The Silver Shields return - Group Grey (Inactive)

Game Master TheNine

Need something investigated, explored, or delivered with minimal fuss and maximum protection? Hire the Silver Shields today!

Group Grey

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Dhampir Sorcerer | HP 15/15 | Init 4 | AC 13 | T 10 | FF 13 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +3 |
Bluff +11, arcana +7, spellcraft +7, use magic device +9

As the tiefling walks down the stairs Nicenzia can't help but stare at her transfixed by her beauty and comes to herself when she talks. "If shes a singer I'll definitely want to hear her song." she says returning to her friends sipping from her glass of red.

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed wrote:

[dice=Will save]1d20 + 2

The rakishly-handsome Amed eyed the alluring tiefling with sly interest. The magus quickly finishes his drink and calls the bartender down for another drink. Once the bartender was close enough, Amed gave his drink order, then leaned in close to ask the bartender a question in a hushed tone, tipping his head toward the end of the bar.
"A singer, eh? Who is she?"

Hank after hurriedly filling the dark tiefling and the other three girls glasses hurried over to your party particularly Amed for his drink.

"Thats Madam Illuevie. I dont know if I would call her a singer, though she does sing and its beautiful. She runs the uh... personal entertainment upstairs."

He finished going back to restoring the bar to its proper shape after the barfight. The gambling slowly restarted as well, looking out over the room you could see open seats at two of the card tables and some room by the dicing game.

The Exchange

Female Kayal URogue (Shadow Walker) 2 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | HP 18/18 | F +2 R +6 W+2 | Init +4 | Perc +7 (Darkvision 70ft)

Without lifting her hand from her face, Swen taps on her glass, to indicate to the bartender that she will be needing two of these.

Anyone have anything else to add? or is the holliday weekend holding things up? :)

Male 1/2 Orc Bloodrager 2 | HP 25/25 | Init +1 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Will +2 | Perception +5 with Darkvision

Mostly ready to move on myself. Took plently long to order armor and get to a bar. Don't see a hook or the appeal to hang in town too much longer.

Male Suli| HP: 16/16 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 19 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +2 | Init: +3 | Perc: -1, SM: +1 Magus (eldritch scion)/2nd| Speed 30ft (30ft) | Active conditions: None.|Eldritch Pool 8/8

Alright! Here we go!
With an unfounded sense of his own handsomeness, Amed approaches the lovely Madam Illuevie with his drink.
"Bartender tells me your a hell of a singer? No pun intended. I've been told my skills as a flutist aren't bad either. Let's say after your performance we see if we can make beautiful music together," the magus emphasizes with a roguish wink.
Diplomacy + Practiced Impression: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 12 + 2 = 24

Dhampir Sorcerer | HP 15/15 | Init 4 | AC 13 | T 10 | FF 13 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +3 |
Bluff +11, arcana +7, spellcraft +7, use magic device +9

Nicenzia leans over to ehisper to Swen. "Looks like Amed will be in charge for tonights entertainment, should be funny to watch."

Male 1/2 Orc Bloodrager 2 | HP 25/25 | Init +1 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Will +2 | Perception +5 with Darkvision

Aurelain considers the Tiefling for a moment trying not to prejudge the half fiend. Not all tieflings are evil. he reminds himself [iu]but his one is doing little to dispel that idea.[/i]

Ramona orders another drink, considering the night's entertainment.

The Exchange

Female Kayal URogue (Shadow Walker) 2 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | HP 18/18 | F +2 R +6 W+2 | Init +4 | Perc +7 (Darkvision 70ft)

With Nicenzia's coaxing, Swen slowly pulls her hand from her face. "Ok,"she grimaces, "As long as he's only making an ass out of himself."

Dhampir Sorcerer | HP 15/15 | Init 4 | AC 13 | T 10 | FF 13 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +3 |
Bluff +11, arcana +7, spellcraft +7, use magic device +9

"If not we could always help him do that, I could try and use command on him at see if he'll follow my lead." She says with a grin to Swen.

gm rolls:
impressed: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Impressive numbers Amed!

