Why is there no FAQ button in some forums?

Website Feedback

Why is there no FAQ button in some/most forums? There are quite a few frequently asked questions that don't relate to rules or PFS (like "Why don't you make a Savage Tide hardcover collection?" or "Will you ever make a psionics book?"), and there are perfectly good FAQs to put them in (e.g. the main FAQ), but there's no way to flag those type of questions.

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Hm. I meant to FAQ this, but there's no button.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I believe that the original intent of the FAQ system was to highlight rules concerns (wether with the base rules, or with PFS' specific alterations to that.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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The FAQ button puts things into a queue that's monitored by the developers, so adding it to everything would be counterproductive. The only reason there's a button at all is that they can't possibly read every post in the forums that generate rules questions, and this helps draw their attention to things that may otherwise be missed.

The forums that generate the types of question you're talking about are generally monitored pretty closely by customer service and other people (like me) who help determine what's FAQ-worthy.

Vic Wertz wrote:
The forums that generate the types of question you're talking about are generally monitored pretty closely by customer service and other people (like me) who help determine what's FAQ-worthy.

I still keep seeing the same few questions over and over again, though:

  • Why don't you reprint Age of Worms (or Savage Tide or other Dungeon/Dragon era material)?
  • Why don't you update your 3.5 Adventure Paths for Pathfinder RPG?
  • Why don't you reprint Adventure Path XYZ in a collected edition?
  • Why don't I get a free copy of the PDF whenever I buy a physical book?
  • Why don't you have electronic versions of your maps at 1 square = 1" scale?
  • Why don't you publish a magazine like Dungeon/Dragon for Pathfinder?
  • Why isn't there a PDF-only subscription? (<-- I actually haven't seen this one too recently, I guess.)

  • Sczarni

    hogarth wrote:

    I still keep seeing the same few questions over and over again, though:
  • Why don't you reprint Age of Worms (or Savage Tide or other Dungeon/Dragon era material)?
  • Answered in one FaQ entry thats been up for years Here

    hogarth wrote:
  • Why don't I get a free copy of the PDF whenever I buy a physical book?
  • Answered Here in FaQ already

    so 2 of the entries your asking about already have FaQ entries, yet you are still keep seeing them... what help would making another queue where people will click faq on 12 versions of the same question, if they obviously arn't looking at what is in the FaQ now.

    Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

    Some of those are already covered in the FAQ:

    • I bought a Paizo product from my local game store. Can I get a free PDF of that book?
    • When I order a Paizo product from paizo.com, do I get a free PDF of that book?

    Does Paizo offer PDF-only subscriptions?

    and (kind of) Will more issues of Dragon and Dungeon be available in PDF form?

    Shadow Lodge

    If every forum allowed FAQing, some jerk would FAQ the entire forum.

    I knew I should have checked that list before I posted it. ;-)

    I guess 2.5 out of 7 isn't too bad.

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