT to name the merc group, so I was kind of thinking along the lines that whatever I used for the mine would be the name of the group too.

I haven't read a lot about Paizo's Golarian so I understand they have "fighting schools" that aren't just about monk training, but I don't know what their style and fluff is around these. Regardless I've stolen the idea and have Warmasters who train pupils at schools such as the one Conan attended in the movie with Arnold.

The dwarven mercs came to Tashtanshire, moved in, and started the quarry...and were kind of mean. Not evil...LN is the main guy's alignment. They brought prosperity and a lot more humans flocked for work and such over the last few decades, turning it from a small settlement to a Large Town in the stat block.

As such some of the mercs started a side business which has become one of these fighting schools. I like "Iron Boar" for the merc name and the mine. The students I'll call "Tuskers".

If they wanted to subtly hide the fact that the mercs are the owners of the quarry, you could call it like "Steel Pig Quarry" since they're the Iron Boars.

The quarry company's sign could even bee a metallic pig wallowing in the rocks as it smashes them sort of how a pig wallows in mud.

The Exchange

Brynstan, Blackrock & Stene.

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