The exotic yet gorgeous woman watches Amed's approach with amusement in her eyes, and then unlike most who falter when they get close He takes his shot. She laughed albeit politely.

"A brave man perhaps. Look girls at how he approaches with no fear. Impressive. You play the flute? A sample then would be entertaining. Should i have Piere and Montrosse stop playing so you can take center stage. I do admire a man who can play before a crowd."

She eyed you quite wickedly Amed.

Male Suli| HP: 16/16 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 19 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +2 | Init: +3 | Perc: -1, SM: +1 Magus (eldritch scion)/2nd| Speed 30ft (30ft) | Active conditions: None.|Eldritch Pool 8/8
DM The nines wrote:

"A brave man perhaps. Look girls at how he approaches with no fear. Impressive. You play the flute? A sample then would be entertaining. Should i have Piere and Montrosse stop playing so you can take center stage. I do admire a man who can play before a crowd."

She eyed you quite wickedly Amed.

"If it is your wish", the magus smiled, "I can play after both musicians are done with their set. In the meanwhile, I could buy you a drink?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

The Exchange

Female Kayal URogue (Shadow Walker) 2 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | HP 18/18 | F +2 R +6 W+2 | Init +4 | Perc +7 (Darkvision 70ft)

Swen smirks back at Nicenzia, “Could be fun,” she then glances over at Amed making headway with the ‘entertainment’, “Nahhhh, let’s see how far he can go first, without our help.”


She chuckled politely.

"You amuse me, Have you met Penelope?"

She began motioning to one of the three girls beside her. A blonde woman tittered shooting you a wink and inclining her head.

"Penelope this is... oh dear my manners, Who are you handsome brave stranger?"

the others

Hank kept your drinks filled well enough, while the halfling lass peppered you with questions, mostly about who you were, what you drank, how you enjoyed the mercenary life.... occasionally slipping in questions about your boss Colewin.

Laughter and groaning at one of the card tables had two gentlemen leaving their seats muttering as they made their way to the streets cleaned out of coin for the day...incedently leaving two seats open should any choose to fill it.

Male Suli| HP: 16/16 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 19 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +2 | Init: +3 | Perc: -1, SM: +1 Magus (eldritch scion)/2nd| Speed 30ft (30ft) | Active conditions: None.|Eldritch Pool 8/8
DM The nines wrote:

She chuckled politely.

"You amuse me, Have you met Penelope?"

She began motioning to one of the three girls beside her. A blonde woman tittered shooting you a wink and inclining her head.

"Penelope this is... oh dear my manners, Who are you handsome brave stranger?"

The magus gives a friendly nod to Penelope, "Greetings, Penelope." The turns his attention back to the tiefling, gazing deep into her eyes. "My name is Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed , but please call me Amed. And what is your name?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32

Male 1/2 Orc Bloodrager 2 | HP 25/25 | Init +1 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Will +2 | Perception +5 with Darkvision

Aurelain drinks a single ale, nursing it slowly. It is not his way to over indulge. Yet he seems to have a good of time as any and enjoys watching his friends have fun.

The Exchange

Female Kayal URogue (Shadow Walker) 2 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | HP 18/18 | F +2 R +6 W+2 | Init +4 | Perc +7 (Darkvision 70ft)

Amed actually seems to be handling himself quite well, and so Swen begins eyeing the empty chairs at the gambling table. “I wonder just how lucky that ring is,” she mutters to Nicenzia.

Dhampir Sorcerer | HP 15/15 | Init 4 | AC 13 | T 10 | FF 13 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +3 |
Bluff +11, arcana +7, spellcraft +7, use magic device +9

Nicenzia thinks for a moment and answers Swen. "You're right this got a little boring quickly. It might be lucky but it detects strongly as magic so I wouldn't go and attempt it. Unless you make sure there is no wizard overseeing the games looking for cheaters, with magical items or casting spells to raise their luck." She suggests to Swen looking a little worried she might be caught using such tricks.

