Support Dervish and Combat Styles


Scarab Sages


I just raised my first PFS character to level two last night, a Dawnflower Dervish bard that I plan on having as a Freebooter Ranger for the rest of his levels. I'm looking for some advice on how to proceed going forward in terms of combat styles, with my aim of being extremely supportive - protect allies, debuff enemies, deal moderate damage. I've got a bodyguard build with the adopted/helpful trait (good chance of +4 to adjacent ally's AC vs adjacent enemy as an AoO), and am going Freebooter because the at-will +1 to attack and damage for my allies sounds great (especially since my bardic performance would only affect my character).

Three major options are what I see (if you see any other good ones, please advise!!)

1) Enforcer - at level 3 (1 bard/2 ranger) choose the Two-Handed Weapon style for Cleave (then Greater Cleave etc) and the Enforcer feat. My character has the Blade of Mercy trait for nonlethal scimitar use, but only a 12 Charisma and no Intimidate boosts (+5 at level 1). I'm thinking that getting a chance to shake up two enemies each round with Cleave, even without super high odds of success, might be nice.

2) Shapeshifter - at 3rd, choosing Natural Weapon style for Weapon Focus (then Vital Strike etc) and apply the Shapeshifter template (so at 4th (1 bard/3 ranger) I'd exchange favored terrain for a nice tactical benefit like the Jackal no AoO move. This route I could either go the same Enforcer at 3rd route or Dazzling Display, but same low Intimidate problem.

3) Shielded - a weird one - at 3rd, choosing Two-Weapon Fighting for Quick Draw, and selecting Saving Shield. Using a light darkwood quick draw shield, would as a free action unsling shield during his turn so as to be able to benefit from Dervish Dance, and at end of turn drawing the shield again as another free action. Off-turn I would take a hit to AoO power (using 13 Str instead of 18 Dex) including less of a chance of Bodyguard working (although it is only a DC 10, 3rd level would have a +4 instead of +7 for the aid another roll without situational mods), but I'd have the extra +1 AC (more with enchantment) and be able to grant the +2 shield bonus to a single ally once a round on top of the Bodyguard feat.

I'm at a loss for what feats to choose besides Saving Shield or Enforcer for the protection/debuff I'm looking for that I can get early in the game. I wouldn't be opposed to going Fighter instead of Ranger if I could see immediate support boosts from it (like the Freebooter minor but typeless boost).

I'd love any feedback!

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