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Alright heres the deal. I know about poisons pretty well; however some of this rules on them are quite unclear. Here's what I need to know.
1) inhaled poisons stack and can be inflicted at the same time. What i need to know is how many doses of inhaled poison are you allowed to stack together before you would have to make a second attack to deliver more.
I found this on another thread:
"Firstly it says: Multiple doses of poison stack, (notice it does not say multiple doses of inhaled or ingested poisons stack) it is referring to any and all poisons. If you are hit with multiple doses of the same kind of poison they stack, it doesn't matter what type of poison it is.
Secondly we have the sentence that is throwing you off: "Poisons delivered by injury and contact cannot inflict more than one dose of poison at a time, but inhaled and ingested poisons can inflict multiple doses at once." I believe what is throwing you off here is the way you are interpreting the bolded sections. I take this to mean that you can only inflict one dose of injury/contact poison per injury/contact or per attack. However, if you pack three doses of inhaled poison into a vile and then throw that into someone’s face, he will be inflicted be all three doses in a single attack. Same with ingested, you can load up three or four doses into one drink. You can only put one dose of contact or injury poison on a weapon though. And so you can only deliver one dose at a time. But they do still stack with each other as per the first sentence of the quote as well as the example at the end of the quote."
In a roleplaying perspective what the character would be doing is "packing" several doses of the same poison into a singular container. But as far as mechanics are concerned I have not found anything that reveals exactly how many doses you can pack into such a container. So lets say i have 20 doses of small centipede poison that I crafted for 30g a dose and then changed the property to inhaled via the master poisoner ability available to the poisoner rogue archetype and combined all 20 doses into a single flask. When I throw the flask (considering this is possible), the unfortunate creatures caught in the 200ft cube of this massive cloud of poison would have to make a dc 49 fort save or take 20 points of dexterity damage. Is this right????
All im looking for is some clerification on exactly how this is supposed to work or a ruling one way or another if this is legal or not.