The gunslinger makes a note of it to look into Tessalane’s interest in their boss. It might be some useful information. The drinks and conversation was welcome, helping her to wind down, though the idea of a hot bath was more and more enticing, especially seeing Nicenza and Swen. Maybe finding a bathhouse after one last drink was in order.

The Exchange

Female Kayal URogue (Shadow Walker) 2 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | HP 18/18 | F +2 R +6 W+2 | Init +4 | Perc +7 (Darkvision 70ft)

Any of the gamblers look like wizards?
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed wrote:
DM The nines wrote:

She chuckled politely.

"You amuse me, Have you met Penelope?"

She began motioning to one of the three girls beside her. A blonde woman tittered shooting you a wink and inclining her head.

"Penelope this is... oh dear my manners, Who are you handsome brave stranger?"

The magus gives a friendly nod to Penelope, "Greetings, Penelope." The turns his attention back to the tiefling, gazing deep into her eyes. "My name is Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed , but please call me Amed. And what is your name?"

[dice=Diplomacy]1d20 + 12

"You may call me Illuevie, new friend Amed. Tell me, what do you do that makes you think you are worthy of my time?"

She began with a broad slightly fang filled smile. You get the sense that She is amused by you. Not many are so bold as you are, but that her interests at the moment do not run in tandem with yours.

Scarab Sages

Swen Xuo wrote:

Any of the gamblers look like wizards?


additional gm rolls:

swen kn local.Nicenzia kn local, nicenzia: 3d20 ⇒ (13, 4, 17) = 34

Swen you dont see anyone whom looks like a wizard... though you do peg a few of the lumber workers at one of the tables as shady. You havent heard of any sort of local thieves guild in the area, but something about the way they subtle move or make gestures while they are playing lead you to believe that there is more to them than they seem.

Nicenzia, one of the men at the table, chatting folk up in a rather rough farm hand quality of dress has the a strange piece of plant tyed to a leather cord about his neck. It looks like holly. If he's not a druid he's had likely some form of education from them, Perhaps hes a local ranger with some spellcasting abilities?

Dhampir Sorcerer | HP 15/15 | Init 4 | AC 13 | T 10 | FF 13 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +3 |
Bluff +11, arcana +7, spellcraft +7, use magic device +9

Nicenzia leans closer to Swen to whisper to her. "That man chattering up all the others might be a ranger or maybe a druid. The holly he carries around his neck indicates he might have some training in either. I would watch him if I were you just so you are safe."

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Suli| HP: 16/16 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 19 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +2 | Init: +3 | Perc: -1, SM: +1 Magus (eldritch scion)/2nd| Speed 30ft (30ft) | Active conditions: None.|Eldritch Pool 8/8

"Because, dear Illuevie; BEAUTIFUL name to match your countenance, by the way," Amed beginning his seduction by coyly placing his hands next to the tiefling's, deftly maneuvering one of his pinkie fingers under hers, "Life is full of fleeting moments, chance meetings, and small windows of opportunity. I am a member of the Silver Shields, and more likely than not, tomorrow my guild will ship me off to some god-forsaken corner of Golarion to save a kingdom or stop an eldritch horror from destroying the world, or what-have-you. I don't know if I will every be this way again. Maybe months from now. Maybe never again." At this point, the magus leans in slightly. "The point is, my byzantium-hued lady, that on my last night here in Macridi, I wish to spend it in your beautiful company." Amed boldly takes Illuevie's hand and gives it a quick but meaningful kiss.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32 BOOM!

Dhampir Sorcerer | HP 15/15 | Init 4 | AC 13 | T 10 | FF 13 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +3 |
Bluff +11, arcana +7, spellcraft +7, use magic device +9

Someone has loaded Amed's die. Now he will be useless in combat :p

Male Suli| HP: 16/16 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 19 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +2 | Init: +3 | Perc: -1, SM: +1 Magus (eldritch scion)/2nd| Speed 30ft (30ft) | Active conditions: None.|Eldritch Pool 8/8
Nicenzia Immortuos wrote:
Someone has loaded Amed's die. Now he will be useless in combat :p

Jealous mars your alabaster skin, Nicenzia. It does not become you. [shakes Diplomacy dice in his hand]

The Exchange

Female Kayal URogue (Shadow Walker) 2 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | HP 18/18 | F +2 R +6 W+2 | Init +4 | Perc +7 (Darkvision 70ft)
Nicenzia Immortuos wrote:
Nicenzia leans closer to Swen to whisper to her. "That man chattering up all the others might be a ranger or maybe a druid. The holly he carries around his neck indicates he might have some training in either. I would watch him if I were you just so you are safe."

"Ok," Swen sighs outwardly, "You keep an eye on him for me."

She then slips on the lucky ring, not knowing what it does exactly, also adding the two mundane silver rings she found on their previous adventure, to throw any suspicion.

Taking her drink with her, she approaches the gambling table. "Hey there boys, mind if I join you?"

Without waiting for an answer, she takes up a seat.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed wrote:

"Because, dear Illuevie; BEAUTIFUL name to match your countenance, by the way," Amed beginning his seduction by coyly placing his hands next to the tiefling's, deftly maneuvering one of his pinkie fingers under hers, "Life is full of fleeting moments, chance meetings, and small windows of opportunity. I am a member of the Silver Shields, and more likely than not, tomorrow my guild will ship me off to some god-forsaken corner of Golarion to save a kingdom or stop an eldritch horror from destroying the world, or what-have-you. I don't know if I will every be this way again. Maybe months from now. Maybe never again." At this point, the magus leans in slightly. "The point is, my byzantium-hued lady, that on my last night here in Macridi, I wish to spend it in your beautiful company." Amed boldly takes Illuevie's hand and gives it a quick but meaningful kiss.

[Diplomacy]32 BOOM!

will: 1d20 ⇒ 19

For the briefest of moments The world seemed to slow about you Amed. The eyes which had sparkled in amusement suddenly seemed aglow in so much more than that. You could pratically feel her heart fluttering in her chest. She gasped slightly her hand going to her mouth before she even realized what she was doing. Hank sidled by refilling her drink. She managed to break eyecontact grabbing the glass with more force than was needed and taking a large gulp.

With a very deep breath her smile returned though it certainly seemed less sure of itself than before.

"My dear Amed, That is a very tempting offer. Alas I have a reputation to maintain. You... You will survive this mission yes, and then you will return to me. If your ardor for me is still so full and flush."

She replied letting a finger slide up your arm teasing under your chin along your throat then along your jawline finally ending upon your lips.

"Then we will see if you are worthy of my personal time. But since you came seeking something to remember as you go off to save the world,something you shall have. Penelope."

She turned away from you Amed for the moment staring pointedly at the pretty blonde woman.

Perception check dc 20 Anyone at all:
Madam Illuevie looks completely out of sorts. You get the feeling she is used to being the one who pushes buttons and gets folk completely besotted... and isnt sure how to handle it.

"Yes Madam? She asked quickly her eyes just a little more wide eyed and less doe like.

Take Amed here and show him the best of times. I have I have an appointment. Yes an appointment."

Though flustered she turned back to you Amed reaching up and caressing your cheek with her velvet gloved hand.

"Be safe on your journeys and do come back."

She said before draining the rest of her drink and hurrying towards the door.

Swen Xuo wrote:
Nicenzia Immortuos wrote:
Nicenzia leans closer to Swen to whisper to her. "That man chattering up all the others might be a ranger or maybe a druid. The holly he carries around his neck indicates he might have some training in either. I would watch him if I were you just so you are safe."

"Ok," Swen sighs outwardly, "You keep an eye on him for me."

She then slips on the lucky ring, not knowing what it does exactly, also adding the two mundane silver rings she found on their previous adventure, to throw any suspicion.

Taking her drink with her, she approaches the gambling table. "Hey there boys, mind if I join you?"

Without waiting for an answer, she takes up a seat.

To not make this take 80 years give me six d20 rolls Swen. you can choose to add either your bluff check, you slight of hand check or if you are feeling lucky just give me six rolls and I will let you know what to add :)

Despite the stir in the room as the Madam hurried for the door the men at the furthest table were too intent on the silver at the table to pay it much mind. An older fellow clearly into his cups blinked at you several times as you sat down.

He didnt say anything just stared hard and long at you for a moment. One of the younger fellows at the table, a young man just past the edge of being a child if his attempts at a beard were any indication elbowed the large stranger Nicenzia warned you about.

"Look Albrecht, shes got yellow eyes almost like yours!"

He began a bit too loudly. From the look in his eyes he was drunk.

"Do be quiet Travers, M'am we are playing Three Dragon Ante, do you know the game?"

The large probably druid asked politely as he shuffled a set of cards.

Male Suli| HP: 16/16 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 19 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +2 | Init: +3 | Perc: -1, SM: +1 Magus (eldritch scion)/2nd| Speed 30ft (30ft) | Active conditions: None.|Eldritch Pool 8/8

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17 Oh yeah. Amed is as dense as a brick. I forgot.
Amed was confused by the dramatically-different signals Madam Illuevie was just showing, but the magus mentally shrugs and thinks the interaction was at least, not a slap in the face.
The suli turns to the mildly-surprised Penelope aftwer watching the tiefling make a rapid retreat and says, "Well..Penelope was it? Would you be so kind as to have a few drinks with me? I would like to stay and see Madam Illuevie's set..assuming her 'appointment' has cancelled her show as well."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15 Oh well.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

And the liquor's kicking in apparently

Male 1/2 Orc Bloodrager 2 | HP 25/25 | Init +1 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Will +2 | Perception +5 with Darkvision

Nursing his one drink Aurelain notes the change in the entertainer and smiles over at his charming friend. Leaning closer to Ramona he quietly notes Amed seems to have Illuevie smitten. Look at how her skin flushes and how she touches her hair absently. Yes, she is quite out of sorts. I do not think he even sees it himself.

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

"Well I'll be damned." Ramona mutters quietly as Aurelain explains the little scene.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dhampir Sorcerer | HP 15/15 | Init 4 | AC 13 | T 10 | FF 13 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +3 |
Bluff +11, arcana +7, spellcraft +7, use magic device +9
Swen Xuo wrote:
Nicenzia Immortuos wrote:
Nicenzia leans closer to Swen to whisper to her. "That man chattering up all the others might be a ranger or maybe a druid. The holly he carries around his neck indicates he might have some training in either. I would watch him if I were you just so you are safe."

"Ok," Swen sighs outwardly, "You keep an eye on him for me."

She then slips on the lucky ring, not knowing what it does exactly, also adding the two mundane silver rings she found on their previous adventure, to throw any suspicion.

Taking her drink with her, she approaches the gambling table. "Hey there boys, mind if I join you?"

Without waiting for an answer, she takes up a seat.

Before Swen leaves for the table she answers in a low voice "I'll do that, wouldn't want to have to burst you out of jail." As she follows Swen over and she takes a seat Nicenzia adds in her normal voice. "You better win so you can buy me something pretty." she says with a smile meant to throw the other gamblers a little of their game, before finding a chair to better hold an eye with the divine caster.

The Exchange

Female Kayal URogue (Shadow Walker) 2 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | HP 18/18 | F +2 R +6 W+2 | Init +4 | Perc +7 (Darkvision 70ft)

Swen gives Albrecht a quick grin whilest checking out his eyes. "Three Dragon Ante, absolutely."
Bluff+Hairdid: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 5 + 2 = 17

She watches the game unfold and tries to pick it up.
Gamble+Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Gamble+Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Gamble+Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Gamble+Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Gamble+Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Gamble+Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

All the while, she observes her fellow players, watching for tells.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

She knows when to hold 'em, knows when to fold 'em, knows when to something something...

Amed Alsaakhib-Alraed wrote:

[dice=Perception]1d20 - 1 Oh yeah. Amed is as dense as a brick. I forgot.

Amed was confused by the dramatically-different signals Madam Illuevie was just showing, but the magus mentally shrugs and thinks the interaction was at least, not a slap in the face.
The suli turns to the mildly-surprised Penelope aftwer watching the tiefling make a rapid retreat and says, "Well..Penelope was it? Would you be so kind as to have a few drinks with me? I would like to stay and see Madam Illuevie's set..assuming her 'appointment' has cancelled her show as well."
[Diplomacy]15 Oh well.

"You my sweet are very cute. Of course I will share a drink or two with you. I'm a bit of a entertainer myself, care to see my studio upstairs?"

Penelope added with a bit of a lascivious wink.

Swen Xuo wrote:

Swen gives Albrecht a quick grin whilest checking out his eyes. "Three Dragon Ante, absolutely."

[Bluff+Hairdid]1d20+5+2 17

She watches the game unfold and tries to pick it up.
Gamble+Sleight of Hand]1d20+8 15
[Gamble+Sleight of Hand]1d20+8 12
[Gamble+Sleight of Hand]1d20+8 12
[Gamble+Sleight of Hand]1d20+8 15
[Gamble+Sleight of Hand]1d20+8 12
[Gamble+Sleight of Hand]1d20+8 26

All the while, she observes her fellow players, watching for tells.
[Sense Motive]1d20+8 24

She knows when to hold 'em, knows when to fold 'em, knows when to something something...

His eyes are indeed an almost golden yellow, his pupils black as pitch.

gm rolls:
perception: 6d20 ⇒ (12, 2, 14, 17, 11, 16) = 72
gamble check: 6d20 ⇒ (4, 2, 17, 8, 2, 16) = 49
gamble check: 6d20 ⇒ (1, 1, 1, 11, 7, 18) = 39
gamble check: 6d20 ⇒ (3, 18, 9, 14, 1, 5) = 50

The game was easy enough to pick and after a few hands you almost felt bad. the first few pots were pretty small, only on the fifth hand did you think about cheating a little. A glance at the way the golden eyed druid watched you kept you from doing anything. It was the last hand that almost through you for a loop though, mostly the bets had been for handfuls of silver and the occasional gold coin, the last hand however, it seemed at least two of your opponents had hands they couldnt put away. Which was fortuitous for you, your starting had began with three of the top four ancient dragons. Still the pile of coin in the center of the table grew til it was just you and the druid.

Shaking his head he finally put a small handful of gold coin.

"I dont know why im donating this to you, but i have to see."

He said deeply smiling at you ... then shooting a wink at Nicenzia who had been quite obviously watching him like a hawk.

You already had a strong hand, but the fifth card came up as Bahumat and the druid laughed as you laid down your hand.

"Thank you for the lesson in cards M'am, perhaps you can teach me more later, but for now im out."

He inclined his head and rose, and the other lumberjacks cackled at him the young man slapping him on the back as the game broke up leaving you to count your winnings. The druid towered over the others, sitting down you had not really gotten a good scope of him by he was well over six feet, maybe even closer to seven feet tall. He inclinded his head to the owner of the bar. The halfling woman gave him a curt wave before going back to cleaning something out of sight under the bar.

game one win: 6d4 + 2d4 ⇒ (2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4) + (2, 3) = 17 12 silver, 5 gold won
game two loss: 4d4 + 1d4 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 2) + (3) = 14 11 silver, 3 gold lost
game three light loss: 2d4 + 1d2 ⇒ (3, 4) + (1) = 8 7 silver, 1 gold lost
game 4 win: 6d4 + 2d4 ⇒ (2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 4) + (1, 1) = 1715 silver, 2 gold won
game 5 loss: 4d4 + 1d4 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 3) + (3) = 129 silver 3 gold lost
game 6 Huge win: 8d6 + 5d4 ⇒ (4, 1, 4, 5, 3, 4, 6, 1) + (4, 4, 4, 2, 2) = 44 24 silver 16 gold won
24 silver, 16 gold won
One of the men, a hunter by trade offered to buy you two girls a drink before they left.

The Exchange

Female Kayal URogue (Shadow Walker) 2 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | HP 18/18 | F +2 R +6 W+2 | Init +4 | Perc +7 (Darkvision 70ft)

Swen laughs somewhat maniacally. She sure is glad she stuck it out to play that last hand. With a sweeping motion of her arm she gathers her winnings from the table, shooting Nicenzia a wink as she does.

"Sure, I won't turn down a free drink. Just don't be gettin' any ideas."

Male Suli| HP: 16/16 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 19 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +2 | Init: +3 | Perc: -1, SM: +1 Magus (eldritch scion)/2nd| Speed 30ft (30ft) | Active conditions: None.|Eldritch Pool 8/8
DM The nines wrote:

"You my sweet are very cute. Of course I will share a drink or two with you. I'm a bit of a entertainer myself, care to see my studio upstairs?"

Penelope added with a bit of a lascivious wink.

"Most certainly, dear Penelope. After Madam Illuevie's performance", Amed spoke, while caressing the blonde woman's hand. The magus calls the bartender over for more drinks.

Dhampir Sorcerer | HP 15/15 | Init 4 | AC 13 | T 10 | FF 13 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +3 |
Bluff +11, arcana +7, spellcraft +7, use magic device +9

Nicenzia smiled back at the druid and gives him a curtesy nod as he leaves. She then walks over to Swen. "You seem a natural to that game, I'm beginning to wonder what can't you pick it as fast as that." she says before answering the hunter. "Well can't say no to a free glass of a good red."

It will be a bit of a time sink while the Magus waits, anyone want to do anything else while Amed is waiting?

Dhampir Sorcerer | HP 15/15 | Init 4 | AC 13 | T 10 | FF 13 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +3 |
Bluff +11, arcana +7, spellcraft +7, use magic device +9

If we are about done in the tavern Nicenzia would return back and get one of the shield's mages to look at the magical items she couldn't indentify and get her hands on that magical item she wants to buy.

The Exchange

Female Kayal URogue (Shadow Walker) 2 | AC 17 T 14 FF 13 | HP 18/18 | F +2 R +6 W+2 | Init +4 | Perc +7 (Darkvision 70ft)

Happy to leave Amed to his own devices. Excited to start the next mission!

Male 1/2 Orc Bloodrager 2 | HP 25/25 | Init +1 | AC 15 | T 11 | FF 14 | Fort +7 | Ref +2 | Will +2 | Perception +5 with Darkvision

Aurelain nurses his one drink and people watches.

Ramona's going to get herself a hot bath, wind the night down. Spend time upgrading her gun, making bullets etc.

Time seemed to pass slowly enough, More folk arrived in to gamble or drink, an hour started to turn into two. When it was clear you had no intention of taking her offer to take you upstairs to show you her "studio" Amed, Penelope left you alone... instead she found herself sitting next to you Aurelain making eyes. It was near evening by the time the tiefling songstress and madam returned

perceptions above 20:
The moment she saw Amed sitting in the bar still she almost leapt out of her skin, surely she had figured he would be gone by then.

With a hurried wave she pratically glided through the gaming area nodding to gentlemen it seemed she had some passing knowledge of, clearly intent on making it to the stairs that led up.

Swen and Nicenzia, anything in particular you are looking for?
Ramona - They sell 'baths'here at the bar. are you getting one here? at one of the bathhouses, back at the keep?

I'm good with here. heh.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Male Suli| HP: 16/16 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 19 | F: +3, R: +3, W: +2 | Init: +3 | Perc: -1, SM: +1 Magus (eldritch scion)/2nd| Speed 30ft (30ft) | Active conditions: None.|Eldritch Pool 8/8

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (13) - 1 = 12
I would have hoped Penelope would have mentioned that Madam Illuevie's performance was HOURS away!
After several hours of drinking, waiting for the tiefling's performance, Amed slowly gets up and staggers out the door back to the guildhall to get some sleep.

Dhampir Sorcerer | HP 15/15 | Init 4 | AC 13 | T 10 | FF 13 | Fort +2 | Ref +3 | Will +3 |
Bluff +11, arcana +7, spellcraft +7, use magic device +9

Nicenzia is looking to buy the magical item ypu created in the discussion thread and a scroll of obscuring mist and silent image. Other than that she just like to ask a senior wizard about the magical coin she and Swen picked up from the unlucky guy outside the tavern.

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